Sunday, January 27, 2019

I Dislike Writing These, But It Has To Be Done

Marisol Lopez

Ana Pinon-Williams

Jessica Montague

Debra Cook

Cynthia Watson

     This is the first list of the year. These women were shot execution style in Sebring Florida. Before I even finished writing this, because I wrote the names in as soon as I found them readying myself for tonights post. another mass shooting happened in Louisiana. Those victims are below.

Elizabeth Theriot

Keith Theriot

Summer Ernest

Billy Ernest

Tanner Ernest

     Those victims were from a more than common domestic violence shooting. I wish I could say that these were the first two mass shootings of the year, but sadly, I can't. There have been many others, these are just the first ones that I could find the names of the victims. As I have mentioned in the past, when I can find those names, I will always post them here for you to see them. They need to be seen, they need to be read, and they need to be remembered. You can find the viles that committed these horrible acts on several media sources, but the names are much harder and sometimes impossible to find, which is why I do this. When the media stops naming the viles that commit these acts, and only mention the victims, I will continue to do this. I hope that there will be a day when I don't have to, but the media loves sensationalism, and victims aren't sensational, they are sad.

     Since I have woken up at 4 in the morning during the work week, I was waking up before the crack of dawn on my days off, and I expect that to continue on during this week that I will have off until I start officially on Saturday at the job. I'm a little worried about screwing up, since this will be the first time I will be doing it by myself with no one to ask questions to. If I get in over my head, I have the number of my mentor and she will be available for questions, but I can always do the things I feel the most comfortable with first, and worry about the more difficult tasks until later in the day. She also said that I could always leave certain things for her if I forget. I'm going to try my best not to do that, but it is an option.

      I have not bought the wood for the bookcase wand stand yet. It has been raining most of the weekend, and I was worried about the wood getting wet and damaged. Tomorrow is supposed to be rain free, so I will be able to get that and the last few remaining things on my list that will help with this whole project. I will pick them up from my new employer with my employee discount. It's not a whole lot, but every little bit helps. I'm going to use a much more expensive wood for the final piece, so that little bit may just add up pretty fast to help out quite a bit. I have to go back over the measurements that I figured out and then like an idiot, didn't write down, but that may be a good thing, because I do think I'm going to have to change things as I go, but having a rough idea is better than no idea. I need to make sure I have enough wood for the job. I don't want to have to go back out for a single small piece.

     I'm also going to pick up the clear coat for the other two smaller pieces I made so that I can finally get those out of the way. Where I had them sitting earlier this week put them where my garage door dripped water on them. Fortunately I saw it happening and wiped them off immediately and got them in a safer location. I put a lot of work into those little pieces, and it would have killed me to ruin them just by having them sitting in the wrong place.

     Just in case you forgot, these are the two pieces I'm talking about. The left is mine, and the right goes to Elie as a small preview of what's to come.

     I'm keeping it short and sweet tonight, I hope to have some pictures of some progress on the bookcase wand stand on Tuesday, until then, peace in and goodnight.

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