Tuesday, February 18, 2020

You Can't Spell Unity Without UTI.

     Well, the moms is back in the hospital. I woke up Monday morning to her talking to herself, and when I tried to help her get out of bed, she screamed out in pain and resisted. I had to call an ambulance, cause there was clearly more wrong with her than what the ER found. What the did find was a UTI, what they missed was a baseball sized lump on her hip where she fell. That wasn't found until she was admitted to a room and the nurse was looking her over. The lump formed after the fall, it's kind of like when you bump your head and get a knot. They aren't going to do anymore scans on her, and are just chalking it up to localized swelling. That in combination with the UTI, could have caused all the pain, with the UTI causing added confusion on top of her dementia.

     She was in much better spirits today. The morning she was a little groggy, and when I went back in the afternoon, she was ready to leave. It broke my heart to tell her that she had to stay until she was healed and could stand on her own. From what I was told, she had not stood at all today. The nurses have been great, much better than usual. Both the ones I have spoken too, have explained that they keep make recommendations, but since they aren't doctors, their opinions are often overlooked. They were asking for extra scans to see what the lump was, and are also asking for a physical therapy evaluation, to see if it was just that swelling causing the pain, and to see if she can walk at all. I had her lift her legs today, which was something she couldn't do yesterday, so that is also a promising sign. Oh yeah, she was wanting to get up and walk out to the nurses station to offer for her to come in the room and chat with us. I was willing to see how far she could get, to see if the pain flared up before stopping her, but the nurse walked in as she was starting, so my masterplan to see just how much better she was, had been foiled.

     Then bright side of this, is that I have been able to get errands done, although I'm still waiting on the local pharmacy to fill Baby Girls prescription. They said it would be ready today, and they would call, but I got no call, so I will stop by tomorrow to see what is going on. I still have a day or two of her antibiotics left, so it's no hurry, but I would like to have them, and not continue to worry if they will be ready or not.

      I also got this twisted thought that I could go see a movie by myself. I enjoy going to the movies alone, but since I've been taking care of the moms, that isn't an option. On Tuesdays a local theater has $5 movies, and I could have gone, but I began feeling guilty, that I would be enjoying myself while my mom was in the hospital, so I simply got the grocery shopping done, and went home to take care of Morty and Baby Girl. It was relaxing, but not as much as going to see Birds of Prey. I'll just wait until it comes on TV.

     Ok, garden news. The first Cherokee Purple is ripening, and it's about one and a half times the size of my fist. It's one big tomato, and I'm hoping that it's tasty. I'm also hoping that it holds off fully ripening until the moms is home, so she can enjoy it as well.

     When that is fully ripe, it will be deep purple and red. Don't worry, I'll take a picture of it when I pick it. I also have a picture of a strawberry that is unpollinated. That means no strawberry is going to form, and I thought it was really cool looking.

     How cool is that? Also, the brussel sprouts are forming, and I'll be pulling the majority of the leafs off to let them fully grow in about a week. These are fascinating in how they grow, and I'm really looking forward to eating fresh grown brussel sprouts very soon.

     Since I was at the ER most of the day yesterday, I didn't get a chance to eat, so I decided on an impromptu 24 hour fast. It went really well. Yes, 24 hour fasts are a breeze to me. It's almost like breathing, how easy they are now. I went a different approach with breaking my fast this time. Since it was a 24 hour fast, it's a little more lenient on what  you can eat, and what your stomach can digest. It's not that far off from the last meal it had. Anyway, another one of my goals for this 39 days is to eat even more leafy greens. I generally eat about 2-4 cups a day, which is much better than a large portion of the population. With that in mind I heated up a little of the left over pork that I had, and put it on top of a couple cups of leafy greens, spring mix to be exact. All nutrient dense greens. Then I threw a few grape tomatoes, and my death salt on top with a tablespoon of olive oil. It was really good and very satisfying.

     This is all part of the bettering myself mind and body. Less fat, which seems odd since I'm fat adapted, but the idea behind that is, that my body will burn more fat, since there isn't the higher levels of dietary fat, a smaller amount of protein, to find my proper level, low carbs, and much more leafy greens. Despite the fact that I feel a little rundown from the stress of hangin out in a hospital for several days on end, I'm feeling real good. This still falls under the realm of Mediterranean Keto, the only difference is that I'm basically getting my fats all from oils and nuts, and limiting those amounts in order to eat about half the fat the I was eating. Here is the thing though. People thing that Keto is very high fat, and when they think about it, the think that 70% is this massive amount of 300 grams of fat a day. That is their thinking since the fat is to replace the carbs, and when you eat carb heavy 300 grams a day is really easy to do. The one day I ate like my old self and measured my macros, I ate over 400 grams of carbs, and I was not satisfied at all that day. I could have kept eating, like I used to do, but I stopped myself, because I was feeling terrible. On a normal day of Keto eating, I was only consuming anywhere between 120-180 grams of fat a day. That may seem like a lot, but when you consider that my carb intake was only 20-30, and sometimes far less than that, then my total daily intake of food by the gram was far less than what I used to eat, and I'm much more satisfied at the end of the day, and my body even shows that it works much better for me that being car dependent.

     I have eliminated refined carbohydrates, which since their creation have led to the massive obesity epidemic in this country, which is now spreading all over the world, and I've also gotten rid of about 95% of processed foods, which is another poison on this society. The very few processed foods that I eat are heavily scrutinized by me by reading the ingredients list like it was a text book that I was studying for an exam. That is basically the Quest pizzas, and bars that I have. I also throw in my Sun Warrior protein powders, which are all natural ingredients, but they are processed. Oh, and the occasional diet soda. That is it, so really 95% in a very generous number. It's more like 98% of my food is whole and not processed.

     This is basically what I'm saying here. Even if you don't go Keto, try your best to go whole foods. Get away from all the processed garbage that you eat, and you will feel a massive difference in your body and mind. Also, just a little trick, separate eating carbs and fats together. If you are having say, mashed potatoes, don't use gravy, find a way to season them to avoid mixing fats and carbs. That is where they big problem arises. When you eat fats and carbs together, you automatically store the fat. If you eat a meal with carbs and protein, you have all the fuel you need, and you won't store fat. The same goes for eating proteins and fats. All the fuel, and the fat is used as that fuel so it is not stored. Eat strategically if you can't go without carbs. It will make a real big difference, if you are wanting to lose weight. Oh yeah, fast as well. even if it's 12 hours, just make sure that you don't snack between meals in that 12 hour feeding window.

     Ok, those are my tips for a healthier you, and you didn't even have to go to the website to find it out. I really should write an article on this very subject for the website, since I haven' written anything new for it in quite some time. 

     It's Favorite Song of the Week time. This is following along with the whole theme of February. This comes from a game changing artist. In the early days of rap it was male dominant, and there was no room for a woman. That was until the Queen stepped onto the scene, and she left a mark. She is known more for her acting now, but she was a frontrunner in women getting into the rap game. Here is Queen Latifah with her classic hit (U.N.I.T.Y).

     After this month, I have some good old songs that I used to listen to back in the day. These are great songs, that you probably never heard, cause it was all fringe music, back in my "weird" days. Let's be honest though, my weird days are very far from being over. Peace in and goodnight.

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