Thursday, January 31, 2019

I Got Paid

     I got my first paycheck today, in over 7 months. Well, it's direct deposit, so I didn't physically get it, but you know what I mean. It was a pretty good feeling. I nearly forgot what that felt like. Yes, I did make a very small amount of money with The Patchwork Knight, but it was never enough to really amount to anything. This can actually pay some bills. Once again, it's money coming in, instead of going out. Alas, it will be going out soon though, because it's nearly time to pay the bills.

     I do have some news. It's not official, but it looks like I may be moving to full time with this job, instead of just working part time on the weekends. The woman that is mentoring is moving to another position, so her full time job opened up. She gave me the heads up, and I put in my application for it. Yes, I still have to apply for the position, even though I've been hired to do it part time on the weekends. She brought me in for extra training today, and tomorrow, in the hopes that I will be the one that moves into the weekday full time slot. I'll just have to wait and see. I haven't heard anything yet, but they may be waiting to see how many candidates they get for the job.

     Speaking of the job, it is a lot of work. It isn't real hard, it is just a lot of it. It turns out, that the position that I am in now, was originally taken up by three different positions. They got rid of two of them, and put them all on us. Good news, they are eliminating another position soon, and putting all that work on us as well. Originally my position was only supposed to deal with returns. Returning product back to the manufacturers for refunds for the store, but now, we have to deal with that, as well as buy backs, stop sales, recalls, hazmat, and a few other things. Like I said, it's a lot of work, but I can do it, I just have to stay focus and keep learning the things I need to. It is kind of nice being in air conditioning the entire time. Well for the most part, there are some times that I have to go outside, but that is mainly for the hazmat disposal. That only takes about a half hour, depending on how much there is to do. Could be less time as well.

     Having to go in for the extra training slowed down my plans for this week. I wanted to finish up The Patchwork Knight, but that has to go on hold. Once again, I feel that there are two maybe three more chapters to write at this point. I also had to slow down my progress on the bookcase wand stand. The good news about that though, is that my plan for putting it together without screws or nails, may just work. I have been making the dowel pins and tried them out on one side of the bookcase, and it is working. When I do final assembly I will use wood glue to keep everything together. I can't believe that it actually worked. It does take a little more time than just screwing in a screw, but it will be worth it in the finished product. If I do it right, you won't be able to guess how it is really put together.

     My battery died on my drill yesterday when I was doing it, otherwise I would have finished all of them and had the mock up done. I did etch the outline for the Deathly Hallows on both sides, and I have to go in and get all that extra material out of there, but it is looking good right now. Once I'm done with that, I will use the mock up to get all the sanding done, so that all the seams match up right. I'm going to sand it while it's together, so that I can carve the whole thing as one piece as opposed to trying to do them separately and trying to get them to fit together. That is how I did it to start it out, and it looks pretty good, but there is some overlap that will be correcting by doing it all together. I'm real excited about how this is turning out.

     I don't have any up to date pictures for you, because it really doesn't look much different from Tuesday. Most of the work that I have done since then, is all hidden underneath. I'll try to get some pictures for Sunday of what the connecting points look like. I am working for the next three days, and Saturday will be my first day on my own, without my mentor, so I'm going to be pretty busy and exhausted, but I really want to get back to work on it tomorrow, at the very least.

     That's all I got for tonight. I gots to wake up early tomorrow, so that I can go to work, so it is off to bed for me. Peace in and goodnight.

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