Sunday, June 25, 2017

It Wasn't An Atypical Weekend.

     Not a whole lot to talk about tonight. It's been an abnormal weekend, and not in a particularly exciting way. I did some more testing on Friday afternoon with the GoPro. I think I like the way it is set up right now, but I'll still do some more testing with it to make sure. I do need to do a night ride to see how the camera looks in low light. It is supposed to have an automatic feature that sets it to 30fps (frames per second) when it detects low light. That will allow the camera the time to pull more light in so that shot doesn't look overly dark. I'll check that out this coming week or weekend some time.

     I helped a friend move more stuff this weekend. It was more of a short notice thing this time, but I had nothing planned so it was easy to fit in my non busy schedule. It turned out to be quite the adventure, or maybe misadventure is the right word for it. The washer and dryer that was at the new house, didn't really work as well as it was believed to work. That meant that we needed to get her washer and dryer, that she had planned on leaving behind to the new house. That was the easy part. Unhook a few houses, take a door somewhat off the hinges, and viola we were all loaded up.

     We got to the new house and opened the door for the garage, and it had a slight unpleasant odor. Then we opened the washer that had stopped running on her. It was full of septic water, and it was bad. Putrid really isn't a good enough word for what this smelled like, and it was full. WE unloaded the truck first, so that everything could be out of the way, including the loading ramp on the truck, so that we could get that washer out of the garage, and tipped over to empty it's horrendous contents. During this process, I managed to get some of the water on my shirt. It was not good. That smell stuck with the shirt, and I could smell it the whole time. Fortunately, I had a thin, light weight hoody in my back pack, and when I was done with everything, I had that to put on. We got the old washer out of there and emptied of the foul liquid, and the new washer and dryer hooked up. My only guess as to what happened, was, that the previous owners, or someone, shut the water lines to the washer off. When my friend tried washing her clothes, it only pulled the water that had been sitting in the lines for however long the house was unoccupied, and it was all stagnate water that got septic. Before I hooked everything up, I tested the lines, and the water coming out was good and clean. Once we got everything in place, I ran the washer for a bit to see what the water looked like inside of it, and it was good as well. She could finally get her clothes washed, and it went well.

     She had one more project for me before I left. She got a couple of Adirondack chairs and a wooden folding table to go on her deck. Let me tell you about this deck. It overlooks a lake that might be one of the most peaceful settings I've seen. it is beautiful, and these chairs are the perfect fit for her and that deck. I got the chairs together with some effort. The second was much easier than the first, and then I went to work on the table. Should be easy right? Only 4 bolts two legs and a table top. Yeah, I'm an idiot sometimes, and it took way longer than it should have. It's mostly because I didn't think and take the time to look at the bigger picture and only focused on the bolts and where they went. It wasn't until the fourth try, that I finally got it right. I had the legs wrong on all the other times, and instead of lining everything up first, I just figured I had it. Well, I didn't. When I finally lined everything up and then bolted it together, did we have a working folding table.

     It wasn't the adventure time series, but it was an adventure. I didn't ride Saki over because there was supposed to be a very high chance of rain. Guess what didn't happen? No rain at all. I saw some menacing looking clouds, but that was it.

     I didn't ride this weekend, but I did get something for the helmet set-up. I got some velcro strips to attache the mic adaptor. They seem to be working out fine, but I won't really know how well they work until I ride with it. It cleans up the helmet nicely. Well, as nice as can be with a whole bunch of electronic equipment and wires all over it. Regardless of how well the velcro holds, I think I'm still going to put a strip of gaffers tape over it, just to make sure it stays in place. I'll try to get a picture of how  it looks now, for you on Tuesday.

     The dinner meet up is still on. I haven't heard back from her this weekend, so I'm not sure if I should take that as a good, bad, or indifferent sign. She had mentioned earlier that she was rather busy this weekend, so I'm leaning towards indifferent. Could be bad though. She had asked me about my writing, and I have the obnoxious habit of being able to go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, about that when asked. I tried to cut it short? I"m sure I didn't though, so that could have been a bad thing. I guess I'll see. I have to find out whether or not I work on Friday before I finalize the plans, so if I don't here back from her when I message her with a time to meet, then I guess I have my answer.

     It's getting late, and work is coming right around the corner tomorrow, so I better rest up from this day of complete rest, so that I have no issues on the job. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Loving my new deck furniture! And I sure hope that smell comes out of your shirt. That was fucking rank smelling. :-)

    1. The shirt is in great shape. I washed it as soon as I got home.

  2. Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to read it.
