Monday, January 2, 2017

Now, That's How You Ring In The New Year.

     It's a brand new year, full of all kinds of possibilities. I'm not sure if I mentioned this here  before, but I know I did in the 365, but I don't do resolutions. Resolutions always seem to fail, they are full of false hope, and normally last as long as the month of January. What I do do, is set goals for the year. I don't succeed in all of them, but I come pretty close. These are always long term goals. I usually sit down with myself in the first week of the new year, and figure out my goals for that year, so I don't have any solidified at this time. Here is the thing though, don't expect to see them on here, I don't speak them out loud or even write them down. If you tell people these types of goals, they have an interest, but that interest can sidetrack you. They will often ask you about those goals, and that takes your focus off the fact that they are long term, and that you need to complete them right away. So I'm sorry, but the goals will not be uttered here. I'll tell you if I reach them though, when I get there.

     In the meantime, let's talk about yesterday. Yesterday was of course New Year's Eve, and it was a bit of a weird one. Not weird in a bad way, but weird in a strange way. I know, that sounds equally bad, but it wasn't. It was definitely interesting. I wanted to make sure that I got one last ride of the year in on Saki, so I hopped on and rode to Melbourne to get some lunch. There is a Red Robin there, that I haven't been to yet. I've been to Red Robin's before, and they are fantastic. A little pricey, but worth the money. It was really windy and riding down the highway was rough. I was being tossed around quite a bit, but I managed. I went with the Guacamole Bacon Burger, which was just great. I had my usual Orange Cream Soda, that they have there, it's expensive, but I love that drink. I get it every time I go to one. When I was done, I hopped on Saki and made my way home. I was meeting a buddy at 4 to start the New Year's festivities. Oh wait, before I go on about that, I have to mention something. I got ear plugs for when I ride. I've noticed that the wind noise was beginning to bother me, so I opted for ear plugs to deafen the sound. I did a little research and found these great plugs by a company called NoNoise. They don't block all the sound out, they have a filter that helps eliminate certain sound levels, and they work great. I could hear everything that was going on but the wind noise was definitely lowered, and I didn't feel like I had a hearing problem when I got off the bike. Here is a link to the plugs I bought NoNoise. I'm sure you will notice two things. one the price. Yeah, they are expensive but I'm telling you, they work like a charm, and 2. that the link takes you to Amazon Smile. If you've never heard about Amazon Smile before, you are about to. Amazon Smile gives you the chance to attach a charity to your purchase. It doesn't cost you anything extra, but a smile portion of your purchase price goes to the charity you have selected. I make an effort to change mine from time to time, to spread the love around. Right now, I have Villlalobos Dog Rescue as my charity, so every time I make a purchase going though Amazon Smile, they get a little bit sent their way. It's a great way to do a little bit of good.

     Now for last night. I met my buddy at his house, and the plan, was to hit a couple of strip clubs early and then get off the beachside before 7 or 8 o'clock. Yeah, that plan was doomed from the start. After that we, were going to head back to our area and get something to eat, and then take a cab into Cocoa Village to bar hop. Here is how it really went. We went to the first club which is my buddies favorite place, and there is a very good reason for that. He knows a lot of the dancers there, and they treat him well. One of his ladies came over to him right after we sat down, and she spent most of the time with him. Here is where the first strange thing happens. He points to one of the dancers, and says that is Teal's sister. You remember Teal right? The dancer I told you about several weeks ago. I thought he must have been out of his mind. I didn't now that she had a sister. He had his lady go up and ask her if Teal was in fact her sister, and said that one of the guys over there was wanting to know. She came back after and confirmed what he had said. She was in fact Teal's sister.

     It was kind of odd. I wasn't sure what to think. I was in a weird place trying to comprehend that I was looking at my friends sister dancing on a stage. My buddy had taken off with his dancer and was getting a few dances as I sat there and stared at my beer trying to get a hold of this information that I had just learned, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and there she was staring me right in the eye, and asking if I was the one that wanted to know if she was Teal's sister. I think I stumbled through my words a bit. I was trying to tell her, that it was my buddy that asked, but I was the one that wanted to know, because he had told me that. Oh, we need a name for her, and I think I have the perfect one, Ivy. There is a reason for that name, and we will get to it soon enough. Ivy and I began talking, and she was really cool. she asked to sit in my lap because her feet were killing her. I of course said yes. Who doesn't want a pretty women to sit in their lap. She then told me the story of how her and Teal realized they were sisters. Here is the second strange thing to happen, and it might just be the best story every.

     They were both dancing at the same club, and I'm not real sure, because I didn't ask either of them, but I don't think they even knew about each other. Well costumer asked them to both do a dance for him, so he could kind of live out a fantasy of being with two women. They agreed, and took him for his dance. They started playing around with each other, and lightly kissing each other, when Teal looked down at Ivy's arm and saw her father's name on Ivy's arm. It was a memorial tattoo. She looked at her and said, "That's my dad's name." "Why do you have my dad's name on your arm?" The reply, "That's my dad's name." Then it hit them, that they were half sisters. The laughed about it, but the dance kind of ended right there. Is that not the best story you've ever heard of siblings meeting for then first time?

     We sat there and talked more, and I mentioned that I saw her when we first came in, and I liked the whole Poison Ivy vibe she had going on, with the bright red hair. She immediately began screaming in joy, and hugged me harder than I think anyone has ever hugged me before. She was thanking me, because I'm the only person to notice it. Everyone else was calling her Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I'm not even going to get into the psychology of the guys that would think that. My buddy finally came back, but disappeared as soon as Ivy asked if I wanted a couple of dances from her. She was leaving soon for the night, and wanted to get a couple more in. I figured what the hell. The writer in me wanted this story and experience, so I did, but I had to wait until he got back, so he wouldn't think I abandoned him. We went back and she began to dance for me, and it was nice, but I felt strange the whole time. I was getting a dance from Teal's sister, and it felt a little like I was cheating on her. I know, that sounds absurd, but that is how I felt. We finished up after a couple of dances, and she asked me what time it was. I looked at my watch and it was already after 6:30. Remember that plan we had laid down? She was supposed to be leaving at 6:30, so she was late getting out of there. We said our goodbyes, I told her how great it was to meet her. She said likewise, and then added, "now you are going to see my sister.". In fact we were, that was the next stop.

     My buddy had talked to Teal a few days earlier, and told her of our plan to get off the beach by 8 at the latest. She told him that she was going to put a wrench in that plan and text me that she was working. She never did, but He had told me that she was working for sure, so I was more than happy to go last night. When we arrived, we walked in and looked around. Teal wasn't there, but we were still a little early, and I think she gets there usually after 7 or so. I texted her to tell her that I had just met her sister, and that we were at her club now. She texted right back, saying that she was on her way, but that she was waiting for her friend that is another dancer. I haven't mentioned her yet, but I have to come up with a name for her too, and I don't know here stage name, so I can't use that, but I don't think I would anyway. I know, she is Puerto Rican so I'll call her Boricua. My buddy was there to see her. I told Teal that we would stay until they got there, and quite frankly, I wasn't going to leave without seeing her. There weren't a hole lot of dancers there at the time we got there, but my buddy knew a few of them, and they would come over to say hi to him, and give me a passing glance. I was fine with that. I don't need all the attention, so I'm fine with him taking it. He likes it, and craves it.

     Teal and Boricua showed up after about 45 minutes I'd say. They of course had to change before they came out on the floor, so we knew it would be some time before we would be going anywhere. One of the dancers that my buddy knew was talking to us, and she was cute, and a bit nerdy. We were talking all kinds of comic book stuff, when I felt an arm drape across my shoulder. It was Teal, and I couldn't have been happier. I know what you are thinking. Oh hell, he's fallen for her. I can't say that I haven't, but I generally enjoy her company. I have a lot of fun talking to her, and we do have quite a few things in common. Would I like to date her? Absolutely, but I'm not going to bring it up, because I don't know that she would want that, so why ruin a good thing.

      I did confirm with her the story of how her and her sister met. It was true, she seemed a little embarrassed by it, which is exactly how I think I would be. Actually I think I would be massively embarrassed by it. After a little while, it was her turn on the stage. I followed her up, so that I could tip her on the stage. As we were walking up, they began playing a Twenty One Pilots song. We both looked at each other and smiled. She said that they DJ didn't even know I was there, and that the song was just a coincidence. I was just fine with that. We were both singing it as she danced. I was the only one at the stage with her, so I was the only one tipping her, so she spent the whole time dancing by me. It was great. I had a front row to the greatest show on that stage. Her songs were over, so I got up and headed back to the bar with my buddy. Normally the girls have to hit the back stage, but that they weren't doing that last night. I'm guessing it was because there weren't' really a lot of people there. The bouncers always help the ladies pick up their money, and when he saw a coupled of $5's thrown in there, he told her that she had just made more money that any of the girls there. I can believe it too, I was watching the stage, and a lot of girls didn't even make any tips while they were dancing.

     Teal came back over and sat back down on my lap, and we talked and laughed more. I truly do have a great time being around her, I hope she does as well. My buddy was getting antsy though. He was a little upset that Boricua wasn't spending any time with him. Like I said before, he likes to be, in his words, The King. He wants to have the women draped all over him, and other than Boricua coming up and saying hi and kissing us each on the cheek, she hadn't been around him. He gets a little upset, and thinks that the women are playing him, but he doesn't take into consideration that there are other customers that are loyal to her, and she has to make her rounds to them. She was stopping by all of them, and making money. That is what she is there to do, and since my buddy has never done anything more than tip her a dollar at a time when she is on stage, she really didn't have to stay by him. His pride was a little wounded, and we did have to leave. I told Teal that we had to leave, and that it was great seeing her again. I could have stayed there all night with her, but I could see that my buddy was fuming at this point, plus we did have that plan.

     As for that plan, we didn't get out of the club until after 9. I'm not sure of the exact time, but it was definitely after 9. We got back to the house, forgot all about getting something to eat, and just called a cab to get us to the Village. Really great cab driver. He was super friendly and had stories to tell about his ventures to certain clubs. He was entertaining to say the least. We got to our first stop, which is where the weirdness picks up again. We were at an English Pub, and there were people everywhere. I saw some old friends and talked with them for a while. Then I noticed this guy with a shirt that light up. It had some sort of LED weaved in the shirt or something so that it would light up and change colors. I started talking to him about the shirt, and he showed me where to get it. it was fantastic. From there, I noticed a group of beautiful women all wearing similar red dresses, and they were great dresses to. They were shear, and were wearing little boy shorts, and red bras underneath them. My friends and I were trying to guess what was going on, so I just walked over and asked them. They were all brides mates to be. I met the bride to be, and congratulated on her upcoming nuptials, and then headed back over to my friends to let them in on what was going on. It was also about this time, that I had to hit the bathroom. It's a small bathroom, pretty much three people can be in there, but it's not comfortable. One guy was at the urinal while I took the toilet. There are no stalls so when someone is at the sink, you are fully exposed, and when the door is opened, you are even more fully exposed. Well, the door opened, and it was the guy with the light up shirt. Now, I was a little drunk at this point, so when he walked in, I believe I said something like, "this is the best night ever, I'm in the bathroom with cool shirt guy". He laughed and began primping in the mirror. I didn't realize that he was stalling for something. I was wrapping this up, and he asked if I did drugs. I don't, so I said no, but then he pulled out a little blue pouch and dumped some cocaine onto the crook of his hand and snorted it. I said, wait a minute, is that coke. He said that it was, and asked again if I wanted any. Here is where the writer in my wanted the story, and took over my body. I said that I'd never tried it, but what the hell, give me a little. I dumped what would have been called back in the day, a key bump onto the crook of my hand. It was way different than I thought it would be. It was very fine, and a lifted my hand up, and snorted away. Once again, way different than I thought it would be. You see in movies all the time when someone does coke, the snort and then they act like it burned their nose. It didn't. I didn't feel anything. Then I started thinking, is this what it was like in the Studio 54 days, with Andy Warhol and that crowd. doing coke in a bar bathroom. I had just had an experience that I thought I would never have. I did it, and now I never have to do it again.

     The experience, was also not like I imagined it would be. You always see were people get really wired and start talking fast, and can't stop moving, but that wasn't the case. Maybe I didn't do enough, but it only felt like I was wired, like I had drank a Red Bull. There was s difference though. I don't drink energy drinks, because they make me real jittery, and when you are drinking that jittery feeling gets compounded by the fact that you want to go to sleep from the booze, but you can't because of the energy drink. This wired didn't feel that way. I was more leveled out. I was wired, but it was more like I was wide awake, and I didn't feel like I wanted to go to sleep.

     We left that pub, and went to a beer bar around the corner. I honestly lost count of how much we drank long before getting there, so we were pretty well into drunkenness. It was well passed the new year, which I only have a fuzzy recollection of counting down to. My buddy was having another crisis, because a woman that had met him at the other place, had kinda of blown him off, so it was a night full of failures for him. Also, booze is a depressant, and he was getting a full hit of it. His wife came and picked us up. Wait, I know what you are thinking. HIs wife, and he is messing with all these other women? They have a very open relationship, and he does't sleep with these women, he only enjoys their company, and she does know about them. As a matter of fact, he told her what had just happened with the woman that blew him off when she showed up. She took it all in stride.

     I paid our bill, which I didn't remember doing, but I have a receipt so everything is good. We hopped in the car, and his wife drove us back to their place, where I promptly passed out on his bathroom floor until 7 in the morning. I woke up with a slightly more than mild hangover, and drove myself home, and then went back to sleep until noon. It was one hell of a night.

     Tomorrow is my last day off before I head back to work. Even though this time of year is rough for me, I have to look back on the last couple of weeks, and say that I truly made the most of it, and had a pretty good time. Yeah, there were some rough spots in there, and I've done my best not to focus on any of them. I just kept moving forward. Let's make this year a whole heaping lot better than last. I welcome you to this new year. Peace in, and goodnight.

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