Tuesday, June 13, 2017

What's In The Box?

     I was all set to rant and complain a bit tonight. I checked the tracking on my GoPro order, and found an alternate tracking number was listed. When I checked that tracking, I found out that it was the return tracking for the order. It was delivered early Friday morning. I was bummed. My order had already been returned and I still had not heard back from GoPro about what was going on with it. Well, I received two packages in the mail today.
The one on the right was expected. the one on the left however, was a total surprise. What was in them. Well, I knew the one on the right was The Frame, that I ordered for mounting the GoPro on my helmet and have access to the ports so that I could hook up the audio cables. The one on the left, i could only speculate about, but I had an inkling as to what it was.
The GoPro has arrived. They sent it out as soon as possible I guess. I still hadn't received anything telling me what was going on with it. I'm currently charging the second battery as I type this. Which brought my attention to something I will need to get. That would be a battery charging unit. You can charge the battery in the unit itself, but in order to charge both batteries, they have to take turns. The good news is, that I can pick that up locally, and don't have to send out for it. It will make things much more convenient. 

     I ran through the small introduction on the GoPro and have a mild familiarity with it now. I can do the basics. I know how to bring up the camera option, the video option, and everything that goes along with those things. It can shoot video up to 4K and will shoot pictures in either RAW or jpeg. Which is better than I thought it would be. I always shot in RAW on my camera, so it will be fun to get back to some of that with this little camera. Speaking of little, This thing is tiny. When I say tiny, I mean really tiny. Length and width is smaller than a credit card. It's maybe an inch and a quarter and its widest from front to back. It's light too. I think the whole package weighed less than 2 lbs. and that included the second battery. The batteries aren't much bigger than an domino.

     I'm going to start playing around with it tomorrow. Trying out the camera and  of course the video. Also I will be trying the voice command. You are supposed to be able to simply say, "GoPro record" and it will. Same thing with pictures, just say, "GoPro take a photo". I'll try all that out tomorrow and let you know on Thursday how that works out. I'm going to test it on the helmet some other time. I want to see what the raw audio with the camera itself picks up before I plug all those audio cables in. Don't worry, I'm not thinking about just tossing those aside. I just want to know what it sounds like by itself first. I'll try to get a video together of stuff as soon as possible. You can compare the sound difference from raw to cabled. This is going to be fun.

     I really do appreciate GoPro getting this to me as fast as they could, despite all the problems. Their representatives were all fantastic when I spoke with them, I only wish I could have been a little more in the loop on what was going on, but I'm not sure they really knew what was going on. They are a big company with separate departments that maybe don't have the best communication between them.  Either way, I can recommend buying from GoPro directly. The other order that came today, was from them, and it arrived right on time without any problems. The other one was a freak occurrence, and that is what I'm chalking it up to.

     With all that out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff. It's Tuesday, so that means AGT was on. It was an ok episode. Good acts, and the like, but nothing that really stood out as spectacular. That was, until the final act of the night. Up until that point, I was planning on not posting anything from the show, but they literally saved the best for last. It was a 16 year old kid named Christian Guardino. This kid has been through some stuff in his short life. I'm checking the clip right now to see if they go through what happened to him. Hmmm, they don't give the little back story in the clip I'm going to share with you. I'll fill in what I can remember. When Christian was younger, he completely lost his sight. He had to get around with a cane and everything. It was pitch black for him. His parents heard of a new gene therapy, and decided to take a chance on it. One day in the hospital he opened his eyes and said< "Mom is that you sitting over there?" It worked. His vision isn't perfect, but he can see again. Pretty amazing, but this performance might be even more amazing.

I think I'll nickname Christian here, Soulman. That kid has soul, and that is something you just don't hear anymore. He was so nervous before he began, that you though he was going to blow it, but the second he started singing, he took on a whole different persona. He commanded the stage. He had swagger and named the stage like a lion on the prowl. It was truly enjoyable to watch, and I hope you feel the same way.

     Favorite Song of the Week? You don't have to ask for it, because you are going to get it. I was reminded today of one those bands that everyone seems to remember as One Hit Wonders, but this band had quite a few hits. They formed their band in what is now Somerset, England in 1981. Oh yeah, they are an 80's band, and if there is a type of music that challenges that soft spot in my heart left for Funk music, it is 80's music. I'm a kid of the 80's so naturally I love the music. The first time I heard of this band was when their album Songs From the Big Chair came out. It was a huge hit with the single Shout proclaiming that they had arrived on the scene. Many hits followed one right after the other with the song I'm sharing with you tonight being the third big single off that album. I like this one because ti's bit smoother than the others, and the video is just plain weird. So here is Tears For Fears with "Head Over Heels".

     Great stuff right? They are currently on tour with another great 80's band (they had some really great songs int eh 70's too) Hall & Oates. If they come anywhere near you, go see the show, It should be fantastic. Peace in and goodnight.

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