Thursday, January 26, 2017

From Back Pain to, Oh I Don't Know.

     Hooray hoorah, I get to work 5 days this week. Although, to be honest, this is the one week that I would like to have Friday off. Why? You ask. Because I would love to have tomorrow to have my back recover a little faster. It's feeling better for sure, but I'd still put it at about 75%. It's not as sore as the day it happened or yesterday, but there is some pain, and my flexibility is shot. I can barely bend over and touch my knees right now. I'm still having trouble walking with a full stride. It's the right leg and side where the most pain is, and that's the side that all the stress was on when I caught Saki. Oh well, live and learn. Everything in life is a lesson, if you pay close enough attention.

     I broke down and ordered a new phone. It should arrive tomorrow. I also ordered a case at the same time from Lifeproof, but it won't be here until net Thursday it looks like. That is a bit of a bummer. I'm going to have to be exceedingly careful with the new phone in the meantime. I was hoping to get the case either the same day, or a day after, so that I could just take the phone out of the box, and put it directly in the case. Not going to happen now. On the bright side. The phone is going to have a much better camera than what I currently have, so I should get some pretty good pictures to post on here. Yes, they will mostly be of Saki.

     So far, I have been pretty successful at deflecting offers to go out and drink. I have had legitimate excuses not to go, but I think that is going to dry up soon, and I'm going to have to make it public knowledge that I have stopped drinking. I'm sure there will be some that will scoff at this idea, and others that might even be mad about it. I really can't do anything about either reaction, I've stopped and I have no plans of starting anytime soon. I don't feel any need or urge to do so. We will see where it goes from here.

     It's time now to talk about the effervescence that is swirling in the ether tonight. Mary Tyler Moore was born in Brooklyn New York in 1936. I mention this, because this isn't a tragedy, but a triumph, especially when you know that she battled diabetes and alcoholism most of her life. Despite that, she became an icon to women everywhere, she she portrayed Mary Richards on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. She was even breaking ground when she played Laura Petrie in the Dick Van Dyke Show. It was unheard of at the time for a woman to wear pants on TV. Everyone said that she should be wearing a dress, but Carl Reiner wouldn't hear of it. If you ever got a chance to watch either of these shows, or anything else she was in, you know how spectacular she was. She was genuinely funny and absolutely adorable doing it. It wasn't all fun and games though. In a landmark episode on the Mary Tyler Moore Show, she got a promotion and became the producer of the new show that she worked on. In that episode she noticed that her predecessor, who was male, got $50 dollars more a week than her. When she asked why, Lou Grant, her boss, simply said, "because he is a man". She took up the mantle of equal pay for women way back then. Her character also owned her sexuality. It was the first time that a TV show showed what it was like for an independent woman that was dating really had to go through. The reason why its worked. 1/3rd of the writers on the show were women, and this was at a time, when CBS didn't even have a women's bathroom in the building. Mary Tyler Moore is spinning, throwing her beret in the air, and becoming a bright and shining beacon for women to look towards in a time when they need a champion most. Goodbye funny lady.

     I did want to mention one more thing tonight. I told you that I ordered a new helmet cover a few days ago. The site I ordered it from is rather fantastic. I'm going to tell you why. When I first went on there was a pop-up window to sign up for their email list. When you did this, you got a code for 5% off on your first order. I used that when I ordered the new helmet cover. Well, just yesterday, after they shipped then cover out, I got another email from the founder of the site thanking me for my purchase and giving me a 10% off code on my next order. If you are not the bike life, then I highly recommend clicking the link above and checking them out. You might find something you like, or maybe just a gift for a friend that loves to ride.

     And with that, it's time to go to bed. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Praying your back goes back to 100%. Yes Mary Tyler Moore was a wonderful champion for women.

    1. It's feeling even better today. I got to get back on Saki for a quick ride.
