Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Loss Of A Friend.

     I know, this isn't the Sunday night post, but there is a very good reason for it. I need to get this out there, because I don't want it to only be a footnote in the Adventure Time Series.

     As you may have thought, I went on the ATS this morning, and when I arrived at the first location, I got horrible news. A call from my nephew, telling me that my oldest dog Lily had died. I could hear him braking up over the phone, and I did a little as well. She was the sweetest dog that there was. She loved people and always wanted attention from anyone that she saw. She had the friendliest personality of any dog I've ever known.

     The vets said that she had a mass in her stomach that was more than likely cancerous, and that is what caused everything. She was so tough. She showed no sign of being in pain, she was only lethargic the last two days. My nephew was the one that took her to the vet and said that she began convulsing as they walked in the door. The vets snapped into action and attempted CPR on her, but there was nothing they could do.

     I don't know how I did it, but I made it through the whole process of the ATS ride. I think the distraction was needed. I was going to do the final wrap up on my way home from my friends house, but I decided to do it on the way to her house. As soon as I got to her house and sat down, and started letting those thoughts go through my head, I finally broke down. I went and pet her dogs and let them know that they are loved. It was a transferal thing. I was passing on the love I couldn't give to Lily to them.

      I got enough composure to be able to take the long ride home, and it was a long ride. I put my headphones in and just listened to music to drown out my thoughts. As much as I didn't want to walk into a house without Lily in it, I needed to get home and give all the love I could to The Truffle. I spent most of the ride in the triple digits, and made it home in record time. I don't think The Truffle really knows what is going on yet. She seems to be pretty normal. She didn't see Lily swirl into the ether, so she may not be aware that she is gone.

      I needed to do this tonight, but I also need to wrap it up about now, because I need to get out to The Truffle and spend more time with her. Before I go though, I have a few pictures to share with you, including the sculpture that I was looking at, at the very time that the call from my Nephew came in. It's a little eerie. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. May Lily always be blessed as she blessed your life.
