Thursday, July 20, 2017

We Lost Another Great Talent.

     I had all kinds of plans for what to write about today. Then I got home and saw the news on Yahoo's front page. Chester Bennington had died of an apparent suicide. If you don't know who Chester Bennington is, he was the lead singer of the band Linkin Park. They were founding members in the Nu Metal scene. It's a genre that has fizzled out over the years, but Linkin Park managed to stay around, because of catchy riffs, good musical talent, and the vocals of Chester. He was the king of the Screamo sound, and his voice was far and above anyone that was doing that style of music.

     Lately their music has been attached to the Transformer movies, gaining them success when radio stations cater to specific styles of music. None of which are what Linking Park are.

     Chester took his life and is swirling in the ether tonight. Here is what I want to talk about though. We may never know why he did it, but if you are close to someone that suffers from depression, or has suicidal tendencies, or has attempted suicide in the past, be there for them. They may not ask for help, and definitely won't when they go deeper down the spiral. There are things to look out for though. If they are distant one day, and then exceedingly happy the next, that might be them coming to terms with their life nearing it's end. If they start giving away prized possessions, If they start acting in extremes. These are things that you can see if you look close enough. Talk to them, and listen to what they have to say. You listening can be the thing that saves their lives. Sometimes, that is all it takes.

     If you are someone who suffers any of those things above, and you feel like there is no way out of whatever it is that is dragging you down that hole. Seek out help. Talk to someone, and make them listen to you. Their are people that want to hear you. You may not see it now, but you will. I know that it is tough, but there is always another way.

     I've dealt with depression and thoughts of suicide, nearly my entire life. I've been very close a few times, but I found another way. I talked to friends, I let time pass, I thought about things I would miss. I took a step in a different direction, and then took another. It's not easy, but you can come out the other side.

       If you take only one thing from reading this, let it be that I love you. I know, it sounds corny, but it's true. I don't have to know someone personally to love them. Love is a universal feeling. We have it inside of all of us, and we can give it freely at anytime. It isn't used up, it replenishes itself. Love is always there, even when you feel like it's not. If you just take the time to look for it, you will see it. I give my love to everyone, and that includes you. Peace in and goodnight.

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