Thursday, February 27, 2020

From Pepper To Pod, Almost

     I had a moment with myself today. Yeah, I know what that sounds like, but not like that. Get your mind out of the gutter. When I was visiting my mom this morning, I caught a look at myself in a full length mirror at the rehab facility, and it was quite shocking. All in a good way too. Maybe that's why it was so shocking. I'm not used to seeing myself and thinking, "Hey, I look pretty good." Even writing that right there is cringe inspiriting. I can't really say what it was, but I somehow pulled a look together. It could be that it was a cold day, and I had clothes from neck to toes. The only thing peaking out was my head and my hands. Maybe that's the trick to thinking well of myself. Just keep myself completely covered. Nah, that doesn't work for me. I'll just have to keep on my path of self improvement, until I'm truly happy. I'll get there.

     Speaking of visiting the moms. She waked yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. It was only 5 feet, but that is 5 feet further than she was willing to walk the day before. Her spirits were up, and she was feeling good about herself. It was a day worth celebrating. Today, was a slightly different matter. Her fear set in when I showed up this afternoon, and she was back in a panic mode. When that happens, she fears falling, and fights every movement. When the nurses try to move her from the chair to her bed, she will grab onto something and not let go, which creates a lot of problems when it come to finishing the movement. Fear is a good thing, but not when it takes over your entire being, and that is the state she is in when that happens. This place is so much better than the last one, and that place got her walking really well, so I have no doubts that she will be up and around in a couple of weeks. They are on top of things as far as keeping her active and dealing with her anxiety. I couldn't as for a better place for her to be. There have actually been a few days where she knew who I was, which is shocking in and of itself. I was back to being her brother today though. I'll take that.

     I finally got to eat some blueberries from the garden. I did a lot to protect them until I could pick them. I actually laid out mousetraps around the base of the plant. Not to keep Morty away, which I do believe that he could have been the one eating them, but I think it is more likely some field mice that are living under my neighbors shed. They didn't bother them, so I was able to pick 4 small berries, and they were pretty freaking good.

     There are more growing on the plant, and I can't wait until that plant really grows bigger and produces, but I got some and I ate them.

     I have another picture to show you, which is kind of a proud accomplishment photo. It is of my Aji Colorado Pepper plant. This is a plant that I grew from a seed that I got from a pepper, that my buddy gave me. Whew, that was a long trip to get that information out. Anyway, it has it's first flower on it, which I'm hoping becomes a pepper. This is a milder pepper, but back when I ate it, it scorched my mouth, so I'm really looking forward to the first pepper from this plant, to see if the burn is the same. I'm sure that it won't be, but I grew this from a seed, and it will soon be a fresh pod.

     Seriously, how cool is that? I have two other plants growing from peppers that he gave me. The other is the Aji Fantasy, which has some buds forming, and the Chocolate Habanero, which is still growing and looking better every day. It's going to be a while before it has any pods. That one nearly took me out when I had it, so I'll be looking forward to that one as well. The Fantasy is very mild and full of good flavor. That's going to be a fun one to snack on. Maybe even a good salad pepper. It looks menacing, but it's fluffy little bunny of a pepper.

     I'm taking a rest day tomorrow. The struggle was real on the pull-ups today. I'm feeling a little soreness, and that is my body telling me it needs a rest, so I'm taking the day off tomorrow, and back at it on Saturday.

     I'm calling it a night, tomorrow is full of working on the can stands for the pepper in a can cans. I've been neglecting them because of the weather and what not, but i'm going to knock out the sanding, and routing to get them ready for glue and stain. I'm banking on tomorrow being a great day. I hope you have one too. Peace in and goodnight.

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