Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Let's Go To The Inlet.

     I wanted to just get that out of the way. Since I had so much trouble on Sunday night getting the video embedded, I wanted to see if I could get it right off the top, and it worked. I don't know why, but I'm going with it.

     So as you can see, I took a little ride on Monday, and went to the Inlet to get that view that I've been dying to show you, and a few more cool little things. One of which was that house I mentioned when I went to the McLarty Treasure Museum. I was the one that I saw the Vanilla Ice trucks outside of. The pictures didn't come out as great as I'd hoped, but they give you a pretty good idea of the place.

      I like the morning light for pictures, always have, but these didn't not benefit from that light. It created a shadow on this side of the house with the sun behind it. Regardless, if you blow it up, you can see all the way through the house, which I think is absolutely incredible. I think that this house will be on the upcoming season of The Vanilla Ice Project. It starts later this month on the DIY channel. They were still doing some work on the landscaping, but other than that, the house is completed, and looks really good. I would love to live there, but I'm guessing that it's a couple of million. I saw a sign for one house, that was a great deal smaller than that one, and it was at $625,000. It's a pricey area to live.

     The ride was great that morning, and I mention in the video how I ran into a guy along the road that was riding around with his autistic son. Really nice gentleman that just wanted a look at my bike. He was a big fan of Saki. I got distracted and forgot to get the camera recording again when I took off, so I missed the view of the Indian River Lagoon on the way back. I did notice that I have to work on a view things when I'm filing. That is a good thing though, it means that I'm learning. I have to be cognizant of the fact that the camera is at a different angle from what I actually see. I managed to get luck with the house, and still managed to get a decent view of it, but I could have made it better if I was more aware. Lesson learned and I will improve in the future.

     I'm already feeling much more comfortable with the whole editing process, which reminds me, I posted a picture on Instagram of what the screen looks like while I'm editing, and I just wanted to share that with you here.

     It doesn't look like much, but that can be very intimidating the first time you start doing some editing on a video especially when you have no idea what you are doing. It is super fun though. Lastly about the ride, I did stop at a place I've been meaning to get a picture of Saki at, and grabbed a few while I switched out the battery on the GoPro. I had already finished recording for the video, but I wanted to have a fresh battery, just in case something happened on the rest of the way home. Plus I wanted to see what certain things looked like on camera. For instance, when I go into a full tuck with my head below the windscreen. The camera doesn't see much more than the speedometer, so that is good to know. Anyway, here are two of the pictures I took at that location.

     I'm a little proud of that last one there. It has that slight glow of sunlight coming through the top and the lighting in general is just, right. I do have a location that I'm looking at for another shot. I want to get a shot in both the morning and the evening. I think the lighting will be drastically different and I want to highlight those differences. I'll post the pictures, when I finally get those shots.

     With getting that video in, and starting the editing process, I didn't get all the things done, that I had planned on for Monday. That is ok though. My end goal was to get as many things done as I could, so that today would be free. I knew all along, that I had scheduled too many things, and that I would have overflow into today. The good news is, that I only had one overflow thing to do. That was to get Saki that oil change.

     I found something out. The new headers that are on there with the new exhaust system, sit in a slightly different way than the stock headers sat. That made it a little more difficult to get to the oil filter. It took a little maneuvering, but I got the old oil filter off, and the new one on. With all that done, it was time to give Saki a bath. I cleaned the chain until it was the original silver luster that it had when it first went on. It looked great. Saki is now clean and ready for this week of riding, and it looks like a good week for it weather wise. 

     Back to Monday though. I made it to Northern Tool and checked out that stool. It was on sake for 60% off, so I had to buy it. It sits a little higher than I had hoped it would, but it's going to work out just fine, and it looks pretty sharp in the Lounge.

     That's it next to the roller stool. I'll use that mostly for  work on Saki now, and the NT Stool will be used for doing stuff at the workbench. I can work on the laptop, or do things with the helmet mounts and GoPro. It's rather comfy and has a backrest, so I can get my lean back on. Saki's Lounge continues to come together. Next step, is getting some of the old unnecessary stuff out of the lounge to increase much needed space. After that, I will start working on sealing it so that I can get that portable AC unit. With that out of the way, I can finally start working towards the motorcycle lift, and a larger tool cart. Then it will all be about the creature comforts, to make it more lounge-ish.

     Also Monday, I went and saw Baby Driver. I need to take a moment here, and think of how I really want to put this. Writing will not show this, but I actually did pause to get my mind in order, and I found that I just can't get my mind in order. The movie is freaking great. I loved it, and the soundtrack was the best soundtrack to a movie that I've ever heard. Listen, I know that this is all subjective, but you have to go with me on this. This soundtrack fits this movie better than any soundtrack has fit any movie ever. I'm standing by that. It's bold I know, but that's how I roll. The movie has everything: action, drama, comedy, car chases, a love story, great music, and fast cars. Yes, I know that car chases and fast cars could easily fall under the category of "action", but this is my blog and I'll write it how I want to. Go out and see Baby Driver. My only problem with the movie is, that I wanted just a little more of John Bernthal. He only has a couple of scenes, and he is just really great at being a horrible person. From interviews that I've seen with him, he is quite the opposite in real life, but that is what being a good actor is all about. Making people believe that you are really that person, and he pulls it off in everything I've seen him in.

     Back to the soundtrack for a minute. As soon as I got home, I went on iTunes and bought it. I've listened to it three times already, and it just keeps getting better. This is going to be one of those movies that I buy and watch over and over and over again. I think it will go up along side my copy of Perks of Being a Wallflower. Two widely different movies, but both have fantastic soundtracks. I can see some rather mixed emotion weekends in my future when I do  Perks and Baby film fest. It's going to be wild.

     Before I go, I have to tell you about a few things that went on today. With the last two videos, I have made separate little promos for Instagram. Today was a bit of a challenge. I made the video clip, and made sure that it was under 1 minute. I added music underneath it and cut all the other audio from it. I posted it the first time, and it was immediately pulled for being in copyright violation due to my use of Malibu by Miley Cyrus. I was bummed. I thought I could get away with it since it was under a minute, but no dice. It went perfect with the clip I made. When she talks about sitting under the sun, it was the exact moment when I turn my head to show the morning sun. It was perfect. Oh well, I went back and pulled that audio and put a new song called Kashmere, by the Kashmere Stage Band. That one was pulled for the same reason. This one was even more perfect. The tempo of the music fit the clip perfectly, even more perfect than Malibu did. I ended up going with the same song as the last one, which still worked, but not as well. This has made me come to a decision though. I want to keep doing these little promos, because I don't see anyone doing anything like that. Everyone else usually just posts a clip from their video, and that is it, but I want to do something to set myself a part. The decision, is that each clip each time will always have that same song, which happens to be Building Houses by Danielle Ate the Sandwich. She is one of my favorite artists, so why not highlight her talents. It will be our little inside behind the scenes, so if you follow me on Instagram, each time I post a promo for a video, you can count on that song always being playing with it.

     The last thing I wanted to mention, was something I leaned today. I was watching a video from a guy that goes by MattyCyclez. His video was about how people make money on YouTube. He mentioned how the earnings work on YouTube. When you are eligible for AdSense, which is sometime I could do here, but still refuse to do it on here, for reasons I've already discussed, you will get about $1.50-$2.50 per 1000 views. He didn't go into it, but I believe that is overall channel views. So you don't have to get all the view on 1 video, but of course that would help out greatly. I have a long way to go, but I'm going to enjoy the journey. I'm telling you all of this because I mentioned previously that I wanted to be completely transparent when it came to this. That way, you know exactly how much I will make, and then how much I can donate to charity. I may have to adjust my time frame for the donation, but that won't effect the planned %50 percent of earnings. It will always be that, but I want to be able to make a worthy donation to each cause, so once I monetize the YouTube channel, I will let you know the plans of when and how much I will donate each time. I might just put it at a level, say, when I earn $1000 dollars. Once I hit that level, I will donate half of that money to a charity that will be voted on by you. Good deeds all around.

     This is another early post, because I just wanted to start writing this, and couldn't wait until night time. It's 7:20 in the evening right now where I am, and I already here the fireworks going off around the neighborhood in celebration of Independence Day. I'm just going to sit back now, and relax for the rest of the evening. Peace in and goodnight.

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