Friday, June 23, 2017

So Much To Get To.

     Let's get into this. I mentioned on Tuesday that I had a few more things to talk about then, and in no particular order, here they are.

     I got some bad news this past weekend. A very dear friend, perhaps my dearest friend has cancer. She is currently undergoing treatment for it. I won't go into any details because that is her story to tell, and she isn't quite ready to tell it. I need something from you. I would like you to send any positive, cheerful, happy, and healing thoughts her way. She is one of the strongest people that I know, but everyone needs a little help some time, and her time is now.

     Remember a couple of months ago, when I said that I had my eye on an Alpinestars jacket. and that I might just get it at Cycle Gear. Well, since I was over in Orlando helping a friend of mine move. I thought that it would be a good time to stop of at Cycle Gear, and take a look at a couple of things. One being helmets. Since I have the GoPro mounted on my normal everyday riding helmet, I have to use my HJC to commute to work. The HJC is a great helmet, but it just isn't as comfortable as my Arai XD-4. I love my Arai, and with the GoPro on it, It's not really a viable option for commuting or just riding around when I'm not recording, so a new helmet is in my future. I wanted to get a look, and possibly try on an Arai Corsa X. I got both. They had several of th on the display shelf, and they happened to have on in Medium, which is the size I were, but you never know from helmet to helmet if the size is right. Let me tell you, the size was right on that helmet. It felt so good, and was so light. That will be my next helmet, but it is very expensive, and I'm going to have to save up for it, but I have other things I'm saving for as well, so it goes down on the priority list as long as my HJC is holding out.

     The second thing I wanted to see, was if they even had the jacket I wanted. I wanted in the white and high-viz trim, and that usually isn't something some place like that would carry. Most people like black on black on black, but I want to be seen by other vehicles. Guess what they had? They had the jacket with the extra armor to put inside of it. This jacket is an upgrade in many ways from what I'm currently wearing. The back protection is very similar, but where it differs, is that it has chest protection as well.. My other jackets have no chest protection in them. This jacket has extreme venting in it. It's made of a mesh material that just lets air flow right through it. I know what you are thinking. With he chest and back protection in, how can that jacket breath? Alpinestars thought of everything. The armor itself is perforated so that air will flow through it as well, and it's done so, as not to damage the structural integrity of the armor itself. It was at the price that I wanted, so I couldn't pass it up.

     This was from my Instagram post. it's a great looking jacket. I got the chance to ride with it on yesterday and it yet amazing. You could tell that it was there, but it didn't feel like a sauna in it, and it breathed even when I was stopped at traffic lights. I felt very well protected and not overheated. I am ready for summer riding.

     I know i mentioned this in the past. I have a profile on OK Cupid. I thought I was going to get rid of it along time ago, but for one reason or another, I never got rid of it. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I decided it was time to toss it out. I deleted the app from my phone. I went to the website to delete my entire profile, and then thought, "what would it hurt to give it one more shot?". I contacted a few women that drew my attention. I actually heard back from a few of them as well. For the most part, it was the usual lack of conversation that would lead to absolutely no where. There was one exception however. One woman, could actually carry on a conversation. She was interesting, and unique. Most importantly, she was bold. After a few days of going back and forth in conversation, and good conversations, she asked me, if I wanted to meet up for dinner. I said yes. We are going to meet for dinner next Friday, not tomorrow, but next Friday.I'm not going to put any expectations on this. It seems that when I do, it all goes wrong. So, I'm just going to go into as if I'm meeting a new friend. It never hurts to have friends. I'll of course let you know how things go, but you will have to wait a little over a week for the details.

     I'ts late, but it's finally here. The Favorite Song of the Week. This one is going back a long ways in my life, but there is a story that has to do with this song. I was in hairmetal mode this week, and started listening to some of my old favorite bands. This song came on, and it just took me back to my middle school days. When I was in eighth grade, a band came to my school and played a concert. I think tickets were $2 and it was near the end of a school day. I wanted to get out of class, so I went without knowing what kind of music they played or anything about them. The band was called Firefall I believe. They looked like rockers, but they played all kinds of cover songs. They were talented, and really knew how to play. They stuck to the current pop songs for the most part, but all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the began playing a heavy metal song. My friend and I jumped to our feet, and started banging out heads and tossing our hair around (I had super long hair back then). The lead singer saw us, and ran up the bleachers to where we were, and when he got to the chorus, he handed us the mic. I grabbed it, and started belting out that chorus. Then all of us sang the rest of the song together. it was real fun, and I think it made the bands day as well. It was the most feedback they got during the entire show, and it was rockstar. What were they covering you ask? It was non other, than the band Ratt, and their first hit song "Round and Round". Great song, and a fun video that features Milton Berle. The story I heard on how he came to be in the video is, that he was cousins with one of the guys in the band. Either way, it's a fun video, and you have it to watch right here.

     Good stuff right there. I even learned how to play it tonight in ukulele class. It's far past my bedtime, and I have to work in the mooring. Peace in and goodnight.

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