Sunday, February 23, 2020

Wait, You Did What With Her

     It's been another up and down weekend, but mostly up. The down part really came for a brief period of time today. That leads me to the moms update. She is doing better, and she was moved to a rehab facility that is much nicer than the last one she was at. You may remember how much I disliked that place and the way they treated her. That's the good news, the bad news is that the hospital didn't notify me that they were moving her when they did. The last communication I had with anyone on the matter was two days ago. They said that it was a possibility, but they would notify me when it was happening. If I had known I would have been there so that it would be an easier transition for her form one place to the other. There was also the fact that they never told me that they found  bed for her at the new facially, so when I was told by a family member that she wasn't in her room, I couldn't be sure of where she was. Oh yeah, I called the case worker, and they still haven't responded to my call. If it wasn't for another family member showing up to the hospital and talking with the nurses to find out where she was, I may still not know. It was fortunate that they were at the hospital and they did go to the rehab to see her and she was doing well. I plan on filing a complaint about this, but I'm sure it won't amount to anything, so I'll probably just be wasting my breath.

     Now for the other part of the weekend. Since I'm alone, and can go places, I accepted an invite to my buddies house this weekend. It was really good to feel like a normal person again, and be social. I got to see all his pepper plants and even try some new peppers as well as some pepper extracts. We had planned on having a little grill out today, which we did have, but last night was a little impromptu invite. Last night was when the heat happened. The original plan was that we were going to make a video of each of us tasting an extract called the source. It's 7.1 million scoville heat units, which is 3.5 times hotter than the hottest pepper known. We ended up trying it last night when I didn't have the camera with me, so sadly you don't get to see us burn our faces off.

     I have to tell you about the peppers before I get into that extract though. He had a pepper that is called the Sugar Rush Peach. The name comes from the color and not the flavor. It is said to be a really flavor pepper, and it lived up to it's hype. When I bit into it, a burst of lemon flavor hit my tongue. The heat started real low and slow. It took a long time for it to reach it's peak, but it wasn't real not to me. It was a real enjoyable burn. I picked one of his Cheiro Roxas, with is another flavor pepper, but everyone says that it is habanero like heat. I think they lied. This was a tiny pepper, about the size of an acorn. It had a really nice crunch to it, and burst of cherry flavor right before a really intense heat hit my throat. This was way hotter than any habanero that I have had. It gave me the cap cramps almost immediately. Despite that, it was also enjoyable. Great flavor with a really intense burn After that I tried an extract called The End. It was not an enjoyable burn. It is 6 million SHU, but the burn wasn't that bad for me. Maybe because I had those other two peppers or maybe it just didn't affect me too bad. The taste was terrible. It was like tasting a chemical, and the burn was way different. It was not enjoyable at all. I should tell you that theses extracts are not meant to be tasted like this. They are supposed to be an additive to make other things hot. You put them in salsa, or a sauce, chili, things like that, but not straight into your mouth.

     After a while he busted out The Source, and said that we had to try it, so I was game. I twisted off the cap and there was a stick dropper attached to it, so I put one drop on the plate and tried to put another single drop on, but two ended up falling. We decided that we would simply dab our fingers into it, and then lick it off. Really not the best laid plan, since our bare skin was involved, but we did it anyway. It lit him up almost immediately. I felt the chemical like burn, but it wasn't too bad. I'm not saying this to sound tough, it's the truth of it. I honestly felt that the tiny cherio that I ate packed more of a punch. I also felt bad, like he maybe got more on his finger than i did, so went back in for another dab, and made sure that it was double what I originally had. The burn was a little worse, but still no what I expected, so I did something really stupid. I wiped up the entire rest of the drop, which was a lot, and sucked it down. That burn was more like what I expected, I ended up having cramps 3 times. It would come in some pretty intense waves that doubled me over. I can tell you this, don't do that, and as bad as it was, it was still better than the aftermath of the One Chip Challenge. Once again, I didn't like this burn, it was too chemical, and the flavor was something like licorice. It just wasn't good, and I fully realize now that I'm not an extract or hot sauce guy. I've never liked hot sauces because of the vinegar flavor in them, this extract is a whole other bad flavor. Even with that, I will try more extracts just to test how far I can go. I've taken 7.1 million SHU, and I lived to tell about it. I honestly had a believe that it was possible with that much heat, that I would have passed out, but it didn't happen, and my tolerance is clearly at a high level now, in what I believe is a really short time.

     With all that insane level extract being tasted, I ended up still being a little afraid to eat a chocolate ghost pepper, that I picked from one of his plants. I don't know why, but it just intimidated me,, so I still have it in the kitchen. I'm going to eat it whole, but I seemed to feel that 3 hot to super hot peppers was a little too much for me. I did get a tasted of it today. When I went back over for the grill out, we made burgers with chopped up chocolate ghost peppers in them. Before he mixed them in the ground beef, I took a small piece to see what it tastes like. I always like to know flavors of things before tasting them in something. It lets me have an idea of how things are going to blend. Since I only had a small piece, the burn wasn't intense at all. it was more like I knew it was there, and I can say that it was the best tasting chocolate pepper I've had. It had a nice sweet fruity flavor to it, which I didn't expect. All the other chocolates I've tried have an earthy smokey flavor, so this was a very nice surprise. He also made stuffed mushrooms with habaneros that I brought over, and those habaneros packed more of a kick than the ghost in the burgers. It could have been the heat of the grill burning off some of the capsaicin in the burgers. I'm not sure, but I'll let you know what the ghost really does when I eat the whole pepper.

     I had a great time over at my buddies house. I got to play with his kids a bit, and he has this really fluffy cat that gave me a hug and muzzled my beard, which was very delightful, and I left tonight with a car load of cooking stuff. His wife was a rep for this kitchenware company and she had a bunch of extra stuff, so I got the benefit of the left overs, and it's going to up my cooking game big time. They are two of the kindest and best people you will ever meet, and I'm glad to have them in my life. Peace in and goodnight.

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