Tuesday, June 27, 2017

She Found The Blog.

     I'm writing this early in the evening tonight because there are severe storms going through right now, and I'm not completely sure that I will have power for the night. So let's get to it.

     The title says it all. Yeah, I wrote this one first and didn't wait until the end. My plans for Friday evening have been cancelled. She found the blog. It appears that she didn't like what she read. It seems we have different focuses in life, and that none of them overlap.  I don't know what any of that means, nor do I need to.

     I stand by everything that I write in this blog. It is all about my experience going through this life. The good, the bad, and the ugly, and if someone can't deal with that, than maybe it is for the best, that we never go forward with anything. As always though, I write this, and I will let it go. This is the end for OK Cupid. I should have shut it down when I was originally going to. I will leave it up until Thursday evening and then delete the profile. I'm only leaving it up now, so that she has the opportunity to see my response. It isn't anything angry or bad, it just simply said that this was unexpected and that I wish her the best of luck.

     Now that that is behind us, let's get to the fun stuff. I got something in the mail yesterday, and it came from China. No, it's not the shoes I've been waiting for from Stellar Kicks. I've given up on them, and I will take this brief time to reiterate, don't buy anything from that company. What I did get, was the motorcycle lock that I ordered a week or so ago. I have a picture for you, but first I need to explain the picture. It is one of those mixed images, that show 4 shots. I didn't have 4 shots of the lock, so I added in one of the helmet with the mix adaptor velcro'd into place. I got that shot, and just blended it with the others to save a little space, and also because the app I have to make those mixed pictures no longer has the three spaces that their entire app logo is based on. That frame would have been perfect, but you have to work with what you have, so here it is.
     The lock looks great on Saki, and the paint matches pretty close. I won't take it with me everywhere, but I will take it out when I think I will be going to a place that people would most likely mess with Saki a bit. It pulls the front brake lever into the grip and holds it there, keeping the front tire from moving. It will take a lot of effort to steal it. However, I don't think the lock is theft proof. The key is not an every day run of the mill key, but it also isn't a one of a kind key. It is generic, and could easily be overcome. It's not likely that anyone would put that kind of effort in to getting past it though, so I think Saki will be safe.

     You can see that the mic adaptor looks a lot better from the original way with all the gaffer tape all over it. Cleaned up nicely. Now, I will more than likely be putting a single strip of gaffer tape over the adaptor just to be safe, but that will still be cleaner than the way it was. I'm happy with it. I think I will try to get a video together on Friday of just a fun riding around vlog for you to see. Maybe take you to some really nice visuals to see. I still owe you that ride over the bridge at Sebastian Inlet. Friday might be a good day for that. Which reminds me, Friday starts a five day weekend for me. I won't know what to do with myself.

      Favorite Song of the Week? Oh yeah, it's here and ready for you. I'm still in that hair metal state of mind, and one of the bands that was a favorite of mine, came to me this week. This band, with it's piercing vocals, driving rhythm section, and searing guitars, had the potential to be one of the biggest bands of the era. There was only one problem. The lead singer and lead guitarist seemed to hate each other. Every story about them in the magazines were talking about how much they would fight with one another. George Lynch wanted to go with a heavier sound, and Don Dokken wanted more of the melodic ballads that they were known for. I think there was room for both, and their albums showed that, but they just couldn't see eye to eye. The broke up in '89 and then got back together briefly in the 90's but it wasn't meant to last. They still tour under the Dokken name, but only Don Dokken and drummer Mick Brown remain from the original 4 man lineup. Regardless of all that strife, their music lives on, and here is their first hit single "Alone Again".

     That takes me back. I had three of their albums on cassette, and listened to them all until they wouldn't play anymore. It had been some time since I listened to them until this week, and I'm glad I did. Yeah the lyrics are cliche, and the music is dated, but sometimes you need some of that to make you happy.

     As I'm finishing this up, the storms are starting to subside, so I will probably keep my power after all. Still, it feels good to wrap this up a little earlier than usual.  I'm sure it will still go out in the email tomorrow morning. Peace in and goodnight.

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