Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Updates For Everything.

     I still feel like I'm trying to catch up with sleep that I didn't get on Thursday night. I'm exhausted, and I need a really good nights sleep to get over it, but I haven't had one of those since Wednesday night. I keep running through too many things in my head. I run through what I visualize happening in my friends accident (update on her and that coming up), I keep running through the series of events that should lead me to brining Gypsy home. Then our of nowhere I run through some conversation with someone I've never met before, nor have never even seen. It is completely a product of my imagination. That last one could be brought on my fatigue. I'm not sure.

     Time for an update on Elie Wolf. I went to visit her today, and she looked great. She still has the super cool lego arms, but she was sitting up. That is something I didn't think would be possible at this time. She was moved from her bed to a chair that is kind of like a bed. She even told me that with a lot of help, she stood up today. Mind you, her pelvis was shattered. I saw the x-rays, it wasn't good, but she stood up briefly only 48 hours after major surgery to repair that pelvis. Did I mention that she is a total badass? Here is another milestone, she fed herself her breakfast this morning. Yeah, I know that sounds like a pretty easy thing to do right? Don't forget, she broke both of her wrists, the right not as bad as the left (right being the hand she used), but still, she is 72 hours from that surgery. She is already wanting to get out of the hospital, but she does know that she has to take the time to heal, so she is patiently waiting.

     As far as the accident goes, I got more specific details today. The guy was turning into oncoming traffic, and she kind of confirmed my belief that he never saw her, and was trying to get across the road in front of the car behind her. She also agreed with me that she panic gripped, and that is the reason her wrist broke the way they did. I haven't seen her bike, but I've been told that it isn't totaled, but I'm still betting that it is. The right handlebar snapped off, but that wouldn't make it a totaled bike alone. The frame needs to be cracked to make it totaled, and with a big pick-up truck resting on it, I can't see that frame not being cracked or bent. Oh yeah, a bent frame will make it totaled as well. I was shown a picture of her helmet today, and other than a pretty big scuff on the upper front of it, it was perfectly intact. I can't remember what helmet she has, but it lived up to all expectations of safety. To answer that question of,"Whether she will ride again?", I'm thinking that is a yes. things she said today, just made me believe that she is not done riding yet. She didn't mention getting a new bike or anything like that, but she did talk briefly about a new helmet. Why would you get a new helmet if you weren't going to ride. Tough as nails that one.

     Tomorrow I go to see Gypsy again. This will be my fourth visit with her, and if things go well, I think it will be the last visit before taking The Truff to meet her. If that goes well, then Gypsy is coming home. I'm pretty sure that this visit, I will be taking a walk with Gypsy all by ourselves. This will see if she has any nervous reaction without the trainers around and what not. Considering the way things were left on Sunday, with her trying to follow me to my car, I think this little walk is going to be a breeze. Either way, wish me luck. I don't think I need it, but it can't hurt to have it.

     With everything that has been going on this weekend, I just haven't had time to think about a FSOTW, so I think rather than just throw a song up here for you to listen to, I'm going to wait until Thursday to have something for you to peruse with your earholes. With that I say, peace in and goodnight.

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