Friday, August 11, 2017

Anyone Want A Sticker?

     If you are reading this on the website, which I hope you are, because as I've said, that is the best possible experience you will have with this, you will notice a little blue button over to the right. I just found out today, that I could add a "follow" button. I have no idea what it does, other than the following thing, but what I mean is, I have no idea what happens if you follow me. I'm not sure if it sends you an update as soon as I post something new or what, and I really don't know how it notifies you of those things that are new. I didn't actually click on it myself, like I did with the subscription button, so if you do press that little follow button, let me know what it does. I would be much obliged.

     I found out yesterday, that I would be off work for the rest of the week. That is both a good thing and a bad thing. Bad in the sense that I don't get paid for those days, but good in that I really needed to get away from work for a while. Not to mention that it would be real beneficial if the Humane Society would call me about Gypsy. In case you were wondering, they haven't. I would prefer to get the things that needed to be done in a way that would get Gypsy to come home on a weekend. That way, she could get acclimated to her new home, while I was there and had plenty of time to spend with her. That would be much better than getting her on a weeknight, to only spend a few hours with her and then have to go to work the next day. I want her to be comfortable in her surroundings before I have to leave her alone for an extended period of time. Despite my most exerted effort with my skills of telepathy, I could not get them to put Gypsy on the available list. I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.

     I'm going to try and make a video sometime this weekend, but I really have no idea as to what it's going to be about. If there is anything you would like to know, or see, let me know and I'll try to get that done.

     I stopped by the tattoo shop after my guitar lesson today, more on that later. My tattoo artist was just hanging around. It's rare that I go in there and he doesn't have a client anymore. He is usually putting ink on someone until closing time. They are one of the few shops I know that close early and don't go into the late night hours. When you generally think of a tattoo shop, you think late night shop that is there when you are out drinking and get the brilliant idea that you want a unicorn pooping a rainbow on your lower back. That's not the shop I go to. They close at 8 PM every night. They have somewhat normal business hours. They open at 10 AM and close at 8 PM, it works for them, and I really don't think it costs them any clients. They don't want that kind of drunken crowd in there anyway, it's a bit of a liability. I hadn't been in there in a while, so we just caught up a bit, until another friend of his came in. It was good seeing him again. I need to come up with the right image for my next tattoo. I also need to come up with a logo for the YouTube channel. I've been putting that off because I don't think I have the proper imagination to come up with it.

     I'm thinking I want the logo to be in a new school style. If you don't know what that is, it is usually represented by oversized proportions on body parts and bright colors. Here is the vague idea that I have for it. A squirrel of course, but the head is giant sized with a small body, possibly riding a motorcycle. The squirrel could be wearing a motorcycle jacket and would have a giant bushy tail. The other reason I have for (ok it's an excuse and not a reason) not being able to do the logo, is that that is not my style of drawing. I lean towards realism, and that is way out of my wheel house. I need to try though, what is the worst that could happen? I don't get it right? That is what I expect to happen, so why am I worried. Here is the thing though, if I can finally get something drawn up and possibly done in color, I'm thinking about making up some stickers of it. Here is the question I have for you. If I can get it done, would you want a sticker? I can work out the way to get them to you after I figure out if I can do it. Ok, even if I can't do it, I'm sure I can get my tattoo artist to help me out with the design, or at the very least, I can commission him to do it. The question is still the same though, do you want one?

     Now for the guitar lesson. I know I usually call it my ukulele class, but since it is pretty much all guitar all the time, I can safely call it a guitar lesson now. Today I learned all about amplifiers, and the different types. My teacher wrote down a lot of information for me on them, so I know what to look for. Just another thing on my list to save up for, but since I'm off work, I can look up all these things and learn all about them. It will be fun. As for the lesson though, it was all about power chords. The name seems to be a bit of a misnomer. It would imply a very big and full sound, which it kind of is, but it is generally only using two strings at a time. Big sound, few strings. I had two songs in my back pocket if he asked me for anything I might want to learn. The one we went with was Joy Division's Love Will Tear Us Apart. It was surprisingly simple. It was one shape. Meaning that my hand was only in one position for the whole thing. It was just a matter of moving it around the fret board, and only changing strings once. It's always a cool feeling when something just comes together, and that is what happened with this. I'm still going to need to work on my speed with it, so that I can get everything right in the right timing, but it shouldn't be as hard as most things that I've learned through out this journey of learning a stringed instrument. It was fun. I'm looking forward to learning more.

     Since Tuesday's post was so long, I'm going to let you off the hook with a short one tonight. Ok, I'll be honest, I really have nothing else to write about. Anyway, try out that follow button over there in the upper right and let me know what it does. I'm real curious, but I don't want to do it myself, because that seems a little lame on my part. It's kind of like liking your own picture on Instagram, it just seems weird. Peace in and goodnight.