Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A Rant And Some Info.

     I guess I'm going to start off with a little bit of a rant. A friend of mine showed up at my house yesterday unannounced. That is something that I would never do. I don't think it is proper or polite, and I don't like it. I didn't go of on them for it, but maybe I should have. I'm not comfortable with people just dropping by. It's probably more of a control thing than anything. I would rather know when someone is stopping by, so that I can plan things accordingly. You know, be a proper host.

     There, that is out of the way. I was watching the MLB Allstar Game before coming in to write this. They are in the seventh inning in a tied game. Normally that would mean that you stay and watch the game to see the outcome, but they started the game too late, and it is 10:37 at night right now, which means that I have to go to sleep. That's the way it is with sports, they always put the big games on at a later time. The east coast usually goes to bed before it's over and reads about it the next morning. I'll find out when I look at my phone in the morning who won.

     I was planning a big surprise for Saturday. If you follow me on Instagram, you were going to see it first, but things went awry and the surprise is no longer going  to happen. I'm not going to tell you what it was, because, I might be able to find another way of doing it, and I can reveal the surprise at a later date. It's too bad to, because I thought it was pretty cool. Regardless of that though, I will be doing the normal Instagram story for the next Adventure Time Series ride. It will start at just before 9AM Saturday morning New York time. If you don't follow me, you can click here, and you can follow me so that you will be up to date on what it going on with the ATS ride. I will also be doing the next video at that time, but I more than likely won't get that up until Sunday. I'm not sure about the timing on this one though. It's going to be a long day Saturday, and I'm sure that I'm going to have lots of footage to go through, all the while trying to get it to be around the 10 minute mark. We'll see how it all works out. There is a pretty good chance of rain as well, but I'm hoping that it's going to be later in the day, so that we can get this in just before the rain starts. Either way it's going to be fun.

      Before I get to the Favorite Song of the Week, I have to bring something up. I've noticed that the emails subscriptions have not been even showing an area for the videos that I post on here. I really have no control over that, and don't have any idea of how to correct that. That is why I"m going to reiterate here, that the best possible experience you can have with this blog, is to actually come to this blog. I had thought when I put that subscription link, that it would just give you a notification that the blog was posted, and a link to click on to get to it. In a way it does do that. You can simply click on the title on the email and it will take you here, but I can understand how it is just much simpler to read it in the email and forget about seeing any of the videos that accompany it. I don't blame you for doing that, I just know that you will have a much more enjoyable time with this, if you actually come her to check everything out.

     Now on to FSOTW. I'm sticking with the Baby Driver theme that I mentioned last week. This song is the song that kicks off the entire movie. They have a cold open with just a crew of people in a car going to do a heist on a bank. Then Baby puts in his earbuds, and starts this song. It's the entire opening sequence, and it appears to me, that Edgar Wright filmed this scene entirely around this song. It is one of the best opening scenes that I've ever seen. it has everything; humor, action, drama, what more do you need in an opening scene. It could have been the whole movie, and I would have been ok with it. The band is The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, and the song is "Bellbottoms". I really hope that you enjoy it, cause I know I did.

     I even learned this song last week in my ukulele class. That reminds me, I'll have something for you about that on Thursday. Until then, peace in and goodnight.

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