Sunday, July 2, 2017

I Found Something Pretty Cool.

      I'm writing this early again tonight. For no other reason other than, I want to get to sleep early tonight. I got a good reason, which I will get to a little bit later. In the meantime, I got a new video for you that I posted on Friday. I decided to take you for a little ride to the beach to see the sunrise. I think this is a little better than the first one, and I'm learning more and more with each video I make. This is far more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Give it a watch and let me know what you think.
     I had to post this a different way tonight. I'm not sure what is going on. I would normally copy and paste the embedded link into the blog, and it would show up, but for some reason, it wouldn't let me paste it on here, so this is what you get. Oh well, this will work just as well. Anyway, I have a couple of shots from that little shoot, that I wanted to share with you as well. 

     The first one is just a behind the scenes shot of making some good ol' movie magic. The rest are just trying to be artsy. The one looking down the dock, leads you straight to Saki. Did I mention how much I'm liking the whole process of making these videos?

     I managed to get my YouTube channel verified, so I'm good there. I looked into the monetizing of the videos, and that is going to take some time. My plan is still in place, to donate half of the money I get from the videos to a different charity each time. What it takes to be eligible for Partnership with YouTube, is 10,000 channel views. Once I hit that mark, I can put my channel up for evaluation and see if YouTube wants to partner with me to monetize with short ads. Here is the funny thing about all of this. I already had over 10,000 channel views with the videos I previously had up. It took some time to get there, but I had the numbers. When I deleted all those videos because they didn't fit what the channel is becoming, I erased that and took all the views away. I was even offered a partnership about a year ago, and did nothing about it. All in all though, I'm glad I didn't then, so that I can build this the right way now.

     As you know, my plans for Friday were cancelled, but that was all for the good. It gave me the time I needed to edit that video and get it posted later that day. The rest of the evening, I just relaxed and watched some recorded shows. I had to wake up early on Saturday so that I could head to St. Pete for a surprise party. I didn't mention anything about that before, because there was the possibility of ruining the surprise. Well, those plans changed when I woke up with a migraine. I hadn't had one in quite some time, and I think this one might have come on from simple dehydration. I didn't make it to St. Pete. My plan, was to get over there early, hit the Dali to see the new exhibit that is going on, and then meet up with my friends for brunch. Instead. I rested in a cool dark room and drank lots of water. It worked, and my migraine broke around 1 in the afternoon. 

     Since I was feeling better, I decided that it was time to take Saki out for a ride. I grabbed the GoPro and took off. I didn't have any plans for making a video, but I wanted to have it for just practice. I took about an hours worth of footage, from different points in my ride. I didn't save any of it, because it was just far too random. Plus, all the footage could be had at some other time. There was some good that came out of it though. I found something, that I didn't know existed. I ended up riding out to KSC on a road in Titusville. The view is pretty spectacular, and I will get that footage for you at some point. When I hit the junction of State Rd. 3 and 405, I took the turn on to State Rd. 3. That is when I came across a little something hidden off the road in a fenced off area.


     I did a little research when I got home, and found out, that that is the Space Shuttle Resolution. It isn't a real Space Shuttle, but it was a member of the Shuttle fleet for a very short time. It is actually a mock cock pit that was planned as a training module. It was made by hand by a Cal-Poly Student back in the early days of the Shuttle program.  The student even came to Florida to reassemble it at one point, and even rode out a hurricane and a tornado in it. It's not what it used to be, but it s a very cool discovery. If you blow that first picture up, you can still read Resolution partially on it. This is just one of those gems that you find when you turn down a road you don't normally find. The moral of the story, don't just always follow that same old beaten path.

     It was real fun riding around on Saki yesterday. I started working on my wheelies. I've done them before, and I have had minimal control over when I do them. It happens or it doesn't, but now, I'm working on control, and that takes practice. I would rather have control over them then to just let it happen how it has been. I've been fortunate in the fact that I know what to do when it happens, so that I can minimize the event of looping it. Looping means that you get it going past the balance point, and flipping the bike over. I don't want to do that, and by working on bringing it up when I want to, I can hopefully keep that from happening. Better to be safe than sorry. Before you even say it, yes I know that by doing this I increase my risk of actually looping it when I practice. That is where knowing what to do in the situation takes over. I have my precautions ready. I cover the rear brake, which is the easiest way to bring the front tire down. Also, since I'm expecting it to happen, I have complete control over the throttle. I won't panic and "whiskey throttle" it. That is when you freak out and just pull back on the throttle and make the bike go even faster. Lastly, I'm wearing all of my gear when I do this. Safety first, and  besides, if I can get the wheelies somewhat decent, I'll have some really cool footage for you in the videos. I see that as a win win.

     Now to why I want to go to bed early. I have a plan for tomorrow. Day 4 of my 5 day weekend. I want to wake up early, and head to Sebastian to make a little video going over the bridge. That is a shot I've been thinking about for quite some time, and I want to show you what I see when I go over that bridge. There are a couple of other areas that I want you to see along the way, and a little after. Remember when I did the McLarty Treasure Museum ride? I mentioned that I got distracted by the view and missed my turn, well I'm going to take you past that view. I'll try to make MTM my turn around point, so you can get a brief look at the building. If things go right, I might have it up tomorrow evening. I say evening, because there are a few other things planned for tomorrow as well.

      After the ride, I want to head to Melbourne to go to a place called Northern Tool. They have a stool that might be just what I need for Saki's Lounge. I want to get a look at it, and see if it is the right height for the workbench. If it is, I might buy it. After that, I'm hitting up the movies. I'm pretty excited about Baby Driver, and want to see it, so what better time than tomorrow. Also, I should hit 5000 miles on Saki, and that means it's time for an oil change. I may put that off until Tuesday, but if I can fit it in, I will, and then give Saki a much needed bath. Saki is pretty road dusty right now. You can't really tell form the picture above, but trusty, Saki has been playing in the mud.

     I'm going to finish up watching Fear the Walking Dead, and then call it a night. I want to be on the road by about 6:30 tomorrow, so that I can get a good early morning shot going over the Inlet. Peace in and goodnight.