Sunday, June 4, 2017

I Got Some Big News For You.

     I'm writing this early tonight, because I'm trying something new. What is that you ask? I'm writing this in the Ultimate Motorcycle Lounge at the workbench. I wanted to see how comfortable it was to write at the bench with my roller stool. It's not too bad. It's not great, but it's not too bad. I also have some pretty big news for you, but that's going to have to wait.

     On Friday I decided that I was going to see a movie. I hadn't gone in quite some time. I don't even remember the last movie I saw in theaters. Before I went though, I had to hit the bank, and try to get a quick ride in with Saki before the rain came. it's been raining most of the week, and it was coming in the early afternoon, so I figured I had a chance to ride for about an hour before the movie and the rain. I couldn't have been more wrong. When I walked out of the bank, I noticed some pretty dark clouds to the Northeast. I was hoping that they were heading out to sea. I opted for a quick ride on one of my favorite roads, and then race the rain back. As I got closer to that road, I noticed that my turn around point was getting a downpour. That meant that I was just going to have to turn around and head home. As I crossed the bridge heading into Cocoa, the first drops of rain began to fall. It was just a light sprinkle so I had to have the time to get home. Ha, that's a laugh. I didn't make it another mile before the rain caught up to me, and began the drenching.

     Normally I would take it a little slower, and avoid losing the tires, and wiping out. I wanted to try to make it home somewhat dry, so that I could just hop in the car and make it to the movie. It didn't work. I lost the race with nature, and this was the result.
     It doesn't look nearly as bad as it was. If you look close,  you can see my skin tone through my shirt. I was soaked to the bone. Saki got a free shower out of it, but I in fact, had to change.

     After a quick change that would make a magician proud. I headed to the theater. My goal was to see the new Wonder Woman film. I won't give anything away, but it is fantastic. Greek mythology lore, superheroes, and things to come in the DC Universe. Gal Gardot didn't need to prove that she was a total badass with her credentials, but she probably made most men feel a little inadequate. From everything that I have read, this was the first large scale action movie directed by a woman. Patty Jenkins just proved that the only thing that matters is talent and the ability to tell a good story. This movie hit all the marks with me. It had humor, action, emotion, great cinematic shots, everything. I dare say, that it is one of the best DC movies yet. You can argue the Christopher Nolan Batman series, but I'll put this movie up to it any day. There are no scenes after the credits or even during them, so you don't have to stay to watch them if you don't want to. I highly recommend seeing it as soon as you can, fi you haven't already.

     Saturday I went for another movie, and  I chose to go early enough that I could get a ride in on Saki to the theater. Saki and I set out to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. It's been out for a while now, and I did want to go see it the first weekend it was out, but things kept getting in the way, but I finally made it. It was a superhero weekend for me. I heard several people say that this movie was better than the first one, so my hopes were up pretty high. For me, it wasn't as good as the first, but it was very good. It had that great humor, but I thought it went a little to bathroom for me. The jokes were just a little more adolescent, and in my eyes, that hurt it just a tiny bit. It did make up for that, in some very touching scenes involving Gamora and Nebula, as their sister rivalry came to a head, and managed to survive on the other side. There were cameos galore, but one stood out for me as being hilarious. I won't say the person involved, but it has to do with Starlord's father and who he thought he should look like to best appeal to Starlord. There is a brief moment where he changes his appearance to that person, and I lost it. By my count, there were 4 end credit scenes, with the third one being the most important to the continuation of the story line. It just so happens to involve one of my all time favorite comic characters. It's been long enough to throw a tiny spoiler out there. The character is Adam Warlock, and he is very important to the Infinity War story arc that they are heading towards.

     After the movies, I found out that it did indeed rain while I was in there. Not too much, but Saki got another shower. By the time I made it home, a friend texted me saying that he was ready to head out for some fun. He recently quit drinking as well, and I guess he wanted to hang with me, because he knew there wouldn't be an temptation on my part. I picked him up a few hours later and we headed to a local event called BBQ & Blues. Neither one of us were hungry, so the event was a total bust for us. We left and then he recommended that we go hit the strip clubs. Mind you, it's the middle of the day. Here is what I learned from all of this. You can't really enjoy yourself in that atmosphere that you used to be involved in when you were drinking. It's not the same, its not bad, but you find yourself wondering why you are even there. At least that was my feeling on the whole thing. I saw dancers that I knew, but really didn't have much to talk to them about, but that could have been my own awkward nature. It just wasn't all that fun. The last time we did that, he was still drinking and I was the designated driver. It was fun that time, so I don't know what was different, other than he wasn't drinking this time. Who knows?

     The most shocking thing about it all, was walking out of a strip club into bright sunlight. It was horrendous, I now know what a vampire must feel like when the sun touches it's skin and burns it to nothing. Don't do it.

      We headed over to that new pizza place I told you about about a month or so ago. This week was a disaster on my new healthy living, so I figured a pizza wasn't going to hurt it anymore that what I'd already done. We had a meatball salad, which was amazing, and we went for the brick oven pizza this time. That is their extra large pie, so it was far more than I wanted to eat. I had to eat half of it though, and I'm paying the price today. I feel terrible. My body is in pain and sluggish. If anyone says that there is no difference in body chemistry by eating differently, they are wrong. I can feel the I'm going to be off my game for probably a couple of days. The weekend is over though, and tomorrow I go back to the way I've been eating and behaving.

      We ended up back at his place playing chess until the Stanley Cup Finals came on. We were both rooting for Pittsburgh, but when Nashville scored their 5th unanswered goal, I headed home. Which brings us to today., and almost the big news that I have for you.

     I had to put some thought into my schedule for the next ATS ride. I left this weekend open so that I could get some things done, but those things ended up getting postponed until next weekend, which conflicts with the ATS schedule. Also the RAYS are playing a scheduled double header on the 10th which I originally planned on going to. Alas I never got tickets, so that idea is out of the question. I think that I'm going to be able to get the ride in though. It will just be a little later than when I normally do it. I have an appointment for my car on the morning of the 10th. If it doesn't take too long, I should be on the road with Saki to the next destination by 11 or 12. That would still work out well. If it was later than that, I don't know if I would have the time to see everything at this next place. Maybe, but I don't want to feel pressured for time. Mistakes could happen if I did that.

     This brings us to the big news. As I was walking through Target today, I always walk the same route. It's kind of an OCD thing, I noticed that they had the GoPros on sale. This was outstanding news. I couldn't buy one there, but as soon as I got home, I was going to check GoPro's website and Amazon to see if it was a product promotion, and to my delight, it is. I was going to order it from Amazon, but by the time that I put it in my cart and went to check out, they had sold out, so I had to go to a different seller. The new seller was offering the same price, but it was going to arrive later. I'm not in a big hurry for it, because even after I get it, I still have to wait to get other things before I can make this motovlog a reality, but I opted for the GoPro site itself which would get it to me at the time that the original seller on Amazon would. Take a wild guess who that original seller was on Amazon? If you guessed GoPro, you would be right. They must have put a limited quantity on Amazon for sale and actually sold out of them while I was trying to purchase one. Anyway, the GoPro Hero 5 Black is on it's way, with a SD card and a spare battery. I'll start playing around with it around the house and in other locations to see what I can do with it, and then I will work on getting the helmet mount, mic, and who knows what. It looks like the 3 months wait just shortened quite a bit. I want to work out all the kinks before I post anything on the Youtube channel, but I will post some short videos here for you to enjoy, or maybe just laugh at. It's earlier than I thought it was going to be, but I just couldn't pass up this sale.

     Oh, I almost forgot. The reason I'm writing this in the UML, is because of another little purchase I made today. It's that little beauty to the right. It's not the portable air conditioning unit that I want, but it is a pretty decent oscillating fan. This will do quite well for now. It gets the air moving in the lounge, and keeps Saki and me cool. It is a reasonable outside temperature right now though because of the rain. Regardless of that, it would still be too muggy and humid to be able to write out there otherwise. This is going to help me out in a couple of weeks when Saki gets an oil change. I got the ew oil filter Friday. I have about 400 miles to go before I hit 5000. That will put Saki 2000 miles since the last wild change. It's a little early, but I want to get a good flush on Saki at that 5000 mile mark. It will smooth out the engine a little bit. I also found out a little information about Saki. I was talked into using a higher grade fuel in Saki, despite knowing better. I went to the 93 grade fuel, and I think that my backfiring problem is coming from that more than the new exhaust. I'm going to go back to the 87 grade as soon as I can get the fuel level low enough for it to really make a difference. If that works, and the backfiring goes away, it's going to save me quite a bit. I was conisidering getting a fuel management and performance pack to put on Saki. When I do that, I would have to get it dynotuned, and that isn't cheap, any of it. I'm really hoping this works out. I'll let you know. I'll get the new fuel in Saki some time this week. I'm hoping by Thursday, so I can fill you in on the details then. In the meantime, peace in and goodnight.

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