Thursday, February 13, 2020

If Only I Had Tasted It

     I am so upset with Morty right now. Earlier this evening I went out with Morty and the Baby Girl. I left them in the backyard while I went around the front to water the plants out there. When I came back I went over to check on the strawberries and new tomatoes that I planted, and saw something missing. The two ripe strawberries that I was going to pick tomorrow morning for breakfast. Morty had eaten them off the plant, and I was beside myself. Morty is getting no pets for the rest of the night until tomorrow. I couldn't believe that he did that. I will have to watch him like a hawk now when there are ripe berries on the plants. It's mostly my fault, because I haven't built the fence around the strawberry patch yet, so I'm probably more upset with myself than him, but he still isn't getting any pets till tomorrow.

     I was lucky enough to get a picture of the first ripe berry before he manage to woof it down, so there is that, and it was glorious, one of the biggest berries I've ever seen

     Look at that, it was beautiful and I can only image now how good it was. Morty did also get an unripe berry, so I'm hoping he gets a little tummy ache to pay for his thievery. There are other berries, but none of those will be the first every from the plant, and that's why I'm so bummed. On the plus side, my other strawberry plant that was a runner from that mother plant, is also producing berries now, so maybe, I'll get to eat the first berry from that plant. Although, I didn't have any intention of actually eating the first berry. I was going to give it to my mom, so that she could enjoy it, and maybe take her back to when her father was alive and had his own strawberry patch.

     Today hasn't been a good day. I woke up not feeling well, and decided to kind of sleep in, which meant 5 am. I didn't do cardio or my other workout, I just went straight to meditation and then back to sleep in the living room. I've felt weird all day, and my pulse has been accelerated most of the day. It's down around 60 beats per minute right now but most of the day it's been in the upper 80's. I'm not sure what that means, or if that is why I've felt strange all day. It could be over training, and my body is just drained, but I did have an active rest day yesterday. That means only cardio and abs for the day, so I should have been rested. I'll just see how tomorrow goes.

     That up there is more spicy chocolate. I figured out the bitterness problem, and added a third of a cup of monk fruit to it, also about a teaspoon of salt. I then put in all the pepper powder that I had left, which was probably about a half a teaspoon. I'm really not sure cause I didn't measure it out. The taste is on point, just a mild dark chocolate bitterness with a sweetness that comes from behind, when that leaves you get a touch of the heat. That is where the disappointment comes in. For me, the heat is low, and I was bummed. I thought that the powder I had, was clearly more than what was in the bottom of the mortar from the last time, and that seemed hotter. It could be either the sweetness or the salt that is cutting the heat, or I just didn't have enough powder. There is also the possibility that my tolerance is so high now, that I'm not affected by it. I have noticed that my death salt (that's the name of the current red powder) isn't bringing the heat like it did. I even shook a bunch straight into my mouth today. It packed a punch by itself, but not like when I first made it. I truly can't believe that I've made it to the point where something that is really very hot, isn't hot to me anymore. I still love the flavor. I'm just going to have to wait for my buddy and myself to grow more hotter peppers, to make more salt so that I can feel that heat.

     Despite the off feeling today, I still feel far better then I ever did in the past when I was overweight. So far, what I'm doing this 30 days, which is all about improving myself, body and mind, is paying off. I'm noticing that my body is looking different after only a few days. It's not a bug change, but I do see a difference when I look in the mirror, so hope is high right now. My vascularity is insane for me. I've never been vascular and now I am, and getting more so each day. I'm going to reach my goal, it's just a matter of time. Since I haven't set a deadline on it, I have all the time I need.

     The vet called yesterday and told me that the infection that Baby Girl has is sensitive to one of the antibiotics that she is on, so they wanted me to make an appointment for Friday so that they can see her again and more than likely give me more antibiotics to finally get rid of this infection. She is looking so good right now. When she was at her worst, the whole side of her face was swollen and her ear was hanging down by her cheek. Her ear is now back in the right place and the swelling is gone, and she is once again a happy, lazy pup. Which makes me happy. I'll let you know on Sunday how things go.

     Let's talk about Dolittle now. This was the movie I went to with the moms this week. I knew it would be fun, but I really didn't expect much from it. It is after all a January release, and this is when movie companies put out the movies that cost too much not to release, despite them being subpar. This movie was anything but subpar. It was downright wonderful, and much much better than I had anticipated. It had great acting and a really good story, that potentially sets up for sequels in the future, but if not, stand alone as well. I really think you should give it a try. It's fun, funny and heartwarming, with a few surprise appearances in it. 

     Oh, I mentioned that I didn't read this morning, but I did end up getting some reading in, just before I wrote this. The current book is Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky. You may remember that he wrote one of my other favorite books, Perks of Being a Wallflower. This is quite a bit different though. He wrote this as a tribute to one of his and my favorite authors, Stephen King, so It is a horror novel, and I'm at the part where it's getting real good. I just met the villain of the story, and it's creepy. Stephen went to film school and was also the director for the Perks movie, which as you know I love, so I'm fully expecting him to turn this into a movie as well, and I'm already seeing it in my head. I'm really hoping he gets the chance to make this into a movie. It is an original idea, which Hollywood is lacking in these days. Listen, I enjoy the stuff that comes out, but I am growing tired of the retreads, and this is a fresh take on horror. If you like reading, pick this book up and enjoy the ride, so far it's wonderful.

     I'm going to spare you the boredom of the garden and just call it a night tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

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