Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow.

     I have to say, that I'm a little upset with the subscription email service for this blog. The post from Sunday was written and published by 10:30 in the morning, but the email wasn't delivered until 7 AM on Monday morning. At some point, I'm going to have to take a look at that application on here, and see if there is a way I can change the delivery time.

     I have quite a bit to get into tonight, so let's just dive straight in. Shall we? I have an update on that ex-girlfriend of mine. It appears that my subconscious was trying to tell me something. Remember how I kept leaving her profile, and then going back, and then how I didn't give her my number until the next day. Well, I was thinking about the time we had together, and something came to me yesterday during those thoughts. I always try to look for the best in people, and maybe that is why this particular memory was buried, and took so long to come up. Here is the thing that I forgot. Now I told you how she broke up with me because of her studying to be an EMT and her mom's battle with cancer, she couldn't maintain a relationship as well? I went on my merry way, and accepted it although I was crushed by it. A couple of weeks later, my best friend came up to me, and told me that he wanted to talk to me about something. We went for a walk around the mall where we were. We always hung out at a comic shop that was in that mall, and he didn't want to talk there. On this walk, he proceeded to tell me that he was dating my now ex-girlfriend. Right up above where I said I was crushed before, now I was like a car in a compactor on the final press. I somehow picked myself off the floor, and acted like I was happy that they were together. I told him about a few things that she liked, that would help him out, and then we went our own way. We were never the same after that. We were friendly and cordial to one another, but never the friends that we once were. I felt betrayed by the both of them, and I didn't know who to be angry more with. Him for breaking the "bro code" or her for lying to me.

     They didn't last long, Maybe only a couple of weeks or a month from what I remember, but as I said, we were only acquaintances by this time, so I had no real idea when the broke up. I just knew at some time that they were no longer seeing each other. Here is where it gets even more sad. I had known him since we were in first grade. He had stayed back a year due to complications from a birth defect with his heart. He was born with a hole in his heart. He was a year older than me because of this, but he was this fantastic artist at that age, because all he could do in the hospital was draw, so he did. I would love to watch him draw when we were kids. He had a talent far beyond our age level, and he liked the attention he got from all the kids. Because of that heart defect, he was on borrowed time. We would always joke that his warranty had expired when he hit 19, because the doctors had told him at one point, that that was his life expectancy. He made it quite a bit longer than that. He died at the age of 30, only a few years after we fell away.

     She was the catalyst to ending that friendship, and I had forgotten that. I don't think I can overlook that. Just before coming on her to write this, I checked my email, and she wrote me a message on OKCupid giving me her number. I'm not the person to hold the over her, or try to get with her so that I can end up screwing her over for what she did. What I am interested in, is seeing if she eventually remembers what she did, and see if she apologizes for it. I don't even know if she knows that my friend died. I am capable of forgiving, but I will never forget. I'm going to mull it over for a few days before I decided whether or not to get back in touch with her. I'll let you know what I finally decide.

     I mentioned that I would talk about Sir John Vincent Hurt tonight, and that is exactly what I'm going to do. He was one of those actors that would just make you smile when he showed up on the screen. He was an amazing talent that led you to believe that he was who he said he was on screen, even though you knew exactly who he really was. When I was a kid, I read Watership Down. I loved it, it was weird and thrilling and tantalizing all at the same time. A few years later, an animated film version of the book came out, and I couldn't wait to see it. Join Hurt voiced the Rabbit Leader Hazel. That voice was forever engrained in my head from that point on as Hazel. I can still hear it as I write this.

    He starred in many films in his lifetime, from The Elephant Man.to Midnight Express, to small roles in films like Spaceballs and the Harry Potter films. Although Olivander is no small role in the Harry Potter world. Without him, you have no wands. The last role I saw him play, was that of the War Doctor in the Doctor Who episode The Day of the Doctor. It was once again, thrilling to see him. He will be greatly missed in this world for his amazing talent, and he is swirling in the ether with all those that we have lost before him. Before I end this part of the post, I just want to share with you, my favorite picture of the great Sir John Vincent Hurt.
     Come on, how great is that picture? Is there anyone cooler than that?

     I can't remember I posted about the new helmet cover, but I do remember saying that I was waiting for it to arrive before I named it, but I had a couple of names in mind. Well, one of them stuck and it came to me immediately on seeing it, when I opened it up today. I would like to introduce you to Melvin.
     Melvin is purple and really awesome. He and Fred are currently sitting side by side, getting aquatinted. I'm sure Fred is telling Melvin all about how it is to ride on Saki. Melvin has not had his maiden voyage yet, because it's kind of cold out, and my back still isn't quite 100%. Melvin will get his chance in the sun though. It is a must, and I'm looking forward to showing him around the Space Coast. 

     I do my very best to keep politics out of this, but sometimes it can't be helped. This picture has been popping up quite a bit over the last few days, and it is incredibly relevant today. It was a small comic penned by Theodor Suess Geisel, better known as Dr. Suess. It was done in 1941 as a small protest for America not allowing refugees Jews to come to the country. We all know what happened after 1941. Here is that small comic. Take particular note of the slogan on the shirt. It looks a little similar and familiar to something, and yes I'm being very passive aggressive.
     The whole reason this country exist is because of religious freedom, and to deny someone entry to this country because of their religion is wrong, not only on a fundamental level, but many moral levels as well. This is not the country I grew up with. Before you say, "Well if you don't like it, you can leave it.", I'm not saying I don't like this country. What I am saying and I said this the night of the election. I will point out when the leadership of this country is doing something wrong, and this is very wrong. We have done things like this in the past, and it appears that we haven't learned from our very own history. Throughout our history, we have looked down upon a race. ethnicity, or religion of a people. It started with the Irish, then the Italians, then the Chinese, then the Mexicans, and it has always seemed to be the African Americans. Now it is the Muslims. We never learn, that this only seems us back. We stop moving forward when we waste time fighting against people that there are no need to fight against. We will never have a perfect world in my lifetime, but I'm going to do all I can to accept people no matter who, what, or where they come from, into my life. I turn away from hate, and I hope that you will do the same. We have so many things in common other than the color of our skin, or the deity we pray to, or the person we choose to love. Sit down and listen to someone once in a while. Hear their story and notice that it probably isn't that much different than you own. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Love Melvin so cool. Your last paragraph very well said. Love you kiddo 💜
