Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What Happens When A Pumpkin Man Wears Kashmere.

     This week is going by very very slow, also, I think that today was the first day the The Truffle realized that her sister is gone. When I walked out to her room this morning, she was sleeping in Lily's bed. That is not something she ever did on her own. There would be times when she was there in the morning, but that was because Lily would kick her out of her own bed and take it over. Lily was very much the alpha in their small pack.

      I've been going through the new experience of things that aren't there. Lily would greet me when I came home from work. She would be there at night when I would watch tv. She would wander into the computer room to get love. Those things aren't there anymore. I'll get through this, and so will The Truf, but it will take a little time.

     With the loss of Lily this weekend, I needed a win of any kind, and I did manage to get one. I"m not sure if you noticed anything new about the latest video, other than the content that is, but I figured something out, that I've been working on ever since doing the first video. It's something small, but something that I felt was necessary for the overall product. What is it? You ask. Fading out the music. I finally figured out how to fade the music, so that it doesn't just end abruptly. I know, it doesn't seem like much, but it is all about the sensory experience, when it comes to something like that. When something just ends, you are left with a sense of, "what am I missing? Something was coming next.", but when the music simply fades out, it takes the ease of your mind, and you forget about it and it just blends together. I still need to improve on it, but if I did it right, you didn't even notice at all that it was done. It's something important to me, but in the end, it should be something that you don't even realize is happening, unless you are specifically trying to notice it. If you go back and rewatch the video, you will notice, but if I didn't tell you about it, you surely wouldn't have.

     I played around with a few other things, but didn't add them into that video. The video didn't call for it, so there was no reason to put them in, but that will be useful information moving forward. I want to improve every time I do a new video. I want to learn new things each time. Eventually I will look into doing some kind of graphics for the channel, also, there is the music score. I want to be able to do that as well. Don't forget, my ukulele teacher has the ability to record music, so that part could be coming in the near future. I need to learn a little more on the guitar first, but it will come.

     On to a little more fun. I haven't posted any videos from America's Got Talent lately. That is for two very good reasons. The first being, that they weren't on over the 4th of July holiday week, and last week I was watching the Allstar game. Actually, there is a third reason. I didn't feel that any of the acts were worth sharing. Don't get me wrong, there were some good acts, but nothing really blew my mind. That changed this week. There were two acts that were fantastic, for polar opposite reasons. The first video I'm going to share with you, is a dance troop from South Korea. They are the most precise dance group that I've seen. They seem to be of one mind, and body when they dance.

    Unbelievable right. They have a good chance of winning the whole thing if they can keep improving over the next few weeks or however long the show is on this year. They made it through to the live shows, I'm not sure when those are going to start. This was only the first round of the Judge Cuts. If I had to take a guess, I would say that they are going to have 4 rounds of the cuts, but I really have no idea.

     The second act, well, it just makes me happy. I found out tonight, that this guy is an internet sensation. I'd never seen him, but since I left Facebook over year ago, I have been out of the loop on a lot of internet trends. I don't miss it, but I have been thinking about going back. It would only be to expand this blog and the YouTube channel, but I really don't see much expansion from it, and that is something for another time. Right now is all about Dancing Pumpkin Man. The guy has a goofy act, but it is one that is so goofy, that it is great.

     If that didn't make you smile, well, I don't know if there is anything that can make you smile.Sadly, he did not make it through to the live shows, so you will only be able to see him on the internet. Hey, the show gave him some good exposure which I'm sure will lead to more views on his viral video hit.

     I finally got that picture of the back of the head of my guitar for you, so that you can see the engraving in it.

     It's something small and somewhat insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I think it's pretty cool. I have one other picture for you. I got that toolbox finally. I won't be putting it together until the weekend though. I did get a shot of the box so you can get an idea of what it looks like.

     When I get it all together, I will get pictures of the completed project.. I get the feeling that the toolbox itself is assembled in there, due to the size of the box, but I will have to assemble the cart that it sits on. It shouldn't be all that big of a deal, but I'll let you know how it goes. Which reminds me. I've been thinking of doing a video this weekend, but I have no ideas for you, so I have a question for you. Should I do one, and if so, what should it be about? Is there anything that you want to hear me talk about, or maybe something you would like me to show you on the bike? Let me know.

      Speaking of the videos, yes this all ties together, that brings us to Favorite Song of the Week. Here is how it all goes together. This is the last song from the Baby Driver soundtrack that I'm going to post, for now. There might be others in the future, but this little three week highlight is at an end, it it ends with the one song that has transfixed me since hearing it. I even tried to use it in my Instagram promo video for the Inlet ride. yes, this is the song that fit perfectly. If you want to see how perfect it fit, just go on my Instagram and find that video, and when it starts playing, play this song. I'm still saddened that I couldn't use it, but it all worked out. Turns out that this band was an elite performing unit from a high school student band in Texas. I can't tell you the name of the school, because that will take all the fun out of you learning the name of the band too soon. This project lasted from 68-74 and they managed to release 3 albums during that time. This song comes off the first album entitled Texas Thunder Soul. This song shows what soul music can bring to the table, and it has a little precursor to funk in it as well. I give you, the Kashmere Stage Band with "Kasmere".

     How good is that song? This is just one of the reasons, and you heard two more of them as to why I saw that the Baby Driver soundtrack, is the best one ever. I'm telling you, it is outstanding. If you go on YouTube and type in a search for Baby Driver Soundtrack, there is a playlist of all the songs on there. You can listen for free, and let me tell you, you are going to get so much in return if you do listen to it. You may even go and buy the soundtrack right away like I did. Give it a try, what do you have to lose. Peace in and goodnight.

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