Sunday, February 2, 2020

It's All A Mess

     It's Super Bowl Sunday. You know what that means to me? Absolutely nothing. I gave up watching the NFL years ago, and it was one of the most time freeing decisions I ever made. I used to spend hours on end watching games each Sunday, and would get nothing done. Not any more. I won't go into all the reasons why I don't watch anymore, but lets just say, that I don't approve of the leagues practices. I'll be watching the new Taylor Swift documentary on Netflix while I'm working out, and be in bed by 10 PM. That's how I roll.

     This post is going to be all over the place but let's start with Baby Girl. I did end up taking her to the vet on Friday and it cost me dearly, but it is all worth it. When we got there her ear was draining fluid (blood and clear fluid), and her face was completely swollen on one side so much, that it was pulling her ear down next to her eye. She looked terrible, but it didn't seem to bother her one bit. That's the tough old yard dog in her.

     That picture was taken in the vet room waiting for the doctor. The thought what I thought it was, which was a hematoma of her ear which had gone errant. Turns out we were both wrong, but it wasn't until they took her back for treatment that they found out what it was.

      It took about 4 hours before they called me to pick her up and when I got there I was told what was really going on. It was all a result of her previous surgery that removed her ear canals. It's called an aberration. What happened was that an infection began inside the removed canal area, and created fistula that protruded from the surgical scare in her ear. She did have some fluid, but it was more swelling from inflammation due to the infection. The doctor also found necrotic tissue around the surgical scare in her ear. He removed what he could see and hoped that he got it all, but you won't know for sure until the swelling goes down. She has two drain tubes, one in her ear and one in her cheek to drain all the fluid.

     If you look close you can see the tube protruding from her cheek. She goes back this Friday to have those removed and they can get a look at how she responded to the treatment. She is doing well, but she doesn't like me going near the drains. I have to put Neosporin around the wound each day, and place a warm compress to help with the swelling. She likes neither of them, but I'm getting it done. She still doesn't really seemed bothered by it other than when I mess with it, so from that stand point, things are going great. I do need to find a way to clean her without her getting too upset. The fluid is draining down her cheek and matting her fur, so there is a metallic blood smell to it. Next warm compress, I'm going to get a little aggressive and try cleaning her cheek for her.

     With all that going on, I got a good laugh and a surprise when I came home, this next picture will tell you everything you need to know.

     Take a good look at Morty. That is how he greeted us at the door. Apparently he got into one o the garbage cans and was caught ring necked. I couldn't stop laughing about it, and he acted like it was just normal behavior for him to be walking around with the ring from the top hanging around his neck. It took some work to get it off too. He is a big ol' butthead.

     I made one last attempt at reaching out to my crush. I messaged her to make sure that she had my number, and she once again saw the message, but no reply what so ever. That's what I get for trying to have a love life. It's really just not meant to be. I get reminded of this every few years, and you think I would learn by now, but the hopeless romantic in me, just won't seem to let it go. Oh well, that is my life, or lack of it.
     Remember that spicy chocolate I made. I believed that it was too much from most people but I really had no reference for it. My mom is not good for that, because she will try to act tough, since she is supposed to like spicy foods, but she really can't handle things that are too hot. She is good at a low habanero level, and that's not nothing, but it is way below where I am now. Being at the level of tolerance I'm at now, I don't know what is too hot for people anymore. I'm not normal. I was able to get a couple of people with normal taste buds to try it and get their reaction. My buddy stopped by to give me a few more plants (tomatoes, peppers, and herbs), and I gave him a piece. He is like me so the tolerance is way high. His wife was with him and she took a very tiny piece and basically licked it and said, "no way". I asked her if it was the bitterness or the heat, and she said it was the heat. My buddy even mentioned that it was hot. So I feel like I'm on the right track with this spicy chocolate, but I still think my buddies wife has a weird tolerant range, so I couldn't be sure. My nephew was over today, so I gave him a piece, and I know for sure what his heat levels are. One piece of the chocolate brought tears to his eyes, so I'm now full stoked that not only did I get it right, but I can get it hotter. Remember, that was only the dust from the powder that I made. If I make it with the powder, it will be insanely hot.

     That reminds me, since my buddy was stopping by, I had to get his, what I'm calling Death Salt, ready for him. I've only tasted the powder on my finger tip, so I had no idea what the salt was going to be like. This morning I was spooning the powder into the small vile with about 40% salt in it, and the dust was burning my nasal passage like crazy. I had a runny nose for 5 straight minutes and it burned. A little of the powder spilled out onto the paper towel where I had everything so I licked my finger and dabbed it up, and cleaned my finger off. It was insane how fast the burn hit my mouth. My lips were burning for a good 15-20 minutes. I still didn't try the salt. I handed it to my buddy when he got to my house and he was the first to partake. He loved it, and said it was much hotter than the moruga salt that I made and hotter than a specialty scorpion salt that his wife bought him. So, today was a stoked kind of day. The only problem is, that I don't have any more super hot peppers to dry out and experiment more with right now, but the grow season is just beginning and I have several plants out there that are going to bring record level heat. I'm real excited about that.

     Last thing, and this one is way off the rails of anything I've talked about tonight, but here it goes. I have someone that is sending me recipes for food alternatives for Keto. I appreciate it, but I don't desire trying any of these recipes at all. One of the things that I got out of Keto was my appreciation for whole foods, and eating them prepared with only spices and herbs. I have no desire to make foods that are like the old garbage processed foods that I used to eat. Yeah it is probably fantastic tasting, but so was all that fried in vegetable oil poison that I used to eat, and I worry that if I ate something that was like it, I would want to just go out and eat the old garbage, and i definitely don't want to go back to that. This also brings up my disgust in all these fake meats that are out there. I'm sure you've seen the Impossible burger at Burger King, and maybe even all the other fake meat items that are popping up on other fast food menus. I have no problem with vegans or you wanting to be vegan. I do have a huge problem with anyone saying that they are vegan and then eating meat substitutes. If you have a desire to eat something like meat, then what you really want is meat. I wanted to try the Impossible burger, before I figured all of this out, and it was around the time I was trying to figure out how to have a vegan breakfast. I wanted to have to something that was like bacon and eggs, but all that meant was that I wanted bacon and eggs. It wasn't until I began looking at things as they were. Vegetables are vegetables and shouldn't be anything but that. I did find a way to have a keto friendly vegan breakfast, but it wasn't anything that would be traditionally breakfast like.  It was more break fast like. You should know what I call my breakfast salad. It is entirely vegan and entirely keto. I of course add my moruga salt to it now, but that doesn't change what it is. I can eat that salad any time, and I have, but I normally have it as a first meal of the day. If you want to go vegan, do yourself a favor and get rid of the idea that you want to have burgers, or sausage patties, or fake bacon. Have good whole vegetables. With a little seasoning, they are amazing. I eat vegetables with just about every meal I eat now, and a lot of my meals are vegetable only, and I don't want any meat or anything that is made to have the appearance of meat. When I want meat, I eat meat, its that simple. You are only fooling yourself and setting yourself up for failure if you try to make replacements for items you used to have. I get that when you are first starting that these things will help you get over the hump, but you have to be committed to changing those desires as soon as you can, otherwise I don't think you will be able to sustain that way of eating. Take it from me, the guy that used to say that veggies were rabbit food. They are good, and you can eat them and not some processed crap that called itself plant based, but it is really lab based. I eat incredibly healthy now, and it is whole foods that aren't made to look like something they aren't, and it is amazing. Peace in and goodnight.

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