Thursday, January 17, 2019

My Brain Is Melting

     Yep, you read that right. It feels like my brain is melting. Today was orientation for the new job, and it went well, but I took in so much information, that I need to decompress for a few days, but I have to go back tomorrow, and get a whole new metric ton of information crammed into my head.

     The information from the orientation, and then in the early stages of training, is all videos and little quizzes. It isn't difficult stuff, but it is just a matter of getting 10 lbs of information in a 5 lbs bag. Yeah, I cleaned that old saying up quite a bit for this comparison. The practical training doesn't start until Monday, and then it should be a little more smooth. I can take quizzes and simulations for days, but that will never beat practical training, any day for me. The simulations tell you everything that you are doing, so you really can't see what is going on. You just follow the prompts and do what it tells you, but I'm more of a hands on person. I can get an understanding, but it really won't sink in until I actually have to do it.

     That's the whole reason that I have done so many test pieces for the book case wand stand. I have to figure out how to do it. I know the theory behind all of it, but until I actually do it, it doesn't sink in as to what I really need to do, to pull it off. That reminds me. I have a picture for you, of the two little pieces that I'm making for whatever. One of course is going to Elie, and I'm keeping the other. They aren't done yet. I need to do one last pass with touchups, and then I'm going to clear coat them, to give them a little shine, but this will give you and idea of what the finished product will look like on the bookcase wand stand.

     Not bad for just messing around with wood. I did think about getting in there and smoothing out the interior portions of it, but I like the rough distressed look of the wood in there. It gives it a little more texture. Anyway, I went with white for mine, and an ochre for Elie. I'm still not sure if that is the way I'm going to go. I may try another color on the final test piece. I did get it stained yesterday, but I did no work on it today, because of the melting brain thing. I'll get to painting it on Saturday. I have two ideas for colors to try out, but only one can go on at a time. I'll just have to get one on there, take a photo of it, and then try the other color, then send the photos off to Elie for her final approval of color.

     Oh, I haven't heard back about the photography job, so I'm almost assured that I didn't get it. The person that did the interviews, mentioned that training was planned to start on Monday for that job, and since I haven't had that follow up phone interview, I'm out of the picture. You never know though, I could get the call tomorrow, and all that could change.

     I know this one is brief, but I refer you back to the title again. I need to go get some nice, deep, recovery type of sleep. Peace in and goodnight.

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