Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I'm Going To Take A Little Break.

     I've been putting this off tonight. It is now 11 o'clock and I have no other excuses to keep me preoccupied. Why have I put it off for so long tonight. Well, there is a ton of stuff to write about, but I don't want to write about any of it. I'm angry with the state of things right now. I've always tried to keep politics in general out of this, because there are much better places for that than here, but sometimes, there are things you can't avoid. That is why I made the video for the Sunday post.

      With everything that happened this weekend, you would think that it couldn't possibly get any worse, but then today happened, and a press conference from the petulant child in charge erupted in behavior that is reminiscent more of a school aged child than that of a world leader. He attacked people that for moral reasons left his advisory boards. He defended the worst of what society has to offer and then put blame on victims.

     In the past, when events that happened such as last weekends, a President of this country would go to those places and try to bring people together. Make a show that the government wasn't letting the people to waller in the muck of pain and hatred, but there is no word of that happening this time. It could still happen, but I'm holding no such hope of seeing it. I said all along, that if this country elected him as President, then we were getting the President that we deserved. I had no idea, how bad we really were, that we deserved what we have gotten.

     I mentioned on Sunday, that I would relay to you any thing new I learned about the young woman, Heather Heyer, that was killed on Saturday. I'm sure that you have seen many stories about her by now, and have heard the press releases from her parents, but here are a few more things that I found out. Her favorite color was purple, she was passionate about helping those that were less fortunate than her. She would often cry when she would see horrible injustice that she felt she could do nothing about, but she still tried as hard as she could to make change. That is why she was at that protest march that day. She was using her voice to illicit change. I hope that in her honor, you will do the same, I know I will. If you see something happening that you know is wrong, speak up, or take action to stop it in some way. That doesn't mean that you should put yourself in harms way. If you can avoid that, do it at all costs, but if you feel that it is more important to get involved in something that could cause you harm, than to stay out of it, then do what you have to do. I've put myself in harms way for people in the past, and I survived all of it. It wasn't anything as serious as what happened on Saturday, but I did take a few beatings, and I gave a few as well. I still believe that in the end it was all worth it. Every punch I took or gave was for something that was much more important than I was.

     Sometimes you have to stand up, and other times, you have to sit back. For that last reason, I've decided to take a couple of weeks off from writing this blog, and social media in general. I'm going take two weeks off after I do the nest ATS. I'll make sure that I get that completed before I take my small break. For those two weeks, I will have no online presence outside of Words With Friends. I just need a little time to decompress form everything that can be so overwhelming about the internet. I will be back after those two weeks, and stronger and ready to write more than ever. I plan on taking that time, to work on a few things, including that logo that I keep talking of but do nothing about. Hopefully when I come back, I will have that to show you. Also, if I don't have an update on Gypsy before then, I will definitely have one after.

     Now, as for the ATS ride. I have it planned for this Saturday, and that would make Sunday, the last post for two weeks, but as I mentioned before If I hear anything about Gypsy this weekend, I will push back the ATS until the following week. That would give you one more week of having to read this before you can take a two week vacation from it.

     I do think this will be a good thing. This will be the first break I've taken since I started the 365 over two years ago. Who knows, I may even come up with some crazy story ideas to share with you. I've had quite a few monologues and dialogues go through my head lately. Nothing has really stuck yet, but this is how it goes with me when I story hits me. It usually starts with a monologue that turns into something. I think it would be fun to do a short story series on here for you at some point.

     Enough about all that for now. I do have a slight Gypsy update, and that there is no update. However, not all is lost. I did see something on a bit of the positive side on the humane society's website. I believe I mentioned another dog by the name of Casper. He is a Boxer/Pit mix that had gone on the medically unavailable list the same day that Gypsy did. Guess who came off that list and back on the available list yesterday? If you guessed Gypsy, you would be really wrong, and somehow missed completely, the hint I was giving above. Casper of course. He is available for adoption as of yesterday. Casper would be a great option, but I really want to see how things pan out with Gypsy first. She is such a beautiful and sweet dog, and I want to give her her fur-ever home. See what I did there with the whole fur-ever thing? Anyway, Casper coming off the list, gives me hope that Gypsy will be off it soon as well, which means there is a very good chance that the ATS gets pushed back another week. Which means that you have to put up with a whole other week of this blog before the break.

     I want to leave you with something fun and a little funky, and that is exactly what Favorite Song of the Week is. I was a kid when this song came out, and to this day, I have no idea what it's about. All I do know, is that it has a great beat, and you can really dance to it. I can also remember going to the Starlight Skate Rink and skating to this song. Well, skating or playing Centipede to it. Either way, I was having fun. Here is the Tom Tom Club with "Genius of Love".

     See, fun and a little funky. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. We all need time to ourselves sometimes. Love you Yes I certainly agree with you on this past weekend Too much ugly take care
