Sunday, August 27, 2017

Last Post Before My Social Media Vacation.

     This is it, the final post before the break. I have a few things to talk about, so let's just jump right into it.

     I'll start with the dog on dog meet on Friday. It didn't go as I'd hoped it would. The Truff was a little stressed out. I have my thoughts on way, and I'll get to that in time. The Truff acted like The Truff, she wasn't uninterested, but neither was she interested in Gypsy. Here is where her problem came in. Since The Truff is skittish, she doesn't stand her ground, and tries her best to get away from a situation. That led to Gypsy's problem. Gypsy was interested in meeting The Truff. When I would hold The Truff, Gypsy was calm and would just stare at her and smell her. No aggression what so ever. When The Truff was walking around, Gypsy is a little too rambunctious and when The Truff would try to get away, Gypsy would try to go after her. Once again, not in an aggressive way, but more of a playful way. Since Gypsy is so much bigger than The Truff, the trainers were worried that Gypsy would accidentally step on her and hurt her. It ended with me walking out with The Truff in her carrier and Gypsy going back to her home in the kennel.

     There are still options. I talked with the supervisor and am waiting to her from either her, or a dog trainer that she knows. The idea is that the trainer would work with Gypsy so that she could be more focused and less interesting in going after The Truff to get to know her. I haven't heard from either yet, so it isn't looking good for Gypsy coming to my home. Here are the things that I think could have gone better. I told them that The Truff doesn't feel comfortable around people, and there were 4 of us out there including myself. Two trainers holding Gypsy, the supervisor and me. This alone caused stress to The Truff. I think if there were only two of us and the pups, it would have gone a lot better. There is also the fact that The Truff had a few seizures the night before, so she was out of sorts from that. I also think that if Gypsy and The Truff spent more time around each other, familiarity would win out. Gypsy wouldn't seem so interested in her, if they were more familiar with each other. The Truff is a tough little dog, and they underestimated her in how she could hold her own if Gypsy got too close to her. I think The Truff would have eventually stopped and let Gypsy introduce herself if they let it go a little further and once again, if there were less people there. I wasn't going to question them though, they have done hundreds if not thousands of these dog on dog meets, so they know best, but I know The Truff best. I'll see how it all works out, and let you know if anything changes when I get back from the break.

     I began watching The Defenders on Friday night. I needed something to make me happy after the meltdown with the dog on dog meet. It was a good distraction. I got two episodes in before I was too tired to stay up any longer. It was slow but good. I wanted to keep watching but sleep was more important.

     On Saturday I headed over to the new hospital that Elie had been moved to. Her schedules i incredibly busy because she has started her therapy sessions. Yeah, after only a week from the accident. She is doing really well. She has been able to stand up and kind of waddle walk for a short distance, and they have her sitting in a wheelchair and walking that ways so that she can be mobile. The goal is for her to be out of the hospital and back home to start outpatient therapy in three weeks. She is well on her way. One doctor told her that they expect her to get full use of her hand back. I can't believe that I didn't know this, but her left hand, the one that was so badly damaged, is her dominant hand, so she is going to have to learn how to do things right handed for the time being. This is where her artistic and athletic background is going to help her indefinitely. She doesn't have much feeling in that hand right now, but she is able to wiggle her fingers, which is amazing, since her broken bone severed all of her tendons and nerves in that hand. The repair job the doctor did is fantastic.

      I finally asked her the question of all questions. Are you going to ride again? Her answer was no. Not because she has a fear of riding. She said she doesn't feel that way at all. She is more concerned about putting her family and friends through all of this again. I can understand that, but if she ever does decide to ride again, I'll be there for her to get her new bike in a good and safe shape so that hopefully nothing like this can happen again. I love tinkering with bikes, so tricking one out with new brighter lights all around and louder horns and pipes is right up my alley. I'll see how she feels after some time. She loves riding, so her mind might be in a different place the further she gets form the accident. I did mention that if she does ride again, that maybe she not commute to work. The times she commutes are not the safest time for anyone on the road. She was riding home at dusk on a bike that sat low to the ground with stock headlights, horn and pipes, so there was nothing there that would stand out and announce that she was there. LED headlights, a much louder horn, and a loud set of pipes, maybe could have changed things a bit. She could be a weekend rider from now on if she wants, and there is nothing wrong with that.

     I did run into some old and good friends while I was visiting Elie. It was really good to see them. I can't remember the last time I ran into them. I think it was at a mutual friends baby shower in December, so it's been a while. We picked up where we left off, and there is a chance I'll see them again this weekend. It will be fun, and we had fun while we were at the hospital. I know we got Elie laughing pretty good, and that can help her almost better than medicine can.

     After leaving the hospital, I took the long ride home, counting the minutes until I could watch more episodes of The Defenders. I managed to watch the rest of the series. There are only 8 episodes, and they move pretty quick despite their somewhat slow pace. It does pick up as it goes, and I really liked it. I'm hearing that most people are on the fence with it, and I think it is because of the very end of it. I wan't bothered by the ending, as a matter of fact, I expected it. There are a couple of clues to what is going to happen at the very end, if you look for them. It's a good series that involves almost all of the Netflix Marvel heroes, so give it a try, you might just enjoy it.

     Before I get into the wrap up and tell you what to expect for the comeback post and when exactly that will happen. I just needed to show you this. You know my slight fascination with Funko Pop Vinyl figures, well I picked up a new one, and it's pretty awesome.

     It's the new Flash from the upcoming Justice League movie. I'm a fan of The Flash, and an even bigger fan of Ezra Miller who plays the part in the movie. That's right, it's not the same Barry Allen from the TV show. It's the kid that played Patrick in Perks of Being a Wallflower. You may have seen him most recently in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. He played Credence in that movie, and he is reprising that role for Fantastic Beasts 2. That was just something fun I wanted to show you.

     Here it is, the paragraph about whats to come. I'm going to go cold turkey on the social media starting tomorrow morning, so any platform that you follow me on, I will be absent from it for two weeks. The next post on here, will be on September 11th. Yes that anniversary of all anniversaries. I didn't plan it that way, It's just how it all works out. That will be a Tuesday night. I should have a lot to talk about. I've ordered a few things, and I signed up for something that should help me out greatly with the YouTube videos, and I'll go into details on all of that when I get back. I may make a video or two while I'm offline, but I won't post any of them until Sunday, September 9th, and of course I will add them to that Tuesday post if I have any ready. Nothing should really change here as far as what I write about, but the videos are going to change a little, but in a good way, and a way that will make it much easier to get them up and keep them viewable to you. So, I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Peace in and goodnight.

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