Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Come Along Catch A Heffalump

     It has been a long couple of days. That isn't a bad thing though. I'm leaning a ton of things about my new job, and there is a lot to it. I have to memorize codes, and screen details, so that I can get the things done that need to be done. I can see why someone with retail experience, is more likely to succeed in this position. I'm getting it, but I still have a lot more to learn. My mentor told me that she only had 3 days of training, and she really wishes that she had more time. The good thing is that I will be allowed to have more time if needed, and I'm going to go on her recommendation. If she says it would be better for me to have more, than that is what I'm going to do. The more I know the less likely I will run into a situation that I won't know what to do. I had a moment today where I did something wrong, but she gave me credit for catching it quickly and not just letting things go forward. That is a plus. I noticed my mistake and then fixed it, and I learned from it. Too often people see mistakes as terrible things, but don't take them for the small gifts that they are, but they are only gifts if you learn from them. Always learn from your mistakes.

     I can't believe I forgot on Sunday to tell you just how good season 2 of The Punisher was. I finished it on Saturday night, and was blown away. Once again, one of the Marvel/Netflix shows was outstanding, but I do fear, that the word will come down soon, that it is cancelled, like all the other Marvel shows. After that one is gone, there is only one left to go, and that is a favorite of mine, Jessica Jones. I honestly thought last season was it's last, but it got one more season tacked on, but with the fight between Netflix and Marvel still ongoing, I expect it to be the last Marvel show to air. Here is the story about all that. Netflix wants to monetize the shows that they call originals. Marvel owns the Marvel shows, and so Netflix can't monetize it by selling merchandise or selling physical copies of the show. They say there are too expensive to make, and cancel them on those grounds. The deal with Marvel states, that none of the shows can be renewed or created on another platform for two years from the release date of the final season. That means, that even with Disney + coming online soon, they won't be able to make new shows, since the contract is holding, and Netflix doesn't seem to be willing to let Disney buy them out. Oh, had I forgotten to mention that Disney owns Marvel, and that they are creating their own new streaming service? They are, and it would be a great fit for DareDevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Punisher, and maybe even a side shot at The Defenders.

     That is probably the reason why Netflix won't sellout the contract. If Disney + had the rights, people would flock to the service and possibly dump Netflix. They want to hang on as long as they can. I do know of two shows that are already prepped for Disney +. One is a show based on the character Loki. You know, Thor's somewhat evil adopted brother. It is going to star Tom Hiddleston, so for a first time, you will have a character with a show, that shows up in the MCU movieverse. So far with Netflix, Marvel has kept those two separate but have made mentions of the two universes.

     The second show is called The Mandalorian. A show that is based on one of the most loved Star Wars villains, Boba Fett. That should be a pretty big draw, there are tons of canon stories about Fett, so they have a lot of area that they can cover. Those two shows could bring in a lot of subscribers, but if they had those other Marvel shows, that have a rabid fan base, it would be a done deal. Anyway, that is my TED talk on the landscape of the Marvel streaming shows.

     I don't know who it is that picks the songs for the Apple advertisements, but they are geniuses. I don't think I have watched on of their commercials and not been allured by the song choice, to look it up and find out what it is, and who it is by. That has led me to Favorite Song of the Week. This is in the new iPhone XR commercial, with all the people running around in different color sweats. The song is just downright catchy, and it is even better when you hear the whole thing, and guess what? You are going to hear the whole thing, because that is FSOTW. It is by an artist named Cosmo Sheldrake. He is a Brit with remarkable talent. He plays several instruments and finds away to get them all in his songs. This song is no exception. It sounds as if the Mad Hatter could play a bunch of instruments. There is also the fact that he mentions Heffalumps. If you have been reading for a while you know of my childhood love of Winnie the Pooh, and should know where Heffalumps come from. The only thing that would make this song better, is if he slipped a "Woozels" in there. You can't have it all. Anyway, the Favorite Song of the Week is Cosmo Sheldrake with "Come Along".

    My favorite part of the song; Come come come come come along now, run away from the hum-drum. We'll go to a place that is safe from the greed, anger, and boredom. How great are those lyrics?

     I'm hitting the sack early tonight, because I'm exhausted, and I need some sleep. I've needed sleep since 3:30 this morning when I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, but duty called, and I had to go to work. Peace in and Goodnight.

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