Sunday, July 23, 2017

Another Weekend, Another Loss

     It's been an odd weekend. It started with a rainy Friday night with nothing to do, so I decided to build the new toolbox. It came out great. My only problem now, is that I have room for more tools. Here it is from start to finish.

     Saki's Lounge is beginning to look more like I want it to. I need to start clearly unnecessary things out of the Lounge and throw out all the things that I no longer need at all. On the other side of Saki are two very large shelves, that I will be eliminating. It will give me about two feet of room on that side of the lounge. Also, I will be getting rid of things that are behind the workbench and new toolbox. That of course will open up the center more. More floor space means more possibilities.

       With that project completed, it was time to sit back and finish watching a new Netflix series that I started, GLOW. I remember the original GLOW TV show, so seeing this was a flashback to some earlier days. I don't know how much of it is based on reality, but it is a behind the scenes type of look at how the show was created, and it's fantastic. The two creators are known for Orange is the New Black, and Homeland. Two acclaimed series. If you are ever bored and looking for something to watch, give it a try.

     Saturday I received some bad new, and it took place as I was going through the final thing that was a connection between Lily and I. Because I have psoriasis, I need to get sunlight on a regular basis. it helps my skin at some sort of cellular level. When I would lay outside, Lily would go out there with me and lie under my chair, so that I could pet her. While I was sitting there alone, I got a text from the friend that was with me when I found out about Lily passing. She had bad news. Her wonderful Malamute named Anakin had taken a turn for the worse. She was worried and so was I. When I got to her house after the ride last week, Ani was the first one I went to to give the love that I could no longer give to Lily. He always had a smile for me, and although he was older now, and couldn't walk well, he would try to get to me so that I could pet him. I didn't want him to work for it that day, so I went into his room and pet him and told him how much I loved him. Then I did the same with her other dog Gandalf, I call him the teacup polar bear. He is a Great Pyrenees. A few hours later, I got the news that I hoped wasn't coming. Ani had swirled into the ether. Please send any good thoughts and love to Elie and Gandi, they need it more now than ever. I know that Gandi is feeling the loss, despite their contention relationship. Elie mentioned something, and I witnessed a part of it. Gandi had began sleeping in a bathroom that was right outside of Ani's room recently. I got to witness that first hadn't. The other thing was, that one day they were laying side by side. It wasn't something that they ever did. They were both alphas and alphas don't hangout with each other. This is just an opinion, but I believe that Gandi knew that Ani's time was near, and he wanted to make peace with him, and in the end they did. Ani will be missed greatly.

      The day went on, despite me feeling another loss. I wasn't hanging with friends, and it was just an unusual experience for me. For a change, I was the youngest person in the room, and the one in the best shape. I'm generally the oldest person in my group of friends, and although, I'm not always the one in the worst shape, I'm never the one in the best shape. It was just strange. We met up for lunch, and then headed over to a friends house to play a boardgame. I haven't played boardgames in decades. The game in question, was Axis & Allies. It is all about World War II. You are a country in either the Axis or Allied alliance, and then you strategize your way to victory. It's not an easy game, especially when the two people who had never played are the Axis powers. I was Japan, and I apparently did a much better job than Germany, because he was wiped off the board in what I was told was, "abnormally early". It was fun. I don't think I will make a regular practice of it, I'm just not a boardgame kind of guy, but if the opportunity ever arises again, I will go for it.

     After the game was over, I hung out for a little while longer talking with my friend. He has recently stopped drinking as well, and he seems to be struggling with the newest of not known what to do with his time. He still wants to hang out in his old haunts, but realizes how bad an idea that really is, so he is torn with wanting to do that, and wanting to find something else to do. I have an idea for him, but I don't know how to broach the subject with him just yet. He is quite a bit overweight, and I got a little worried about him last night. At one point, he looked like he was going to pass out, and it was from doing nothing other than walking around for a very short distance. I'm talking about 20 yards here. I'm thinking he should get a gym membership and whenever he has that "I don't know what to do" feeling, he could go there, but maybe he isn't ready for something like that yet. If he is already looking bad after a casual stroll from the car, then the gym really isn't the place he should be. I'll figure it out, I just hope I'm able to do it before something bad happens to him.

     I was thinking about doing a video this weekend, but things just didn't fall into place for a good time to do it. I wanted to do it in the evening, but Friday, I was building the toolbox, Saturday I was playing that game, and tonight, I have to wash my clothes. The idea for the video will still wait, and I can do it at anytime, so I could do it some time this week or even next weekend some time. Although Saturday is already locked up, I'm going kayaking again. I am taking the GoPro with me, so I'm going to try to make a video a little different from what I've posted so far, so there will be a video coming this weekend regardless. The question is whether or not there will be two of them. You will just have to wait and see.

     The last few weeks, I've been writing this Sunday Post earlier in the day. I kind of like it. It gives me time to relax at the end of the night, and just go to sleep. I'm going to try to keep it up for a while, so if you are anxious to read the latest Sunday Post, for the foreseeable future, you will be able to see it at 7PM New York time every Sunday. You will still receive the email ( if you subscribed) at the usual time. I've found that it doesn't matter when I write this, it always gets sent at the same time the following day. With that in mind, I'm going to finish washing my clothes, and watch some Game of Thrones. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Thank you so much for the tribute to my beautiful son and friend, my beloved Anakin. You have always been such a good uncle to him, and I know he loves you immensely.

  2. So sorry for the loss of pet family They are our best friend at times
