Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Problem, What Problem? Oh, I'll Figure It Out.

Christine Archibald

Kirsty Boden

Alexandre Pigeard

James McMullan

Kevin Clark

Kevin Lawson

Robert Snyder

Brenda Montanez-Crespo

Jeffery Roberts

     Then first four names are known victims from the London Bridge incident. The second list of 5 names are the victims of a mass shooting in Orlando Florida yesterday. There are 7 deaths related to the attack in London, but those are the 4 confirmed names of the deceased. There are a few others that are missing, but until I have confirmation of whether they are alive or dead, I won't post them here, out of respect for their loved ones. The media here, is going out of it's way to learn everything they can about the shooter in Orlando. I've said it before, and I will continue to say it. I condemn any media source that names these people, and by using the term people, I am giving them far more respect than they deserve. Once they are caught or dead, there is no reason to know them, they should be forgotten. Those names above, they should be remembered.

     On to something a little more lighthearted. You've seen me write all that above before, so enough of that. My body is still out of sorts, from eating so poorly last week. I've gone back to the way I have been eating the last several weeks, but it takes time to get all that poison out of my system. I'll survive though, and will end up better for it in the end. I learned a valuable lesson. I can't go back to that person any more. I'm sticking with the clean eating.

     There was a bit of a snafu with the GoPro order, and maybe a new snafu, but I'll get to that one a little later. The first one, was something that was unfortunate but in a good way. I know, that sounds like a very weird way to put it. Let me explain. I received an email from GoPro yesterday about the time that it should be sending me a shipping notice. That wasn't it though. Instead I received an email saying that there was a problem with my order and that I needed to call their customer support line. Well, when I got home from work, that is exactly what I did. I was put on hold, and stayed on hold, and stayed on hold, and then there was an option for a call back, when an operator was available. I took that option. About an hour later I got a call. It was GoPro. There seemed to be a problem with billing, so they transferred me over to Kim in billing. She was rather delightful to talk to. I know that my credit card was fine, and that there was plenty of funds on it, so I wan't sure what was going on. It turns out, that they were tripping the fraud prevention feature with that particular card. There was a couple of reasons for that, that I found out. The first being that the order seemed a little out of the ordinary for my purchase history. I tend to only use that card for small items, and never spend more than $100 dollars. This order was a bit over that. The second reason is, that the phone number attached to the card is my home phone, and when I filled out my information for GoPro, I used my cell phone. The bank was having trouble getting a verbal confirmation from me, because I wasn't home, and they weren't using my cell number. Like I said, unfortunate, but in a good way. It proved that the fraud protection is very active, and they are looking out of me.

     I got all of that taken care of, and the order confirmation was sent out last night. Here is the new snafu. I got the shipping notification a little earlier. Normally tracking info takes about 24 hours to be available, but I thought I'd check it out anyway. When I opened the tracking data, it says that the order was cancelled by the sender. I'm hoping that that is some glitch and that the new tracking info will be updated tomorrow some time. I'll know better what is going on by then. I can't worry about it now, because it's too late to do anything about it, and I'm going to have to wait anyway.

     If things go right, and the order is on it's way, I should have most of what I need to get started by Friday. The only thing, and it's kind of an important thing, that I will be missing, is the mic adaptor. It won't be here until next weeks some time. That doesn't mean I can't test out the camera though. I have helmet mounts coming, so that I can get that all worked out, hopefully, I just have to leave room for the adaptor. I can start testing this weekend. Now for this weekend though. the weather is not cooperating with me. It's been raining all week so far, and early reports had it clearing up by Thursday, but that has all changed, and it doesn't look like the rain will clear until next week some time. That could cause me to postpone the next ATS. I could ride in the rain, but it's not practical. There is no point in going somewhere to look at a bunch of things in the rain. Not to mention that it won't lead to very good pictures of what it is I'm going to see. If it doesn't work out this weekend, I will try to reschedule it for the following weekend. I have it open, so we will see. Saki is getting rather bored of hanging out in the lounge every day. Speaking of the lounge, I've come to another conclusion on the name. It will no longer be referred to as the Ultimate Motorcycle Lounge or UML, from no on, it will be Saki's Lounge. I like that better, and it rolls off the tongue a little easier. Also, because of all this rain and not riding Saki, I won't be get that 87 octane fuel in Saki till whenever. I need to see if that solves some problems. It can wait though.

     AGT was on tonight, and there were a couple of acts that stood out, but I'm only going to share one with you tonight, because it really needs to be shared. Here, just watch the video, and we will talk after.

     Incredible right? I shared this, not only because it was the Golden Buzzer, and not because of how talented Mandy Harvey is, but because of her drive and determination to do something that she had probably been told not to even attempt. Her song and the story within it, says it all. She is going straight to the live shows, but I think she is going to go quite a bit further than that. This is only the beginning for her. The best part for me, is when she gets to the second chorus. Until that point, she couldn't tell the crowd reaction. She couldn't hear them. When she hits that second chorus, people begin to stand up, and it overwhelms here, and you can here her laugh in glee. She wasn't expecting that, and it was a wonderful, real thing. Let this video be a lesson to you. Never give up on a dream. You can make it happen, with determination and perseverance.

     It's that time again. What time is it? It's Favorite Song of the Week time, and do I have a funky one for you tonight. You may have heard this particular song in a commercial recently for the new iPhone 7/7+ Portrait app. Then scene is a barber shop that makes everyone look their best, but it's the pictures the guy takes with his iPhone using the portrait feature that brings it all together. On a side note, that portrait feature is pretty amazing. Here is a look at Saki not using it, and using it.

     The portrait feature adds depth to the photo by blurring or taking the background out of focus. It makes for some pretty great photos. Back to FSOTW. William Onyeabor Nigerian was a  funk musician, and you know how I love my funk. He died earlier this year at the age of 70. He was rather reclusive and in 2014 a documentary was made about him, and the efforts to find him for an interview. Enough of that, let's get to the music. Here is William Onyeabor with "Fantastic Man".

     That's funky right there. Before I leave tonight, I have to make a correction from the last post. I misspelled Gal Gadot's name, spelling it Gardot, that is wrong. The first one here is the correct way, My apologies to Mrs. Gadot. I'll see you on Thursday with what information I have about ATS. Until then, peace in and goodnight.

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