Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kinda Good News, Bad News, And Then Good News?

     I'm still feeling exhausted, but I get to sleep in tomorrow. That's right, I have Friday off again. Here is the kinda good news part of that title up there. Elie is going to be transferred to another hospital. I'm calling this kinda good news because that means that she has recovered to a point that she can be transported across the city. Her family and her, as well as myself believe that it's a little soon, but the doctors are saying that it is ok. I'll trust their judgment, but if something goes wrong, they are in a world of trouble, and opening themselves up to a big lawsuit. That is all I really have to report on her, I'm sure I will have more news after they transfer her tomorrow morning.

     Here is the bad news. First let me get to a something that is good and leads into the bad news. I went to see Gypsy yesterday, and the I'm calling her the supervisor of the clinic. I don't know what her real title is, so that is as good as any, has ok'd the dog on dog meeting with The Truff. I was really happy to hear that. They tested Gypsy with some small dogs to see her reaction, and although they were very interesting, non were negative. The first small dog was a chihuahua that is a bit older, and Gypsy just wanted to play with her, but the chihuahua wasn't having it. Nothing bad came of it. The other interaction was with a puppy. I heard two stores about this interaction. The first one being that Gypsy laid low to the ground and crawled towards the puppy. Sounds adorable right? You haven't heard anything yet. The second short story of that interaction was that Gypsy grabbed the puppy in her arms, and then rocked back to sit like a person and cradled the little puppy. Now that is adorable.

     I heard the second story today when I took The Truff to meet Gypsy. Here is where that bad news kicks in. The supervisor as I walked in, had to go on an emergency call to capture a cat. Apparently this cat was a bit wild, and she had to net it and cage it. I said I would wait until she returned, but it took her about an hour to accomplish her task. That meant that there was no meeting between The Truff and Gypsy. Needless to say, I was a little bummed, but that is ok. I've waited all this time to get this far with Gypsy, I can wait another night. I was even told yesterday that my first interaction with Gypsy was unlike any other person that had met with her. They said Gypsy had never taken to anyone like me before. I really think this is meant to be, and this non meeting today, is just another little bump in a road that is going to smooth out very soon. They also told me today that no one wanted to put in the time to learn how to bond with Gypsy, I didn't see that as a problem. Oh yeah, as I was leaving yesterday, Gypsy tried to follow me to my car again. I told her to wait just a little longer.

     Here is where the good news comes in. As I said before, I have tomorrow off, that means I get to take The Truff up to the humane society at noon tomorrow. Can you sense the bump being smoothed out yet? There is another bump though. The Truff has begun her seizure cycle tonight. Fortunately what I saw were very mild seizures, so I'm hoping that she will be over them in the morning, and we won't have to delay the meeting any longer. I will no tomorrow. Worst case scenario, The Truff has a seizure when she is meeting Gypsy. This will give us a chance to see how Gypsy reacts in a slight crisis, so it could be a good thing. She might try to comfort The Truff, which is something Lily never did. She cared about The Truff, but when she had her seizures, Lily was down right mean to her. The Truff directly after a seizure, she starts wandering around in circles. She is a little dopey and when she would get next to Lily, Lily would snap at her. The Truff wouldn't understand or know what to do. Gypsy may just try to love on her and comfort her like she did that little puppy. We will only know when it happens.

     The Truff and Gypsy are scheduled to meet at noon tomorrow. You can look at it as an old western standoff. I'll see ya at noon pardner. Yes I know I misspelled partner, It's meant to be sounded as if it was an old gunslinger from the old west. Well, I just ruined the joke by explaining it.

     Ok, I've put this off long enough. It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This is going to be a bit different this week, not only in that it is being put forth on a Thursday post, but I haven't actually heard the song yet. I'm going to play the video and listen to it after I publish this little edition tonight. If you haven't listened to it, how can you make it FSOTW? There is a very simple explanation for this. It's from a band I really really like. I don't think they can do anything wrong, so they get FSOTW without even a listen. I know what you are thinking, "here comes a new song by Twenty One Pilots." They do have the clout to be a FSOTW without a listen, but they aren't the ones this time. The band for tonights little gem for your earholes is non other than the Foo Fighters. This song came out yesterday, but I haven't had time to listen to it yet, so In a way, we will listen to it together. Her are the Foo Fighters with "The Sky Is A Neighborhood".

     There you have it. I still haven't listened yet, so let me know what you think, because at this point, you will be listening at the same point in this as I will be. See, we are listening together. Peace in and goodnight.

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