Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Lack Of Stress Is Glorious

     I can't tell you how good I'm feeling right now. I do believe that it's the freedom from social media. I did as I said, and went on Facebook for a couple of minutes today, maybe not even that long. I only had to post pictures in a group with a little caption and I was done. This is part of a contest I entered that actually began today. It's called Pepper in a Can, and like the title implies. you grow a pepper in a can. I'm attempting 4 and here are the pictures.

     The top was setting them up yesterday and the bottom is them with the seeds in and a cover to keep humidity in while they germinate. I'm a little worried about the Orange Habanero. The seeds are form peppers that were bought at the grocery store, so I really don't know if they were nuked or not. I don't believe that they were, but you never really now. I did plant a Poblano in a can as a test to see if it would sprout. I did the same thing with those, got them from the same grocery store and hoped beyond hope, that they weren't nuked. I guess I should explain the nuke part. If the vegetables aren't sourced from this country, they have to go through a low level of radiation to kill any harmful bacteria, or bugs. This isn't harmful to humans, but it does make the seeds unviable. I was banking on the fact that these were loose and in bulk bins, so they had to be sourced not just in this country but local to the area. Well, the Poblano sprouted this morning, and is looking good. So I see several home grown stuffed Poblanos in my future.

     Just look at that little beauty right there. It's no all about the heat, just mostly about it. Poblanos are very low on the SHU scale, coming in at around 2000 SHU. That makes them about 3 times less hot then a jalapeño. I will of course stuff them with meat laced with habaneros to bring the heat up.

     Couple more pictures before I get back to the whole social media break. The Tongues of Fire has some flowers on it, which means beans are coming soon. It has a hot sounding name, but it is all about how they look. These green beans have the normal green color, but it also has splotches of red streaks on it, hence the name. The flowers are really delicate and pretty looking. Much more delicate than what the name would suggest. The first flower has dropped and a tiny green bean is forming. There are several others on their way too.

     The left is the flowers and the right, well you have to look close to see it. The little green stem coming from the base of the flower with a string holding onto the remaining pedals is the green bean itself. Hard to believe that they start out so tiny.

    Ok, I lied, I have one more photo for you. It's of the strawberries that shouldn't be. The first one is huge and should be fully ripe tomorrow or the next day. I'm going to leave it until Friday, just to get it good a ripe. There is one other right behind it, and this picture was taken yesterday. Now it is about 95% red and I could probably pick it and let it ripen, but on the vine is way more fun.

     I'm really excited about eating the first strawberry that I've grown. I'll probably split it with my mom, so she can also enjoy the first from the garden. I can remember when I bought it as a tiny seedling and it is now producing some good looking fruit. I don't remember the exact count, but I think there are somewhere between 10 and 12 on the plant right now. You can see 4 in the picture alone, and that is just a quarter of the plant.

     Ok, back to the social media break. It has felt so good not to know anything. I get tiny news bulletins from my phone, so there are a few things that I know, and am so happy not to know what people think about them. I heard Joaquin Phoenix made some statement at the Oscars, and I'm sure people are going absolutely crazy talking in favor or against it, and here I am just enjoying the stress free environment that I have fore myself. Yes, sometimes it is real good to be ignorant, especially when it comes to pop culture and politics. I can catch up on everything in 29 days. By the time I come back to it, I'm sure there will be brand new controversies to deal with.

     With this 30 days comes physical work as well as the mental. I'm now waking up before 4 AM in order to get things done, and it's been going great. I will have a day that I just let myself wake up without an alarm, and I'm sure I'll still wake up around 4:30, maybe I'll be real lazy and wake up around 5:30. Ah the life of leisure will be grand on that day. Anyway, I did set a goal for one of the physical feats, but that will remain unannounced until after the 30 days. Where in I will tell you what it is, and if I succeeded or not at that goal. This all has to go with that secret workout that I've been doing. Today I managed to do my cardio, that workouts stretching, meditation, and reading all before 5:30. That was an amazing feeling. Yesterday I was still feeling things out, so I was done closer to 6, but it was still done early. I got to sit back and relax until the moms woke up. I actually fell back asleep. It was glorious.

     One of the other goals about this 30 days, and this is one I will talk about, is getting away from the negativity of social media. February is of course the month with Valentine's Day in it, and also Black History month, so this month is about love, acceptance, diversity, and tolerance. With that in mind during this 30 days, which will stretch into March, every Favorite Song of the Week will have those words as a theme for what I choose. The first one is from Prince off of one of his most incredible albums that was overlooked, because it was later in his career. It is from the 3121 album which you really should give a listen to. It is full of gems are as good if not better than some of the songs off Purple Rain (yeah, it doesn't hurt to say that even though it's still my all time favorite album) and 1999. The two albums he's best known for. This song is full of funk and takes you back before the Minneapolis sound that he made so famous. This almost goes back to the Controversy days, which you should really listen to that album as well. That is a great album. Anyway, my Favorite Song of the Week is Prince's song "Love".

     If that doesn't make you want to dance, then you are better off dead. Go back and listen to it again and wake your body up. Prince brings the funk on this one, and you will love it. Ok, that sounded a little demanding, but seriously give it another listen.

     Thursday I'll tell you about Dolittle which I saw today with the moms. I'm saving it for then, because I may have nothing to write about, and that will guarantee that I have something for you. I guess that is the bad thing about going stress free for a month, it isn't very exciting. Peace in and goodnight.

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