Thursday, January 12, 2017

Title? You Can't Handle The Title.

     I only got one vote on the name of my helmet cover. That vote was Red Fred, which is very similar to the name I was leaning towards, which is simply Fred. I think I will leave it open until Sunday, when I will announce the name I have chosen. You still have a chance to get your name in there.

     Neil Patrick Harris was on the Howard Stern Show on Wednesday, and he was promoting a new show that he had coming out tomorrow, which will be Friday the 13th. It is a Netflix original series called, A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's based on the Lemony Snicket books, by Daniel Handler. Neil is playing none other than Count Olaf himself. the scourge of the series. He went all out for the role and shaved his head. I'm looking forward to this series, it should be fun. While he was on the show, he mentioned that he plays four roles in the show. They are all versions of Count Olaf in different disguises, but Neil had to create voices for each one. He did them for Howard, and they made me laugh. I can't wait to see it, and since I'm off tomorrow, I think I will start the bingefest in the morning.

     It warmed up enough to ride to work the past two days. It felt good to be back on Saki. I know that it had only been two days, but those days go long when you are caged in a car. I'm sure I will get a good ride in tomorrow, since I'm off, but I do plan on focusing on that new show. I have the 3000 mile service coming up on Saki, and I have about 250 miles to go. I think I will make an appointment tomorrow for the Saturday after next. That should be enough time for me to get those extra miles in, before it's service time. Not to mention, I gotta take the helmet cover (yet to be officially named) out for a spin or two. I don't leave it on the helmet when I go to work. It would get dirty or torn. Seeing how someone dropped my helmet today, and didn't even mention it to me. I know it was knocked off it's perch, because it was moved and there was dirt and new scuff marks all over it. People can be real jerks some times.

     I'm really tired for some reason tonight, so I think I'm going to keep this short again. Sorry that I don't have more for you, but maybe on Sunday there will be more. Oh, by the way, Sunday's post will be the 100th post for the Counterfeit Squirrel. The century mark, I guess, should be something special. I'll just have to try hard to come up with something that seems special for that one. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. We had a couple nice days here also. Now it's freezing again. Fred was the first name that came to you so unless you get anything better stick with your gut. Your gut feelings haven't let you down yet. Scruffy isn't bad either
