Thursday, June 1, 2017


     I received some sad news this morning. A very dear friend of mine texted me to let me know that her father had spiraled into the ether this morning. He passed around sunrise, and I mentioned that if I had a choice, that would be when I would want to go. I know what you are saying, "wouldn't you want to go around sunset, so that you could see that one last time?" No, and I'll tell you why, and I'm also going to change your mind about the whole sunset thing.

     I wrote a short story a few years ago, and it disturbed a lot of people. It was about a guy that wanted one last day of depravity before he ended his life. It started with him on the beach watching the sunrise, and ended then very next morning at sunrise. So you can see, that the sunrise thing is not a new thing for me. Now to the reason why that is the best time to go. The sunrise is the ultimate representation of the beginning of a new cycle. It gives birth to the day, and brings life to the world. Meeting the end of your current cycle while a new one begins is just a telling of your next chapter. With every end, comes a new beginning. No matter what you believe, there is some thought about what comes after death. Heaven, Valhalla, the collective consciousness, what ever. We all want to believe that there is something next, so why not have pinnacle of the moment that you end on this existence for you not to be ushered in to the next one, with the birth of a new day? Not the new day that you know on this plane, but a new one none the less.

     Sunset is the end of the day. It's the bringer of darkness. Do you really want to be ushered into the next phase of your whatever, like that? Darkness brings uncertainty, light brings hope. Hope is what we all want for whatever comes next. Even those that have a believe that there is nothing, share a sliver of hope, that this current path is now gone and that there is nothing. No fear, no pain, no nothing. Even if you look at that the right way, it isn't a bad thought.

     I have never seen a chaotic sunrise. They have always been the most peaceful time of day. Most of the world around you is still in slumber, waiting for that new day to rise. Sunset is mostly full of noise and clutter. The day is ending, people are either trying to get home, or going out to avoid home. It doesn't have that same tranquil affect that the beginning of the day has. I'll take a final sunrise over a final sunset any day. When the sun comes up, everything is in front of you. When the sun goes down, you are left in darkness with the day left behind.

     My choice will always be that final sunrise, and I'm glad that her father got to experience one final one before he ascended to the ether. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Sad to hear they lost their father. I agree that the Sunrise is the most peaceful time of day. I do miss the sunrises on the East Coast. It is time you can be most reflective about who you are and where you want to go.

    1. Exactly. I think I'll go see that sunrise tomorrow morning.

  2. I just now read this one. Thank you.
