Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Process, And A Little Bit More.

     The problem with memories is, that more often than not, they come to the front of your mind when you don't want or need them there. This is the case of the past few days.  Bad memories have a way of being far more intense when relived. The reason is, that generally the emotions involved are much more extreme than in good memories. This is because, most people's general disposition, leans to the positive side of things. It takes a greater swing to get to those bad emotions, than it does to get to the good ones. Some scientists believe that this is the minds way of reminding you of lessons learned. I agree with them. There is a big problem with the mind's way of doing things though, and that is that sometimes you never want to relive those emotions.

     Even though those emotions are not at the level that you first experienced them, those emotions can spur new emotions into existence. This is where I am now. Before you begin to worry about me, know this. I am much better equipped to handle this now, than I was nearly 9 years ago. Also there are things that aren't in place now, that were then. The things that are in place, put me in a much better mindset than I ever had then. One of course is the creative outlets at my disposal now. I have this. I was writing then, but not in such a way that would help me mentally. There is also The Process. I know, it sounds ominous and imposing, but it isn't. It is exactly the opposite of that, and that is why I've decided to start telling you about The Process rather than wait until it is over.

     The Process started two weeks ago. Actually it started a little before that. I needed a new presence in my life and what better than the furry kind. When I lost Lily, I lost the warm and affectionate one. I love The Truffle, but she could care less about anything other than sleeping and eating, and not necessarily in that order. I need an animal that is going to bring that love back into the house, so I started checking the shelters. I checked the Brevard Humane Society's website and found a couple of dogs that really stood out to me. One was a Boxer/Pit mix. Here is the thing about that type of mixed breed, The Truffle gets the final say, and not knowing the history of that particular dog, I have to be worried about The Truffle's wellbeing. If The Truff wasn't in the picture, I would have gone for that dog in a heartbeat, but I didn't want to take that chances especially after seeing the second dog.

     This is Gypsy, she is a Shepard/Boxer mix and the picture doesn't do her justice. I went to see her on a Sunday two weeks ago. I had to fill out an adoptor profile to become eligible to adopt a pet. I passed with flying colors. After that, I had to wait until she had been fed, there was also talk that she was going to be put on the medically unavailable list, due to a small problem with her lip. She had some dry areas on them, and they were concerned about that. Since I was already there, they decided to let me interact with her. I was told that she had a rough history. Gypsy is a little under 6 years old, and has been at the shelter of a year now. Part of the problem is how she interacts with people. Her previous owner was in an abusive relationship, and because of that, Gypsy doesn't cozy up to men. They don't know if she was abused herself, but the possibility is there. I was also told, that there was a good chance that I wouldn't even get to pet her that day, and that it would take multiple visits in order for me to even come close to taking her home, if by some miracle she bonded with me. Also I have to set up a visit between her and The Truff, if something goes wrong there, the deal is over.

     I finally got the notice that she was ready to meet with me. I headed outside to the visitors pen. I was handed a handful of treats and told that it would help me as much as anything with her. She is lead by her stomach they said. I went out there, and found a picnic table that was off to the side. There were other chairs set up right in the gate entrance so that the dog would see you as soon as walking into the pen, but knowing what I do about animals, I thought that was a bad idea. I wanted her to walk in unencumbered with worrying about the man that was sitting right in her eyesight. I want to be as passive as possible. She walked in with the handler and looked around with a little confusion. She knew that she was there for one reason and one reason only, and that was to meet someone, but it appeared that no one was there. Then she turned and saw me. She started to go towards me, not in an aggressive manner, but in a curious one. The handler pulled her back, and made her sit, and asked her if she wanted to meet someone new. She gave her a treat and brought her over. 

     The handler handed me a treat for her telling me exactly what they said in the office, and I pointed at a pile of treats on the table, telling her that they already set me up. I held my hand out slightly in front of me palm down. Gypsy walked right up, smelled my hand, and started searching for the treat. I rolled my hand over and gave it to her. The handler told me after that, not to reach for her, but to let her come to me, like I just did, and reiterated that I more than likely wouldn't even get to pet her that day. She is a dog that you have to get into her circle first, and that would take some time. Gypsy then jumped for the treats on the table, so I grabbed them all up so that she would have to work a little for them. I got a treat in my right hand and went through the same process as before. Same reaction except this time, Gypsy spun around and sat down right between my legs. The handler was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and even vocalized it by saying, "Gypsy, I can't believe what you are doing right now.". That is when I gently went in and pet her on her back. Gypsy didn't even flinch. She did however turn around and look for another treat, so I obliged.

     We only spent about 15 minutes out there, because it was beginning to rain, and I had run through the treats pretty quick. The handler told me that that went far better than she expected it to go. I was happy, and ready to plan my next visit with her. Gypsy went on the medially unavailable list because of the dried skin on her lip, and has been there ever since. I'm patiently waiting for my next interaction with her, and planning the visit with The Truff. During this time of waiting is when I decided to record the process. I don't have that first meeting documented, but I will get the next on. I'm going to take the GoPro with me, so that I can get that next meeting when it happens. Once we get to a conclusion, whether it is Gypsy coming home, or I have to continue my search because things didn't fall into place, I will put together the video and post it for you to watch. Of course I'm hoping for the ending where I bring Gypsy home, but I think that is going to all come down to The Truff. If they meet and it doesn't go well, which I can't imagine why it wouldn't, then that is the end of it with Gypsy.

     There is some good news that comes with that potential bad news. Remember that first dog I was talking about? The concern I had over the Pit mix? Well, it turns out, that my concern was over nothing. Casper is the dogs name, and I'm told that his demeanor is exceptional even with small dogs. If things don't go well with Gypsy, then I have a chance with Casper. Alas, Casper is also on the medically unavailable list. I don't know what the concern is with him, but I will look more into it, if I need to

     Now onto America's Got Talent. Yep, it's Tuesday and that is AGT night. It wasn't an overall great night. Some of the acts kind of took a step back from what they did the first time, and others, just didn't thrill me. One act however just made me happy, and it's an act that I shared on here before. When this little 12 year old boy danced for his first audition, I was moved by how he was able to tell a story through his dance moves, and how perfect those moves where. Well, he did it again, and this time I noticed a little more about his ability. He manages to use everything to tell that story. His moves of course, but also his facial expressions, everything is involved in the story telling. He doesn't just move to the music, he tells the story of the song through his movement, and that is something truly unique and quite satisfying. This is the judge's cuts round of AGT, and here is his performance.

     In case you were wondering, he made it through to the live shows. I had no doubt, the kid is just so good at what he does. I'm looking forward to what he comes up with in his next performance. I don't think he can win the whole thing, but he is entertaining to watch, and I hope he finds some way to make a living doing just what he is doing in that video above. The world needs more things like this, that just make you happy.

     I know this has gone on for what seems like forever tonight. I even wrote this in two parts. The first part about The Process, was written in the afternoon, and everything else was at 10 o'clock at night, so I understand your desire to get on with things, so I'll make this quick. It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. Now, just a short background for this one. When I get in the state that I've been in since Saturday night, I liked to listen to The Smiths. I know, if you know The Smiths, it seems very counterproductive. The thing is, The Smiths songs are so depressing, that they make me feel better, because nothing is that bad. In all honesty, it is more of the fact that the music itself is abnormally upbeat, and the lyrics are downright most depressing series of words ever put together. That juxtaposition just thrills me to no end. With all of that in mind, I'm going to share with you the one song that has it all together and doesn't have that fight amongst itself. Here is The Smiths with "How Soon Is Now?".

     There you have it, the lyrics actually match the music. It's all dreary with now happiness. I'm not going off the deep end, I really do like that song. It is my favorite song by them. Hey, I could have gone with Girlfriend in an Coma, so don't complain.

     I've held you captive long enough.but before I go, I just wanted to mention that the next Adventure Time Series is going to be on the 19th of this month. After that, I'm going to suspend the ATS until it cools down weather wise. It has been scorchingly hot lately, and that creates a whole dynamic with wearing jackets and long pants around places that are supposed to be fun and relaxing. I also have to come up with some new places to go to, and I want to take my time and plan them out a little better, so that I can get better content for you. Peace in and goodnight.