Thursday, June 15, 2017

Gotta A Test Video For Ya.

     I want to start off by saying that I'm happy that no one was killed in the shooting at the GOP Congressional baseball team practice. Although two members of congress are still in critical condition, I'm hoping that they make a full recovery. 

     Now the second thing is, that the media is putting this Viles name out there. I've decided from now on that the people (and I use the term people loosely when it comes to those who do these kinds of acts) that do these types of things will from now on be referred to as Viles. They are less than human, and calling the animals gives animals a bad name. Anyway, the news media has jumped all over this, to find out as much information about this Vile as they can. I condemn this practice. The Vile was captured, there is no need to know anything about him. The public doesn't need to know him, doesn't need to know what he is about, doesn't need to know anything else until his trial, and even then, the only thing that needs to be known is what the verdict is. Stop glorifying these Viles.

     Enough about that. I did a thing yesterday. I got the GoPro together, put it in the helmet mount and took a short video. Oh, I got some pictures with it as well. 

      I'm not sure how I feel about the photo option. Due to the fisheye type of style of the GoPro, it makes the shots look really weird. I will play with the camera feature more and see if there is another way to get a more normal shot. It may work best for scenic shots though. I'll give that a try this weekend. Back to the video now. I shot a quick little video with it attached to the helmet and me wearing it, to see what it would look like. This doesn't have the mic plugged in yet, and I still want to do a little more without the mic before I plug it in, and begin that testing. The main reason I'm doing that, is because in order to mount the GoPro on the helmet with the mic plugged in, I have to break the door off the USB port to get it to work. That is the bummer about the GoPro. They didn't put thought into adding a mic while wearing a helmet. This will more than likely eliminate the waterproof effectiveness of the Hero 5. Once I plug the mic in, I will look at ways to seal that area somewhat to keep it safe from rain or what not. In the meantime Here is the video I shot. I added some music to it, just to see how to do that. It's not slick at all, just playing around and this is what I got. I posted it two different ways, because the first one is giving me an error message, but says that it is uploading. In case that one doesn't work, the second one should. In the event that they both work, let men know which one you like better, or if there is any difference at all.

     like I said, there is nothing slick about it. I didn't play around with any other editing other than adding the music to the background, and I need to figure out more on that, so that I can lower the levels, and fade it in and out.

     I'm going to try to ride around tomorrow after work and get some video on Saki, but the weather may not cooperate. It has been raining most of each day this week, so Saki has been hanging out in the lounge. I'm still planning on the ride for Saturday, but right now, the forecast isn't great. I'm hoping that the rain will hold off just long enough to get it all in. If I do, I will have the camera along with me, and that might be the first footage with the mic hooked up. I'll try to get a little video together for Sunday. It will be part comparison footage, and part, what I hope it will eventually be like once I start posting to Youtube.

     I'm getting pretty tired, but there was one more thing that I have for you. I ordered this motorcycle handlebar lock which looks simple and pretty cool. When I get it, I'll let  you know how it works out. I'm hoping for the best, but it was only $29.99 plus shipping, so It could be total garbage. Here is the link to it, so that you can check it out yourself Motorcycle Handlebar Lock . It looks kind of cool, and yes I did get it in Saki red. By the way, Saki red is basically any candy type of red, i don't discriminate on the candy reds.  I know they only call it red, but it looks to be that anodized red, so it should come out looking pretty close to Saki red.

     It's going to be a busy weekend, so I better get some rest now while I still can. Work tomorrow, along with GoPro testing, if I can get the rain to stop falling for about an hour or so, then the weekend holds the ride (rain still an issue) and helping a friend move into her new house. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I like the "Viles" label and totally agree that calling them animals would be insulting to animals. Good thinking!
