Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday Night? Are You Kidding Me?

     I know I know I know. I didn't write last night. There are a couple of reasons for that. The first one is, that I wanted to just change it up a small bit this week, and the second one is, that I really didn't have anything to write last night, which is why I wanted to change it up a small bit this week.

     I did start a new song in my ukulele class last night. It's the Neil Diamond classic "Sweet Caroline". It's not a personal favorite of mine, but it's a fun song and everyone seems to know it, so what they hey. Let's give it a try and knock this sucker out. He only gave me the intro so far, he still has to fully work out the rest of it. It's the full gambit, of melody and harmony, so it's going to be some hard work, but fun work.

     Since I was off today, I of course rode Saki. I needed 50 more miles to hit the 3000 mark, which isn't completely necessary for the 3000 mile maintenance, but it's always better. I got the 50 and then some. It was just Saki, Fred and me. We rode all over the Space Coast, and it was perfect weather for it. The sun was out, it was around 75 degrees for most of the ride, and it was Florida Beautiful. Even though the ride was great, very early on, I had a woman pull directly out in front of me. I slammed on the brakes, and avoided hitting her, and all she did, was raise her hand like, "oops, my bad". I was too busy making sure to stop, and not stall the bike, and not fall off the bike, or drop the bike, that I couldn't even yell at her for not looking. I was on the high side of the road, where there was no excuse to not see me. She didn't even bother to look. She saw a van about two car lengths in front of me, and that was all she saw. She pulled out directly after the van. The good thing is that the speed limit was only 35 MPH right there, so I had time to stop and avoid her, but she also had plenty of time to look and not pull out in front of me. Here is a little pointer for you. When you are pulling across a road, or through an intersection, always look both ways twice. I have done this for most of my driving life. The first time is to see what is there, and the second time is to confirm it. If you only look once, You will get in an accident at some point.

     As I mentioned above, I'm taking Saki in for maintenance tomorrow. I'm dropping Saki off and then walking over to the tattoo shop to either hang out, or get some touchups done. It all depends of if the person that is supposed to come in when I'll be there, actually shows up. They show up, I hang. They don't, I get stabbed with several needles. Bowie looks great, but there are a couple of holidays where the ink was overworked a bit, and didn't take. They are real small, and unless you know where they are, you wouldn't notice them at all. I think my artist has time later in the day, so If the person shows for their appointment, then I'll just walk back to pick up Saki, and ride back over and get stabbed a little later. Either way it's a fun day for me.

     Once I was home from my ride today. I really had nothing to do. I pulled up Netflix and looked for something new to watch. I finished both things I was watching last week, so I tried out Sense 8. I've had it in my Queue since it started last year, but had never gotten around to it. I'm really glad I put it on today. I watched the first 5 episodes, and it is great. It takes some time, so you have to stick with it, but by the time you get a couple of episodes in, you start to understand what is going on. You find out what is happening as the characters are finding out. It's very original, and quite twisty. Give it a try, be warned though, there is a lot of sexual content in it, so, if you aren't into that kind of thing, you may want to take a pass on it, but you will be missing out.

     I'm heading off to bed, so that I can get up early, and take a ride before Saki has it's doctors appointment. If I get up early enough. I might have some sunrise pictures for you on Sunday. Yes, I will be back to the normal schedule. Just look at it this way. You got an extra special Friday Night Edition of the Counterfeit Squirrel. When was the last time that happened? Peace in and goodnight.

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