Tuesday, January 24, 2017

From Worse To Worse.

     It has been an incredibly crappy day. You know, one of those days where everything seems to go wrong. Yeah, that's the one.

     It was cold this morning, and the high temperature was going to be that which I could actually wear long pants, and not feel miserable, so Saki was going to ride. Everything was going great, until just before I parked Saki. As I was making my final turn that lined me up with my parking space, I did something that I really didn't need to do, and it cost me. I was doing a low speed turn working on counterbalancing. It's how you turn a motorcycle at slow speeds. The only problem is, that you do need a certain amount of speed to do it. I fell short of that mark, and in doing so, I turned the bars, and the front tire caught and stopped dead. That caused me to lean to far in the counter, and push Saki down. I was luck enough to catch it, so I sat Saki down gently, but Saki still took some damage. Nothing real big, just a bunch of scratches on the fairing, clutch case cover, and the mirror. I picked  Saki up, looked it over, and grieved over the scratches but considered myself lucky. There was no real damage. Until I started walking in the building. That is when I noticed that I had strained my back pretty bad, when I caught Saki on the way down.

     My back is stiffening up as I sit her and type this. It is painful, but I will get through it. Iv'e been doing what I can do try and keep it loose, and to slowly stretch it out. Not too much thought, because that would be counterproductive, and cause more problems. I'm hoping that it will feel better after a nights sleep. Otherwise, I won't be able to ride tomorrow. I was fine on the way home from work, and didn't feel any pain while on the bike, but the way it is now, I'm not sure I could even swing my leg over it.

     Enough about that, let's get on to the next thing. That would be my phone. My battery has been causing me problems lately. I mentioned it once before about a month or so ago. Well, it has gotten worse. My phone will jump from 60% battery life, all the way down to 20% from just looking at the notifications. I was trying to hold out before upgrading my phone, but now I might have to get one by the end of the week, if this keeps up. I did find a temporary solution, and that is a power bank. I was hoping on just using it on the bike for long rides. Something I could share my phone in the middle of nowhere. It arrived today, and is currently charging right now, as well as my phone. I'll take it in to work with me, so that my phone doesn't completely die during the day. I'll see how it goes tomorrow, to see if I can hold out on getting  a new phone.

     Wait, there's more. I've been waiting for an email from Motorcycle Superstore about a leather jacket that I ordered, It was a great deal. They had approved the order, and put an estimated delivery date or the 19th on it. That was last week. The day it was supposed to arrive, they sent me an email saying that it was on order. Well, today, just to pile on, I got an email from them saying that they were cancelling the order. No reason , just cancelling it and refunding me. I was getting this leather jacket for a third of the normal cost, and I was planning on that being my cold weather jacket, but now, I won't have that option. Needless to say, I won't be buying anything from Motorcycle Superstore anymore. I will stick to Revzilla. I haven't checked to see if they have the same jacket or not, they probably do. The bonus of that, is Revzilla will price match, so I might still have a shot at it, but I'm trying to look on the bright side, and I have a feeling that if I try to look for it right now, It will all go to ruins. I'll wait until tomorrow.

     Let's just get to Favorite Song of the Week. Remember LP from last week? Good, cause we have another song by her. I've been listening to the EP Death Valley a lot this week, and this is one of those songs that just grabs a hold of you from the start. I'm not going to explain why, when you listen to it, you will understand. Here is the kicker though, really listen to it. Listen to the lyrics, and what it is about. People don't really listen to lyrics much anymore. Maybe that is because music went through period in the 90's where everyone tried to be cryptic with the meaning in the song. that isn't happening much anymore. Singer songwriters are putting the meaning right there in the open for you, and this is a great case of that. I give you LP with "Strange".

      There you have it. I'm calling this a good ending to a bad day, peace in and goodnight.


  1. So glad you are ok and for the video I agree "we are all strange" in our own way. Love you
