Tuesday, January 3, 2017

That Took A Rather Strange Turn.

     I had a thought today. Ha ha, I can actually have a thought, it isn't unheard of. Well, anyway, this thought, was about the guy in the story about Teal and Ivy. What is his story? What happened to him, after they found out that they were sisters? I didn't think to ask either one of them about that, so it is all speculation for me. I do have a couple of theories though.

     In my mind, there are two ways this could have gone. Now of course there are for more ways that it could go, but those aren't good stories, in fact, most of them would be rather boring. So here are my two views on the most entertaining of them. The first one, is that he is intrigued by this, but in a fortuitous way. He begins directing and producing pornography that tailors to a man having a threesome with two women that don't know they are sisters only to find out by coincidence. That story of course can only go so far, but here is the darker one. They guy having had this happen right in front of him while trying to live out a fantasy with the help of these two ladies, is pushed further into that fantasy world, that he must have that experience again, and at all costs.

     He starts by going to strip clubs trying to relive the act, and hoping that it plays out the same way, but it never does. He spirals further and further into this obsession, until he has the thought to kidnap actual sisters, and have them perform this act for him over and over. That story, is something that you could turn into a rather twisted tale. Something to thing about, or maybe not. It is rather disturbing.

     On a much lighter note. I got out and did a first ride of the year yesterday with Saki. It wasn't very long, but I managed to go by one of my favorite spots to get a picture. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect picture of Saki, and this one comes pretty close.

     Then color just pops on this shot, in every aspect. the red of Saki, the green of the grass, and the blue of the sky. I just hit it right and got lucky. I did polish Saki up a couple days before, and hadn't ridden since, so the shine was still there, and I think it paid off. The weather looks good enough to ride every day to work this week. It does look like some showers tomorrow, but the last time we had a rain chance like this, nothing happened, so I'm going to roll the dice and ride in anyway. Then I look forward to riding on Saturday, because someone told me of a good place too ride this weekend, so I'm going to give it a go, and see if it is everything they said it wold be. I'll try to take pictures for you if I remember or get the chance.

     Today was the first day back to work for me, and it went fine, but we are still slow, so I'm concerned that this already tailor made 4 day work week, is going to become a 3 day work week, at a moments notice. If it does, I'll just make the most of it, and take that ride a day early.

     I do have some news on my helmet cover. Did I tell you about the helmet cover that I ordered? I think I did, but I didn't share a picture with you, and that is with good reason, I want to get it and take a picture of it, instead of using one from the site I ordered it from. It is coming from Great Britain, and it is on it's way. It is scheduled to arrive anywhere from the 5th to the 13th. that means either this Thursday, or by next Friday. You will definitely see a picture of it by the Sunday after next.

     In other shipping news, my Fleshlight will be here tomorrow. Now, you didn't say you wanted a review of it, but I think I'm going to give you one anyway. I have to take this honesty and shamelessness as far as I can right? I will still try to keep a modicum of discretion though. i won't get vulgar, I will just give you the ins and outs, no pun intended.

     Let's leave that behind us for now, and get on with Favorite Song of the Week. I had something in mind for today, but then I lost it at some point, so I'm kind of scrambling right now. With that in mind, I'm going to go to an all time favorite of mine, but The Piano Guys. Recently they have had some hardship when one of the members lost his daughter in a freak hiking accident in Oregon. So they have been a bit quiet lately, and with good reason. They have always liked to do mash-ups in a way. they tend to make classical music and blend it with contemporary songs, and this one is truly one of their best. It creates such a rich sense of emotion when you listen to it, that you may just tear up. I hope you enjoy "Beethoen's 5 Secrets", by The Piano Guys.

      Well, that is all I have for tonight. I'm keeping it short and sweet. Peace in and goodnight.

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