Thursday, June 29, 2017

Boring Time? Not Really, Just Relaxing.

     There really isn't a whole lot to talk about tonight. It's been rather relaxing the last two days, and that isn't a bad thing. I was going to try and make video tonight. For a couple of reasons. The first being, that I wanted to see how the low light feature worked in low light, and to ride around. Alas, my phone was running low on charge, and I don't like going out without the phone. I want it with me, just in case something goes wrong and I need to call someone. So, I'm going to wake up early tomorrow and do it. This gives me a chance to try something else out. I'm going to take you to my favorite sunrise beach, and there, I will attempt to use the time lapse video feature to catch the sunrise for you. If this all works out, I think it could be a pretty cool video. We will see.

    Ukulele class was a blast tonight. I went with the FSOTW for my choice to learn, and it wasn't an easy song to figure out. My teacher looked like he wanted to strangle me at one point. i just laughed. I seem to give him challenges that other people don't. I think that is a good thing, because it gives both of us an opportunity to expand our knowledge. I had to tune down the ukulele a half step in order to get the right sound out of it. It all worked out in the end, and I now have a pretty cool song to play.

     One thing I got to do tonight, was watch The Gong Show. If you've never seen The Gong Show, it is a variety show of really obscure acts. They perform and then based on the judges score, the winner receives a check for $2000.17. Yeah, it's not a real big prize, but then again, the acts aren't really all that good, and that is the charm of the show. Oh, I almost forgot the most important part. If the act is really bad, the judges have the choice to gong the contestant. that end their performance and they can't win the prize. This is a show that was on in the 70's and possibly the early 80's. Then it was only a half hour show I believe. It was just a really fun show, and this new inception is no different. They managed to capture the same campy funny quality that the original one had. There are lots of bad puns and jokes from the host. The judges are all in on the joke, so they crack wise as often as they can, and the humor tilts to the titillating variety. They always use celebrity judges, and the judges change each week. This weeks judges were, Fred Armisen, Elizabeth Banks, and Will Forte. The wining act this week was called Zombie Ballet. It was 5 women dressed up as zombies doing a dance routine, that could have had ballet moves in it. At one point, they went up to the judges and removed pieces of their skin and handed it to them. It was hilarious, and actually really good.

     They tend to sweep the audience with the cameras from time to time, and everyone has a smile on their face. It's really just good old fashioned fun. If you have the chance, give it a try, or look up old shows on YouTube. They are there, and they are fantastic. I highly recommend the one where 80's band Oingo Boingo makes their first national television appearance. Yep, that is where they got their start, and they were a quirky weird band doing quirky weird things. You know what, you don't have to go look for it. I'll put it right here for you.

     See that guy in the rocket ship flying around. That is Danny Elfman. If you don't know him, you have surely heard his music. He did the theme for The Simpson's, almost all of Tim Burton's films (actually I think he has done all of them, but I'm too lazy to confirm this), and he of course wrote all the music for the band Oingo Boingo. If you watched the whole thing, you saw that they in fact won. See, just good old fashioned fun. It makes you happy.

    I was going to possibly go to Universal tomorrow, but they weather is calling for an 80% chance of rain, and that would more than likely fall in Orlando, so it looks like Universal is on hold, but I do have a 5 day weekend, so I could still go sometime this weekend.

     Well the clock is ticking ever deeper into the night, and I need to wake up early if I want to get that video for you. If things go right it will be up on the YouTube channel sometime late tomorrow, so you can see it early if you don't want to wait. If you don't mind the wait, I will of course post it on here with the Sunday post. I'm off to bed. Peace in and goodnight.

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