Sunday, February 9, 2020

Exciting News, And Putting In The Work

     This weekend started out horrific. I was full of stress and spent a lot of time thinking about how long I would be left on this planet. It ended quite a bit differently though. I'm not going to dwell on that negativity that started this weekend, instead, I'm focusing on those positive vibes.

     Last night was the big turning point. My buddy let me in on some incredible news. He is getting married. That alone is incredible. It is always an amazing story when two people find each other in this crazy world and make a connection that can last a lifetime, and that is what these two have. I year from now, I will be watching two of the greatest people on this planet unit together as one family and I couldn't be happier about that. Oh yeah, he asked me to be his best man as well. No, I'm not burying the lead on that. I'm truly honored and proud to fulfill this obligation. It will be a pleasure above all others to stand there and watch them get married with best of front row seats. I could spend an entire paragraph or really this whole post telling you about them, but I'm sure I'm going to have to make a best man's speech, so I'm going to save all that for then. I only have a year to get it all together. I'm more than likely going to wing it, but I'm hoping that I write it down, to make sure it covers everything and is truly proper. If I do write it down, I post it here in honor of them, after the wedding of course.

    Ok, I'm going to dwell on a little of the negative, but that is only because it has to do with me and my own body issues. Right before I got that news above, I was taking accountability pictures for what is going to be my next 30 day challenge. It is a challenge of my own doing, and it is another one of those, I need to see if I can do it. The goal is to hit 15% body fat, but the real goal is for overall improvement in everything body and mind. The pictures took me down another notch from the low point I was at. I looked at them and just felt terrible at how I looked. I still posted them, because that is the point of accountability shots. I'm also going to post them here, despite how horrible I think I look. I do happen to like one of them though. I'll put that one up last. So here they are. I know I've come a long way from what I was, but when I see these pictures, I realize I have so much further to go.

     That last one is the one that I like the most, but I'm still very dissatisfied with how I look. I see every flaw that I have, but that is also a positive. It lets me know what I need to focus on, so that I can achieve the way I want to look. The body fat loss is key, but so is the muscle gain. One helps the other. The more lean mass I have, the higher my metabolism gets, and the more fat my body burns. It's all an amazing circle of science. I will achieve the body I want, and regardless of how I feel about these pictures, I truly know now that it is possible. I'm far away from it now, but I get closer each and every day.

     This brings me to my social media shutdown. Starting tomorrow, I'm taking a 30 day break from social media. I will be on Facebook on Tuesday for a few minutes to post pictures for the Pepper in a Can challenge that I'm a part of. The contest starts that day, so I have to break the break for a few minutes, and then be back at it. This is all part of that bettering the mental part of me. Social media is a poison to the mind. It can bring people together, but as it has done in the last few years, tears more people a part. With it being an election year, the negativity out there in the ether is at a red alert level, and I won't go down the rabbit hole that I went down the last election. You can always get ahold of me through the website, or you can email me at I will keep writing this through out, and I will post it remotely to Facebook, but I won't be there to see any comments or anything like that until next month. I know this all sounds extreme, but I need this, and I highly suggest that you take a break from it as well, even if it's a day. It will help you clear your head, and that is something I'm in desperate need of right now.

     During this break I will be working my tail off, to get in the best shape of my life. I will continue eating the way I do, which is second nature to me. For example; this weekend, I took off of being strict. All that means to me, is that I'm not eating at certain times. I've been grazing a bit, but it's been on biltong (jerky), nuts, and berries. Not really going outside of the whole keto spectrum there. Oh yeah, I threw caution to the wind and had a few diet sodas today. The horror right. Anyway, tomorrow starts the 30 day. I will weigh in, despite weight not meaning anything to me right now, it's just a satisfying number at this point, measure my body fat, and my waistline. I may even take a few other measurements like, thigh, calf, chest, and upper arm, just for giggles, bur the important numbers to me are the body fat, and waistline. Those are big in my world right now. I'm hoping to reach that .48 on the waist to height ratio, and 15% body fat by the end of this. Anything lower to the numbers tomorrow are a win, but if I hit those specific numbers, it's a freaking party.

     That brings me to my last piece of good news. I received a text today from a friend that I've given some guidance to. She reached out to tell me that she was only 6.5 lbs away from her goal weight, and wanted to thank me for the inspiration. That is one of the greatest compliments I can receive. Just knowing that I was a small part in helping someone reach their goal is more fulfilling than you can imagine. I'm proud of her for putting in the hard work and dedication to get to where she is now, and I'm looking forward to congratulating her one more time when she tells me that goal has been achieved. I know she will do it. I also know that you can reach your goals as well. It just takes putting in the work.

     Starting tomorrow, I go back to work. I got more goals to reach and I'm going to put in some serious overtime in to get it done. Peace in and goodnight.

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