Thursday, June 8, 2017

It Will Get Here When It Gets Here.

     Aargh! It's been a somewhat frustrating day. I mentioned the difficulty with the GoPro order, well, it has continued, but in a different way. I got the shipping notification, and when I checked the tracking on it, it said that the shipment was canceled by the sender. This left me confused. I went to the website and plugged in my info and on there it said that the order had shipped. I checked the tracking through that, and it said that the tracking number didn't exist. More confused. I figured that I would give it till today, when the order was due to arrive before I started doing something about it.

    Today arrived and the package was due to arrive via FedEx. FedEx goes through my neighborhood rather early, so my order should be at my house by the time I get home. I arrived and only my stuff from Amazon had arrived. Time to call customer support. I dialed the number knowing that I was going to be on hold for a while. I was hoping that it would be early enough so that I could still get everything done and make it to ukulele class. That wasn't meant to me. At the 45 minute mark, I emailed my teacher saying that I wasn't going to make it. I finally got a hold of an operator, and was redirected to billing again. This made me think that there was something wrong with the credit card again. I really didn't want to go through the whole order process again for this. Maybe it was a sign.

    I finally got to someone in billing, and they were just as confused as I was. The order had gone through, and it had shipped, but it didn't' ship FedEx like it was supposed to. There was no reason for why either. The guy on the line gave me a new tracking number for UPS, that said that it was arriving today. He had me look it up while he was on the line to verify it. Everything checked out, It would be here by the end of the day. I went out to Saki's Lounge and busted open the goodies from Amazon. I wouldn't be able to get everything set up, but I could get a head start on the mounting for the helmet. I ran into a slight problem there. With the stuff that I got, I had to construct a bracket for the mounting, and figure out a good spot to put the adhesive for the mount that goes directly on the helmet.

     The first problem is, that my helmet has beveled edges to it on the chin bar, so it's not flat, and there isn't a clear area to mount the bracket so that it will be to the front of the helmet. I think that is the best view, plus if I position it just right, I can look down at the screen to see what it is doing. I finally got the bracket built up to how I want it, and positioned it pretty good, but I needed to test it with the helmet on. The first place I put it was no good. It was too high, and interfered with the closing of the visor. I had to reposition. After a couple more tries, I finally got it in a good place. I locked down the base. That's when I found  new problem. the case that came with everything is good, but I won't be able to run the mic cables from it. There are no openings for it. No mic, means no sound. Well there will be some sound, but it won't be of a good enough quality that anyone would want to listen to. I had to venture back online and find a suitable replacement. It's not a total loss though. I can test the angle of the camera while riding with this on in the meantime. Not to mention, It will be useful in other applications. I need a couple more things, and I should be set.

     While I was at it. I found a good spot for a handlebar mount. I'll try that angle out as well. Eventually I may buy a second GoPro for a camera facing me. Most motovloggers do this, so it isn't anything out of the ordinary. This is where that other case can really shine. I won't need a mic cable for a bar mount camera.

     With all of that figured out. The waiting game began. It is now 11:10 at night, and UPS hasn't delivered the package. According to tracking, which I just looked at, it will be delivered by the end of the day. I highly doubt that. We did have some heavy storms today, so I'm sure that delayed things. I'm guessing it will be here some time tomorrow. I'm off work tomorrow, so I have a  few options. The first one is to stay home and wait for that package. This isn't a very good option, because tomorrow is slated to have a low percentage chance of rain. This leads me to my two other options. I can either go to Universal, because that pass is going to run out soon, and ride a few rides, and eat in Diagon Alley, since I've never done that before, or, I can ride Saki for the first time this week. I think I can swing both. If it doesn't rain until later in the day, It is a 20% chance, then I can ride Saki early in the morning, and then go to Universal. Boom, two birds with one stone. I can wait on the GoPro. I won't be able to do much with it anyway. I can shoot some test video with it, in the helmet location as well as the handlebars, but I can do any audio until I get the mic adaptor in on Wednesday of next week, not to mention, I have to wait a few days for the new case that will allow me to feed the mic cable into it.

     This brings me to my plans on Saturday, which seem very up in the air. Although tomorrow is supposed to be a 20% chance of rain, that drastically changes for Saturday, which is forecast as a 90% chance of rain. If that really is the case, I doubt the weather people because there track record isn't so good lately, I won't be able to do the ATS. I did mention that I have next weekend open to do it as well, but I'd really like to get it done on Saturday, and maybe take the GoPro along for the ride to see just what I can get. What ever I do manage to get, I will try to make a short video to post on here on Sunday for you to see what the future may hold.

     Speaking of the future. I have a lot of things to look into and learn. I'm going to have to learn video editing on the fly, plus I'm going to have to learn how to do graphics, intros, and outtros. I need to figure out if I want to put music into this, and if so, what can I get away with. GoPro has a new service that was editing software and a music library to use for your videos, but it's a monthly fee. It's only $4.99 a month, but I'm waiting on that until I see what I can pull off. You also get a 20% discount on accessories from GoPro if you join. That might be worth it if I need other things. They do have some neat stuff, but that will be down the road.

     I'm sure this is going to be daunting, but I do enjoy learning new things. This is going to be fun, and I will finally get to take you along for the ride. I learned today, that the Hero 5 is voice activated, and you can tell it to take a picture. This is exceptional, because I can finally get that shot of what it looks like going over the Sebastian Inlet. I'm hoping for a clear day like the ride to the McLarty Treasure Museum. I'm hoping to blow your mind a little. That's all I have for tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

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