Tuesday, January 8, 2019

And A New Journey Begins, Maybe

     I took the drug test yesterday, and it was a whole new experience. They had an oral test, where you had to place a swab in your mouth for ten minutes for it to soak up moisture or something like that. They want me to begin work right away, but the test has to clear first. The absolute earliest possible could be Wednesday night, but it is more than likely Thursday or Friday. I will have to go through orientation and then some online training as well as practical training before I officially start, but it is pretty much a done deal. Since yesterday was also the 2nd anniversary of the last time I had a drink, the only thing I take, is a low doze aspirin every morning, and that's not going to trip a drug test. I'm looking forward to this new adventure in life, and see where it takes me. Now I just have to find another job to make up the difference. I can't live off a weekend part time job, but at least it's something.

     I have been going through photos like a mad man, and playing around with them until they look like something that I want to really see, and I have a new favorite, and I can't explain why. I think because it has a sense of vulnerability to it, but I'm not even sure about that. I got this in a moment when Snow was putting her hair up for a different look, and it was just the nature of the movements and how they were just so candid. I have a series of three shots in all of this, but this one, is just so perfect to me. I'm going to once again share it here first, but don't expect this to be a normal thing. I got to have some exclusivity to the CSP.

     I just like how the whole thing came together, and it just seems to perfect to me. I'm sure I'm alone in this, but that is part of being a photographer. You do your best to capture the images that are given to you, and hope that people feel the same way about what you have done as you.

     I just finished the video and the write up for the latest TPR and we are doing another one tomorrow. This is going to be our first chain. It is a local chain and it's origins are in Orlando, but a chain none the less. Technically the last one we ddid could be considered a chain, but all their locations are owned by the same ownership, so not a franchise. I believe this next one is a franchise, with independent owners, buying the name and rights to sell the product of the parent company. We have stayed away from National chains despite people asking us to do some of the lesser known ones. That is most likely because they don't realize that they are chains. I do my research, and have turned down a couple of them so far. Yes, I know my partner is supposed to be on top of that stuff, but well, you know how that goes. Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes on Thursday, and you will definitely see how it goes when it comes out in February.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This is a cover of a great Queen song, and it is by someone that I actually know. I haven't spoken to him in years, because he is busy doing the music thing, and I don't like to bother people, but you may know this person from the band he used to front. They were pretty big in the 90's and early 2000's. The band still tours under the name but with a new singer now, but really, his voice was the band and when he left, they are simply a cover band of themselves at this point. Oh, did I mention that he was also the main song writer of the band? Anyway, here is J.R. Richards with the Queen classic "I Want to be Free".

     If you want to here the rest of the songs, they are on the album Under The Cover. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention his original band. J.R. used to sing for the band Dishwalla. You know them, "Counting Blue Cars"? I knew you did, J.R. is a quality person. I got the chance to get to know him when he was living here in the area. He built a studio to record, and did and album here while he was learning Kung Fu at the school I was an instructor at. He was humble and genuine, so I got along with him rather well. We pretty much fell out of touch when Myspace imploded, but I still keep loose tabs on how things are going with him. Check out his stuff. He really is a talented singer and songwriter.

     That's it for me. I'm off to bed so I will bright eyed and bushy tailed to eat pizza tomorrow. Peace in and goodnight,

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