Thursday, January 3, 2019

I Changed The Temperature

     I went out and was given some more photos yesterday. It was another sunset, but I was armed with new knowledge on how to get different type of shots with the camera and it worked like a charm.

     I had never played around with the white balance before. I knew about it, and what it's there for, but I never thought to adjust it in order to get different effects in shots. I read an article about shooting christmas lights, and they mentioned it in there, but I thought why not use that for other shots, and so I put it to use. I also used another technique where you pump up the ISO and speed up the shutter speed, and that also worked out great. Playing around with the white balance allowed me to get different colors in the picture. It basically changed the temperature and tint of the image. Temperature refers to the warmth or coolness of a photo. The warmer the photo is, the more reds and oranges you are going to see in it. If it's cooler than you will see more blues and greens. Just by changing one thing, you can get a wildly different photo.

     The first picture is a preview of one that will go up on the CSP Instagram next week, the second one went up today. These were both shot with the same settings with the one difference being the white balance. The top is more likely what you will get when the camera is set for natural day light. The second one is what you will get when you set it for indoor tungsten lighting. Quite a difference right? Yes, both of these have been processed and I have tweaked the colors and what not, but the basic foundation of each photo is there. I didn't alter these all that much.

     I did play around with the Lensball while I was out there, and I even tried out a new thing in Photoshop, but I have to work on it, to really get it right, but in the mean time, here is what I got just playing around.

     I used a stand to hold that Lensball up in the air, but I haven't quite mastered getting it completely out of the shot yet, so this is really a work in progress. I do like the idea of this photo, but it isn't quite there yet, and I really need to work in Photoshop more so that I can get better with it. Elie helped me out, and I watched a video tutorial as well. There is a ton of information out there if you just look for it. The problem is, that there is a ton of information, and you really need to watch those videos two or three times to really get all the information to stick. Once it sticks, I'll be able to really get rid of that stand and get the photo that I really want. In the meantime, I tried my best to make it look like a shadow, but I pretty much failed at that as well.

     News on the job front. I received a call this evening from the head of HR that gave me the interview on Tuesday. He left a voicemail asking me to call him for a follow up, but when I called him back he had already left work for the day, so I'll have to try again in the morning. I'm taking this as a pretty good sign. I'm actually getting a follow up call. That at the very least means that I am in the running still. I'll take it. It's better than anything that has happened in this area so far. Now if I could only get the TPR to start paying off. That is one of those, "all the hard work will pay of eventually" type of things. If it is supposed to, it will come.

     Oh, I started on a prototype of the new wand stand that I'm making for Elie. I cut the piece out, and shaped it. All that went well. I worked on cutting out a design in the piece, and that is where things went wrong. I got a little carried away, and eliminated too much wood from and area and ruined the whole thing. The good news is, that I leaned quite a lot from that screw up. Deep down I knew that was going to be a test piece and wouldn't end up a part of the final piece. This was only to see if I could do that things I wanted to do, for it to look really cool. Although I failed on this attempt, it told me that I will be able to do what I need to do, and it will be much better the next time I do it. Even the screw up isn't that bad looking, but it is a failure. I don't have picture of it, but I will get one for Sunday, so that you can see what it is I was trying to do. I will use this piece as a template for all the other pieces I need to cut out, so it has a dual purpose, and is still good for something. I'm really excited to know, that I can truly pull this off. I had my doubts, because what I want to do, isn't easy, and I really don't have the right tools to do it, so trial and error or going to teach me how to do it without those tools. This is going to be a lot of fun, and I can't wait to get it almost done. I say almost, because I'm going to need both the wands before I can fully finish it, and those won't be around for some time. I can get the base done, and get it all assembled without the wands, but the key element of the actually small stands that the wands will be propped up on, will need to be fitted. I can't just use my wand to do it. Although one of the wands is going to be one exactly like mine, but the other is quite a bit different and will need it's own unique way of sitting on the platform and leaning on the stand. So, I can get the bulk of the work done and then fine tune it once the wands are purchased and in my hands for fitting. Who knew, I would be able to make some decorative wand stand. It sure wasn't me.

     Any way, it's getting late and there is a lot in this little post for you to digest. Peace in and goodnight.

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