Thursday, July 6, 2017

Shuffling In Monkey Feet.

    With the holiday, and packing as much as I could into a very long weekend, while filming, editing, and positing two videos to YouTube, I forgot to do something on Tuesday night. Yep, I forgot to post the Favorite Song of the Week. I do have one, well, I have several, but we will get to that later, just don't forget to remind me.

     I also forgot one other thing that I was going to post on Tuesday night. I finally broke down, and bought a pair of monkey feet.
     Yeah, I know they are really called Vibram 5 Fingers, but I prefer monkey feet. I needed a good pair of water shoes, and checked around. Everything was either way over priced, or Crocs, and I'm not wearing Crocs. These were rather inexpensive for Vibrams. Vibrams usually run in the low $100 dollar range, and these were just are $50. From all the reviews, they appear to last, and from what I can see, they are constructed rather well. I'll have to see how they fare once they've been in water and what not. My only problem with them, is my foot fall in them. I'm a heavy heeled walker, and it's a bit uncomfortable because of that. They don't have any cushion in the heel, so I'm going to have to alter the way I walk when I'm wearing them. That shouldn't be too hard, I've only been walking this way my whole life.

     The next ATS ride is fast approaching. No, I'm still not going to tell you where I'm going, but I think it should be pretty good. For one thing, this place is very new. I'm not positive, but I think it opened this year, or maybe late last year, so it's not a place that a whole lot of people in general have been to yet. Also, I'm adding another little special surprise location to the ride. This is a little more for me, than for you though. Yeah, I'm going to be a little selfish on this one. I'm really looking forward to showing you these places. I'm hoping the videos will continue to improve as well. I still need to find out how to face out the music. I haven't found out how to do that yet on my own. I'm sure that I could look it up online, but that takes all the fun out of it.

      I'm still a little upset by the troubles I had posting the promo to Instagram for the last video. I really liked that one with Kashmere attached to it. I understand that it could have been copyright infringement, but it was so good. I played that video for my ukulele teacher today, and he really liked it as well. Oh well, I'm sticking with the plan I have, so look forward to the next video promo on Instagram, to have a little laugh with me on the inside joke of always using the same song for it.

     I may do another video this weekend, but I have no idea what it would be about or where to go, Other than that, the only plan I have is to go see Spider Man. I did see a clip today, that has me a little concerned for the movie. It could be just a bad edit that they showed, but there seemed to be a small glitch in the effects that bothered me. Marvel has a pretty good track record, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. It's not like I'm not going to see it. 

     I'm getting closer to the purchase of my guitar. I have one picked out, it's just a matter of saving a little more money before I buy it. The one place I was going to buy it, doesn't have it anymore, but I found another place, so as long as it's still there when I'm ready to buy, I will be getting a Gibson Les Paul. It's not the most expensive one by any means, but it is still an electric guitar. I'm not going for any professional grade guitar here. Those things can get real expensive. I'm talking the price of a car expensive. I'm never going to play professionally so no reason for that, but my ukulele teacher did tell me that he has the equipment to do recording. That could work out to my benefit. If I can learn how to play the guitar to the level that I want. I could do my own music for the motovlog, and not have to rely on other music that I may not be able to use anyway. This could get even more fun that it already is.

      Ok, I hear you. I didn't forget, it's time for Favorite Song of the week. As you know, I've been listening to the soundtrack to Baby Driver all week. I'm probably at about 10 listens now. Needless to say, FSOTW is coming from that soundtrack. Here is my dilemma though. There are so many good songs on it, that I don't have just one FSOTW, so we are going to break this up over the next few weeks, and have this little tribute to Baby Driver end with the song that has truly captivated me since hearing it. Now normally I would give you a little background on the song of the band, or a story of my own past relating to the song. Not today though. I'm going to do it a little different. I'm just going to post the video and let you get a good earful.

     Admit it, when you heard that opening riff, you thought it was Jump Around by House of Pain. Ha, this is where they got it. This is Bob & Earl with "Harlem Shuffle". The original. You are probably more familiar with The Rolling Stones version of it, but this is where it all came from. I really don't have much background for this one. The Bob & Earl that sang this song, weren't the original Bob & Earl. Originally it was Bobby Byrd & Earl Nelson of a doo top group known as The Hollywood Flames. They didn't have much success, so Bobby Byrd went off and had his own solo career. Earl found another Bob by the name of Bobby Relf. That is when this song came about. It was written by the two of them, and get this, the music was arranged by Barry White. Yes, that Barry White. the smoothest most mellow voice of R&B. With that kind of pedigree behind it, it had to succeed. It did succeed, but only after Bob & Earl had already gone their separate ways and had their own solo careers going. Life's funny that way sometimes. This is part one of the Baby Driver tribute. You will see why I'm saying that this is the best soundtrack to a movie ever. I'm still standing by that statement.

     With that, I'm going to call it a night. Peace in and goodnight.

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