Thursday, February 6, 2020

It's Going To Be A Business

     Baby Girl has what will hopefully be her finally appointment at the vet tomorrow. If things go right, and things are looking like they are, she will have her drain removed. The inflammation in her face is gone, and the drain is down to a modest trickle. It still looks weird with a hose sticking out of her ear and her cheek, but it's all to make her better. I'll give you the update on Sunday.

     The Cherokee Purple plants are so full of tomatoes, that they are collapsing. The last two days, I've had to go out and lift branches up and tie them off to stakes so that they won't be sitting on the ground. It's exciting and frustrating at the same time. I think I have it all under control now, but big storms are supposed to come through tonight, so I'm sure I'll be lifting and tying tomorrow morning as well.

     A little update on this tiny business idea that my buddy and I have. He has done a lot of brain storming and list making with ideas of exactly what and how we are going to do what we have planned. Once again, this is still in the dream phase, so it's too early to say what it is, but we are both pretty excited about it. We think it's an idea that no one is really doing, so we might have a shot at cornering the market on this. I can tell you also, that this is a product that we ourselves enjoy and can't wait to try the different versions of it that we have planned. I'm sure that I'm giving too much away at this point, but that's all I'm going to say for now. We have to figure out a name not only for the company ( I use the word company very loosely) and our product, which will have different names for each variety that we have. We have a couple of working titles, that are kind of fun, gut no name ideas for the company. No, I'm not asking for ideas, because you don't even know what the product is, so you can't possible give is name ideas. This is something we have to figure out ourselves. Whatever happens with this, it's going to be fun.

     I just needed to share a couple of pictures with you. The first is the strawberry plant, and how the strawberries that are 6 months too soon, are doing. I don't think I shared one with you before, but this is what the Junebearing plant looks like right now, and I'm really excited about it.

     Those are some first rate organic berries right there. That big one has light shades of pink in it, so it's going to be ripe soon. I think the count stands at 10 berries on there right now. That should last a few days around here. I do limit berry consumption. I have 2 with my salad, and sometimes have a couple more in the evening, if I feel the need. The other plant, which is the Everbearing, has shoots going everywhere now, and I have it where I want them, so then they take root in the ground, that is where they are going to stay. That will be Porter's Patch, which is named for my Grandfather. One of the few things I remember about him, was his strawberry patch, so I'm bringing it full circle.

     The second picture is my dinner tonight. It just looked so good, that I had to share it with you. Also this is more proof that keto is not stuffy and bland. This meal has maybe 6 carbs, and is packed with vitamins and minerals, with nutrient dense ingredients. It's simply spiced with salt, black pepper, turmeric, and garlic powder. May not seem like much, but that blend has never failed me for full flavor.

     Just look at that. That is riced cauliflower, spinach, campari tomatoes, cubed pork butt, and habanero. I added the habanero after the tomatoes, for that pop of color, and was hoping for that big heat, but it wasn't really there. Either my tolerance is way too high now, or I got a bit of a mild habanero. If you notice, I don't even deseed anymore. I want every bit of the heat that comes from those wonderful peppers. The seeds don't have any heat themselves, but they are covered in the capsaicin oil, which means that they have heat from their cap coating. The only part of the pepper that is missing is the very tip, which I gave to my mom. the tip is the smallest amount of heat in any pepper, and basically has little to no heat, but all the flavor, which for a habanero, is a wonderful fruity citrus flavor. That mixed with the zing of this tomatoes, and the earthy flavor of the turmeric is out of this world good. Yeah, I eat bland boring food now. That's a laugh.

    Oh yeah, I wore that new outfit yesterday for a funeral. Since I'm not going on a date any time soon I figured I would break it out for my neighbors mother's funeral. She passed away earlier this week and it was important for my mom and I to go. I did take a picture, but it's still on the camera, and I don't feel like walking over to it to grab the SD card, and pulling it off, so that picture will have to wait until Sunday. Until then, I'll leave you wanting more. Peace in and goodnight.

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