Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A Baby Girl Is A Happy Thing

     Baby Girl was back at the vet today. It wasn't planned, but somehow it was. I'll explain. I got a call yesterday confirming my appointment, which I didn't make, but it was a good idea, since I was having a lot of trouble keeping her face clean. I was aggressive with the neosporin, so the wound was good, but there was still some infection in there. They cleaned it up, took a culture and put her on an extra antibiotic. She will still have to go back on Friday to have her drain removed, and then they will reassess how things are going. They do believe that it is all a result of the surgery and that some infectious material was left inside, which is apparently not uncommon, but still kind of rare. All I know is, that this is costing me an arm and a leg, and could bury me financially if there is much more cost to this whole thing. I just want the Baby Girl to be healthy and happy. She has the happy down, and although this doesn't seem to bother her at all, she still isn't healthy. Hopefully, this will finally get her there.

     I picked the last Scotch Bonnet on the plant this morning, preparing for Taco Tuesday. There is a new pod growing though, and I'm hoping for good things. It's only one though, and will probably be the final pod until spring starts. This last one was hot though. I had left it on the plant ripe, for more than a week and probably two weeks, so it had plenty of time to simmer. The color is more orange than yellow, but still beautiful.

     Just look at that beauty. When I cut it up. I took the very tip and ate it right on the spot. I was a little disappointed, because there was no heat at all, but it had that wonderful fruity flavor. I took another small piece, and found the heat, and it was good, but still not too strong. It was more than a habanero, but not a whole lot. It wasn't until I was eating my taco salad, that I really got the heat. I no longer deseed any of these peppers. The seeds don't have any heat, but they collect some of the capsaicin oil, and I don't want any of that heat going to waste, so it all goes in now. When I got a piece of the placenta in my meal, that is when the heat hit. It gave me a real good throat burn, and my lips and tongue remained burning after my meal for about 15-20 minutes. It was wonderful. I do have photos of the taco salad when I put the peppers on, which were the scotch bonnet and the last orange habanero that I had, and then another with the cheese and tomatoes on top. The only heat that was applied to the peppers was the meat itself after I plated it. Cooking takes a little of that heat away, so this was the pure heat of the pepper on there, and I loved it.

     Yeah, Keto is restrictive and not satisfying? LOL. I don't think so. That is a full keto meal and it was delicious. Spring mix bed, with (on this occasion, pork) seasoned meat, with peppers, hand shredded aged cheddar, and sliced grape tomatoes. I know that you are drooling and that is ok. You can eat this way as well. That reminds me, I added cumin to the season mix this time, and I think it was the final piece to the puzzle. I always had it close to this packaged seasoning mixes, but it was always missing something. I thought it was the sugar. Yes, there is sugar in those taco mix packets, but it turns out, it was cumin. Just in case you want to know how to season your meat for tacos and not buy a packet of garbage, this is what I use. Salt, Black Pepper, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Paprika, Turmeric, Chili Powder, and now Cumin. I never measure this out, I just go by eye, and always seem to get it right. I go heavy on the Turmeric, Paprika, and Chili Powder, and the rest are just a healthy serving of them. It tastes just like you want it to, and there is no bad stuff in there. It's amazing.

     Speaking of my diet. I use diet in terms of what I eat and not that I'm on a diet. Remember this is a lifestyle. I was interviewed about my weight loss yesterday. It was a friend of mine that is doing a project. I'm not completely sure what the project is, but I believe it is a study on weight loss and how it affects people. She wanted people that had lost more than 30 lbs recently, and I fit that bill by losing 65 in the last 10 months. It was a great conversation, and I could legitimately talk about my journey for hours. We only spoke for 45 minutes, but it was a very freeing conversation. I've been wondering what to do with the HowUKeto YouTube channel, and this interview gave me more of an idea. I was thinking about doing a video just talking about how my life has changed, the problems that I've healed and how this whole experience has completely changed my life. We even got into some deep stuff in the interview. I'm not sure she knew about my history with depression and anxiety, but I've always been an open book about that, well once I began writing about it. I will freely talk about what I've been through, and how I'm overcoming it. We even went into the 100 Days of Discipline, and how very small changes can have an enormous impact on your life. She seemed legitimately blown away with the changes I've made, in what amounts to a short time, by making small habits into big healthy ones. That reminds me, I forgot to check in last night, so I need to go do that tonight. That is one small habit I haven't mastered. Part of that is because these habits become so routine, that you don't think of them as something you are doing for a reason, you just do them, which is really the whole goal of 100 Days. Pretty amazing how that works out.

     Ok, I'm out of here for the night. I'm discussing an idea for a pretty epic business with my buddy as I'm writing this. More on that later, it is in the dreamer phase right now, but it could be a fun niche market that would involve something we both love. I'm betting you may have figured out what it involves, but my lips are sealed until more comes of this. Peace in and goodnight.

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