Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Name Game.

     I need a name for my helmet cover. I'm thinking Fred, because that is the name that comes to me when I look at it, but I'm offering up a chance for you to name it. Best name gets it (my opinion of best name) or Fred remains. Take another look at it, in all it's glory, and see what comes to you.
     I mean come on. It's looks like a Fred right. Anyway, leave a comment below of the name you think it should be. If there is an overwhelming agreement on what the name should be, I will accept that as well. Look at it, think about it, and name it.

     I haven't ridden in the past two days, and it's killing me. It's been too cold in the morning to ride. I know I was out in 38 degree weather on Sunday, but I could bundle up and stay warm for that. I can't do that when I go to work. If I do, I will be miserable the entire day. the choice is kind of easy. Stay warm for a 15 mixture ride to work, and then be overheated all day, or dress appropriately for work, and make it through the day without a problem. I have to choose the latter. I will ride this week though I think tomorrow will be warm enough to ride in, and that should hold for the rest of the week.

     I think this is going to be a rather short post tonight, because I really don't have much to tell you, but I think I can draw this out for a little longer. Today, as I write this is the anniversary of the death of David Bowie. Only 2 days after what would have been his 70th birthday. While I was thinking about that today. I began thinking about another artist that we lost this past year. One that shaped my childhood. One that helped me accept that being different isn't always a bad thing. I know that could apply to Bowie as well, but the artist I am talking about is the one, the only, Prince. I said it before, but Purple Rain was the first album that I ever bought, so I had to listen to it today. That brought me to Favorite Song of the Week. Here is the catch though. Prince's songs don't stay on Youtube very long, so this may disappear in a few days or so. If it does, I really want you to search it out for yourself.

     The whole album Purple Rain, is a master work. Every song is amazing (yes, that's my opinion, but i'm not wrong about this). Every song has a reason to stand out, but there is one song that just grabs ahold of you because of the searing guitar that starts it out. It's up and down crescendo of scales tickles the very essence of your soul. The Minnesota sound kicks in with the electronic drum beats that Prince made famous. Many tried to duplicate, but none ever did. This song is one of the most introspective songs on the album. It gives you a small taste of his early family life, and how it impacted his life. I give you Prince & the Revolution with one of the greatest songs every written, "When Doves Cry".

      I don't know how long that will stay up, so watch it while you can. Time for me to punch a higher floor. Peace in and goodnight.

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