Thursday, January 24, 2019

I'm Exhausted

     My week of training is almost over. Yeah, we added two extra days, and it's a good thing, there is one part of the job, that I just haven't gotten a hold of yet. I'm getting there, but it is all about remembering codes, and screens and prompts, that go by so fast that I don't really get a chance to see them as I'm doing it.

     Today we worked on the most difficult part of the job, and the part that my mentor held off until now. For good reason to, there is a lot to it, and it takes a good amount of time to really learn it. I think that by tomorrow, I will be fully ready, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my concerns. There is so much to learn, and one of those things is the story layout. I still don't know where all the departments are and where everything is. This is the second largest store in the state, and I found out, just how much money it makes a year today, and it's a lot. I was also told that it's the toughest store to start out in, because it does so much volume. My mentor used to be at a much smaller store in the area, and she said it was a breeze there, with plenty of time to get all the work done, and then even have time to get extra things in, like cleaning our area, which is constantly dirty, since we are in the back warehouse area, where the compactor is, so there is dust everywhere, that accumulates fast.

     I have one last test to take before I will be official, and that is due on the 31st, but I'm not scheduled to be in there on that day, so I'm going to try and take it tomorrow, and hope that I pass it. It's a must pass test. Oh yeah, I didn't mention that there are constant online learning quotas that you have to meet, and they come with knowledge assessment tests from time to time. Like I said, a lot of work.

     I'm going to try to pick up the wood I need for the bookcase wand stand tomorrow. I get a discount now, so I get a few bucks off of it. I'm going to have this whole weekend and next week off. I already have my allotment of hours, so I can't really start the weekend position until next weekend. That gives me a lot of free time to see how much I can get done of the bookcase wand stand. That and finally finish the final chapters of The Patchwork Knight. I've been so exhausted that I haven't been able to write those final chapters, but they are coming, and they are coming soon.

     It's every other Thursday, so I have a TPR video for you to watch. This is the one where my partner straight up lies on camera. I stayed honest, but when he says he would go back and try this place again, he literally told me that he would never go back there right after we cut the camera. That really bothers me. This is supposed to be our honest opinions, and he seems to be worried about offending someone. Here is the way that I look at it. We aren't going to be jerks about it when we find a place that is bad. We are going to be constructive and try to help them get better. If they listen to what we say. They don't have to, they probably truly believe in their product and think we are a couple of hacks, but I think if a place listens to what we say is wrong with their pizza, they could fix it and make it better. This pizza is a good example of that. There is one thing that brings this pizza down, and if they changed that, it could be a top notch pizza, but since they are opening their third location, I doubt they will change anything. Anyway, here is the video.

     I have to say, that I really like the way I put this video together, and since I've been adding a little clip at the end of each one, my partner keeps trying to make stuff happen, so from time to time, you will see what I put at the end of this one, which is straight up nonsense, and that is what he is pretty much doing the entire time we are filming these. I'm moving cameras, taking pictures, taking notes, really putting my all into tasting the pizza to figure out flavors and what not, and he is on his phone. I guess I should explain "make stuff happen". He didn't something organic in one video and I put it at the end, and it worked really well. Since that time, he tries to steam shovel that in to every video. I won't add it when it sounds fake, and the past couple of times, it has sounded fake. Don't forget, we have a few videos loaded up and ready to go, so we are good for another month.

     I need sleep, and I'm going to attempt to get it. Morty has been waking me in the middle of the night the past few days, and it is just killing me in the morning when I get up, so I'm hoping that he sleeps through the night. Peace in and goodnight.

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