Sunday, August 20, 2017

All The Latest News That's Fit To Report.

Julian Cadman

Bruno Gulotta

Elke Vanbockrijck

Luca Russo

Francisco Lopez Rodriguez

Jared Tucker

Pepita Codina

Ian Moore Wilson

Carmen Lopardo

Ana Maria Suarez

    Those are the names I've been able to find so far of those that died in the in Barcelona. I'm sure I don't have to say that there is no need to name those responsible for this act, but it does seem that the driver is on the loose. I unfortunately don't have his name, but I'm sure there are several locations that will give that name. Last I heard, authorities were closing in on him and he would be apprehended soon. All of these people have stories, and if you get the chance try to look them up. Read those names knowing that they will be remembered, and those that committed this vile act, will be forgotten.

     I have an update on Elie Wolf. I attempted to visit her yesterday, but when I went to the hospital, she was still in surgery. Her surgery lasted 8 and a half hours. Most of the time was used repairing her left wrist. I was told that the doctor that performed the surgery said, that it was one of the top three worst injuries that he had ever seen. The bone that was exposed was missing pieces, so they had to use a cadaver bone to replace it. The bone was razor sharp and severed her radial nerve, so he had to replace that with a cadaver nerve as well. The prognosis is fair. If she manages to do everything perfectly, in 6 months to a year she should wind up with 80-90% function in her left hand. Like I said on Friday's post, I saw the picture of her hand how it came into the Trauma Unit, and 80-90% is excellent. 

     From what I was told, she will only need one more surgery, and that will be to remove the pins and rods from her arm in about 5-6 weeks. The only concern now, since it was an open break, there is a potential for infection. I know that they did an antibiotic wash on the wound when she first arrived, and I was told that the surgeon did a very thorough one when he did the final surgery. I'm hoping that they are being precautions with this, and that she is past any infection. There was road debris and dirt in it from the accident so there is always a potential for it.

     I talked to her very briefly when she had been brought back to her room. I got a call from her sister and she put the phone near Elie so she could thank me for stopping by the hospital and also checking on her dog. Her dog is doing very well and is in very good hands with his dog sitter. I'm not sure I will be able to see her before next weekend, but If I do, I will keep you posted on how she is recovering. She is one of the toughest people I know, so if anyone is going to get the most out of this recovery, it will be her.

     I don't think I have to say it, but I will anyway. Since I may only be able to see her on the weekend, I have decided to cancel the ATS ride for this month. This was to be the final one for a few months anyway, and it's a bit of a bummer since there was an exhibit at the location that will leave early next month. I can always go to the location at a later date, I just won't get to see that exhibit. There is another reason that I can't go this weekend either, and it's a very good one. I just may be brining Gypsy home this weekend.

     My visit with Gypsy went beyond well yesterday. When the trainer brought her in the pen, she charged straight for me. Not in an aggressive I want to eat you way, but in a, "hey I remember that guy" sort of way. I was able to pet her even before I gave her a treat, so that obstacle seems to be hurdled. Another trainer came out shorty, and I'm not sure what her title is, but she is in charge of things there. She was the one that talked with me on the phone on Friday. She filled me in with all of the information about Gypsy and what potential health concerns that she has. She also took charge of the little meeting, and took Gypsy off leash to see what her reaction would be. Gypsy was a sweetheart. She had me walk away from the trainers to see if Gypsy would shy away from me, but I had the power of treats, and Gypsy followed me everywhere, only looking over her shoulder occasionally to see where everyone was at.

     Near the end of that visit, we discussed the schedule of visits to come. The head trainer told me that her schedule had her off on Monday and Tuesday, and that I should come back as soon as possible to keep the bond growing. That was easy, I would be back tomorrow. As we were winding things up, Gypsy came up to me and just leaned against my legs allowing me to pet her on her head and back. I think that bond is growing pretty well. The schedule of things are to go like this. The next visit would have Gypsy off leash right away, to see if there was any adverse reaction. I wan't worried about a thing. The visit following that, I would take a walk with one of the trainers along side of Gypsy, so that she could get used to having me around her. The visit after that, would be me taking Gypsy for a walk with the trainers in eyesight of her. Then I would take Gypsy for a walk alone, then Gypsy would meet The Truff. If all of that went well, then Gypsy would come home either the same day of The Truff meeting or shortly there after.

     Let's fast forward to today. I headed to the humane society with treats in hand, ready for this next visit. They did just as they said, and Gyspy was off leash right away. She wasn't uncomfortable at all. She did take her time coming over to me, but I think that was more of her enjoying her new found freedom to go anywhere she wanted to. I walked Gypsy around the pen and she didn't even bother looking for the other trainers this time. That is when the trainer said, let's take her for a walk. So out of the pen we went. Then the trainer said, "You know what? Let's let him take her of by themselves.". So I took the leash and off I went. This was the me walking her in eyesight of the trainers walk. If you remember that schedule above, this was two steps from today. Gypsy didn't hesitate once. We walked all around and she never lost focus on what we were doing. I walked her all around a little wooded area that they had there, and we just enjoyed ourselves. When I finally ran out of treats, I made my way back over to the trainers. We talked a little about the next meeting and then I was on my way. That is when something happened that I didn't see, but I heard. As I walked away, Gypsy tried to go after me. She wanted to stay with me. I turned back around and the trainer told me that she tried to follow me. That is fantastic. I'm taking that as a sign that nothing is going to stop Gypsy from going home with me. The head trainer had let me know, that Gypsy had lived with other dogs in the past, and that in a worst case scenario at the shelter, which was when I small dog got out of it's cage while Gypsy was off leash, the little dog charged for Gypsy. When the little dog reached Gypsy's feet, all Gypsy did was look down at her. That leads the trainer to believe that The Truff isn't going to have any worries at all.

     If we keep on the schedule that progressed today, Gypsy should be home either Thursday or Friday night. I think this is where she needs to be. I'll of course keep you updated. That reminds me, I need to update you on the break. I'm still going to take it, but since I had to cancel the ATS ride, and with all that is going on right now, I didn't think it would be fair to you, for me to take the break starting tonight without giving you the latest updates on Elie and Gypsy. That means that I will continue through this next Sunday post, and then take my two weeks off. If things go as I believe they will, I will be able to give you all the latest, and possibly some conclusions to these chapter, before the break happens, and we can pick up with things when I get back.

     Last order of business tonight, is of course the video I made on Friday. I finally got it posted late in the evening after I had finished with the special Friday post. The video is a little behind on information that you now currently have, but it could still be interesting, because it also shows the first part of me heading to the humane society to get information on Gypsy before I got that call later in the evident. I did film some footage on my way there yesterday, but I'm going to make that video when all of this is complete, so it should be a stand alone video. I didn't shoot anything today because I was in the car, but hopefully Wednesday when I go back, I will shoot some footage and possibly with Gypsy herself. She isn't on any footage as of yet, but when we take our solo walk, I bust the phone out and take a little video of it. I may even do an Instagram story either that day or on the day I think I will take her home, so if you haven't followed me on Instagram yet, now would be a good time, so you can get there first true look at Gypsy. Just follow this link and hit that follow button.

     That reminds me, this is something I wanted to talk about and made get your advice one. I was going to bring this up on the Thursday post, but, well you know what happened there. I picked up a new follower early last week. That is not unusual, I pick up about a follower a week, sometimes they are just scams, and other times they are people promoting their own page, The person that followed me this week was a bit different. I believe I know this person. It is a woman I meet on a dating site a couple of years ago. We went to dinner one time, and then kind of fell apart. I figured it just wasn't meant to be. I last heard from her about going to a baseball game. She was asking if I wanted to go, I told her my availability, and then we never spoke again. I'm sure it was something I did wrong, but like I said, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Here is the thing. I was wondering if I should reach out to her. I'm not sure if she knows the person she followed is me, or whether she would even remember me anyway. I'm sure she followed me because of one of my beach photos, because she has a lot of them on her page. What do you think? Should I reach out to her and try to initiate some communication with her?

     Enough about that, here is that video I promised you I hope you enjoy it.

     I usually watch though my videos once they are on YouTube just to make sure everything looks ok. This one I haven't been able to watch yet on there. I did watch it when I finished the edit, so I have seem the finished product, but I have no idea if every thing looks good on the old YouTubes. Let me know if you see anything that is a bit off on it, and I will go finally give it a view and see if there is anything I can do about it.

     That is all I have for tonight. I'll give you any update I get on Elie on Tuesday if I hear anything new, and of course I will update you with the latest on Gypsy on the Thursday post it could be that she is sitting right beside me as I write that one. If you follow me on Instagram you will probably know the answer to that one. Peace in and Goodnight.

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