Thursday, August 3, 2017

I Really Wish I Could Tell You About This Process, That I'm Going Through.

     Ok, this process that I can't tell you about yet, is going slower than I'd hoped it would. That is going to turn out to be a good thing though. Here is the reason why, and I don't know why I didn't think about this before. I'm going to document as much of the process as I can with the GoPro and my phone. I'll be able to take you along during the process. That what you calling, taking lemons and making lemonade right there. When I can, I will be able to explain all, and I will fill you in on why it is taking this slow turn as well.

     I was wrong about this being a 4 day work week for me. I am working tomorrow, which also works out, since this process is going slow. I'd hoped that if I was off, that I would be involved with the process, but since the slow down is in affect, working isn't the worst thing I could do.

     Yesterday, I started watching 13 Reasons Why. I know, I'm about a year late on this one. I had it in my Netflix queue, but I just didn't feel like dealing with the subject matter until now. If you don't know what it is about, it has to do with a teenage suicide. That's all I'm going to say, because I don't want to spoil anything for you if you do intend on seeing it. I am four episodes in at this point, and I wanted to watch the 5th one tonight, but I just had to catch Battle of the Network Stars. I plan on finishing up the series this weekend. I've heard rumors that they are going to do a second season, but I just don't know how that is possible. Granted I clearly haven't watched the entire series yet, but if it goes the way I expect it to go, I don't see the possibility of a second season. It's kind of like OA. The ending is just perfect, and doing a second season would ruin it. I'll let you know if that holds up when I'm done watching it.

     As I mentioned above, I had to watch Battle of the Network Stars. Yes, they brought it back, and it is good old fashioned fun TV viewing. They have some new celebrities, but mostly old celebrities. The ones I grew up watching. It is great to see them now, and it is fun watching them run around all those challenges. Tonight they had Jimmy JJ Walker on. He played J.J. Evans on Good Times. It was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid, and J.J. was my favorite character. His catch phrase was Dynomite, and he said it like Dy-No-Miiiiiiite. It was the best, and he got it out on the show tonight. He is quite a bit older now, and doesn't have all the moves he used to have, but he still has that sharp wit, that kept people laughing. I think I need to bring Dynomite back. I'll figure out a way to start getting it in my videos. That should be fun.

     I walked into my ukulele lesson tonight, and my teacher was ready to torture me. Since we have moved over to the guitar, he has been excited, and filling me with a ton of stuff. He always has the caveat that this is way more stuff than he would ordinarily give to someone, so I shouldn't feel bad if I don't get it right away. I've been doing pretty good with it so far though, and I manage to at the very least, get a handle on the concept of what I have to do. Sometimes, my hands don't want to follow what my brain tells them to do. Tonight he was showing me some of Eddie Van Halen's tricks. I don't know if you've ever heard Van Halen's song Eruption, he was showing me the technique known as triplets. It's when you do a thing called hammer ons, but instead of just using our left hand, you throw your right hand in there to. I got a video for you so that you can get the idea of what it sounds like. I sound nothing like this, I am very slow, and quite clumsy right now, but maybe with a few months of practice, I can come close. Here is the video, the part he showed me is at about the 1 minute mark.

     It is real fun, but my hands were tired and sore when I was finished with class, and that was only a half hour, so I can't wait to see how they feel when I put some serious time in on it. I'm expecting to walk around with my hands stuck in wretched looking claws. If I don't write anything on Sunday, you  know why. I've been permanently crippled from playing guitar. Don't worry, I would never let that happen I enjoy doing this too much to let sore fingers and hands stop me.

     I'll see you on Sunday. I'm hoping to have a video of the kayaking for you by then, but no premisses. I had a few ideas about it today, but I haven't applied anything yet. I'll work on it tomorrow evening on Saturday and see what I can come up with. Peace in and goodnight.

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